Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Janice Gin Future Unknown; KCBS No-Personality Thomas and Shafer Morning Drive

The mystery of Janice Gin's future is making the rounds. Where's she going, what's her future? Did she just retire? No one knowsjust yet.

I was told by a reliable media source that she gave her notice to the ABC aff in Hawaii she'd been working as ND for the past five years.

* At KCBS another (truly bizarre Tuesday morning)--even by wacky/pathetic KCBS standards.

Low energy/benign non-morning-drive, personality-devoid Eric Thomas worked the shift with equally dull and benign, Margie Shafer.

Shafer doesn't talk to Thomas and Thomas doesn't talk to Shafer. It's bizarre, like an NPR duo has more personality. That's a hard chore.

The two exude about as much energy as a Turlock strip mall.

But Tuesday was worse. Thomas is a terrible ad-libber and when he tries to joke, it's even worse because he's not funny. And he consistently flubs his copy. Shafer seems like, "what the hell am I doing here kinda mode?"

We feel your pain, Margie.

*By the way, the dimbulb AM drive sports anchor failed to give both the Giants and A's baseball scores --all morning long!


  1. Only KTVU could make the inducement of a former president boring. And their SECOND story is about the death of a drag queen. And they went on and on with it, like Leonardo da Vinci died.

    1. Also, somebody has to tell "political correspondent" Greg Lee that the phrase "a former sitting president" makes no sense. He's either a sitting president or a former president.

    2. I don't know Eric Thomas...but I used to work with Margie Shafer. She is neither "dull", nor "benign". She has covered more stories and been in harm's way literally thousands of times. You seem to think that mindless chatter and "chemistry" is the way to cover the news. It isn't.

    3. I've never doubted Ms. Shafer's credibility; far from it. I've said, in my opinion, as a morning drive personality and news anchor, there is passion and presence involved. An ingredient that Thomas lacks and is lacking is Ms. Shafer, again, my opinion and which I stand by.

      You obviously don't read me but thanks for your opinion.

    4. Obviously 5:27 *does* read you. Dull means lacking passion. You’re just playing semantics.

    5. Someone should mention to Danno that Trump did not appear in court "voluntarily".

  2. Your daily dose of KTVU patheticness:

    During last night's 10pm news, they introduced the "West Coast Wrap." A segment with all the meaningless stories from other affiliates that have zero relevance here. A car chase in LA, a tree falling on a home in Oregon, etc.

    This isn't new; it's just smoke and mirrors. A good chunk of their newscasts is already meaningless crap from various affiliates. Still, apparently, they think they're being clever by lumping them all together and giving it some catchy name.

    Bonus patheticness:

    On Friday, they ran a story about a group of socio-disadvantaged teens from West Oakland going on a trip to Hawaii. This is an excellent story for many reasons; however, ktvu has run this same story (unedited package) for the past FIVE DAYS. They aired it again this morning on Mon2. Is there no other news to report?

    1. 5 days? Call the Guinness Book of Bordom Records!

    2. 10:28am, Haven't you heard? KTVU sucks ass!

    3. Exactly! Imagine how bored those anchors must be reading the same crap over and over for days on end.

    4. Ktvu used to be a legacy station. Now they’re just another follower. It’s sad to see. I faves years of my life to that station and now I’m watching amber Melinda. Simone and kelly destroy it. It makes me sick. I get that Frank had issues. But during him for wanting to point out … with facts… that the gabby petito coverage was biased was wrong on every level. And the station has paid a steep price. All of his newscasts were number one. Now I don’t believe any of them r number one. Then getting rid of Ibanez. Are they crazy. It’s just sad. No actually it’s pathetic.

  3. But Tuesday was worse. Thomas is a terrible ad-libber and when he tries to joke, it's even worse because he's not funny. And he consistently flubs his copy. Shafer seems like, "what the hell am I doing here kinda mode?"

    100% right Rich!

  4. Rich are you sure you are not describing the KNBR morning nitwits? They could not ad lib/toss in a laugh maker if their lives depended on it.
    Maybe KCBS should trade Shafer and Thomas for Smurph n Slack. I guaranty KNBR would be more informative sports-wise and funnier too.

  5. If Janice has any brains she's just leaving the profession behind. Actually, calling it a profession nowadays is a joke in itself.

  6. seriously,aliens are visible in those ''tornado'' videos. light orbs and ''flashes''fake ''lightning''.anyway , on california ave in palo alto there is ''izzy's bagels'' just of el camino.not a bagel expert but their cream cheese bagel sandwiches lots of this frothy cream cheese oin the toasted bagel sandwiches .it was less than 6 dollars for 2 bagel sandwiches. seemed pretty good sandwiches but not a bagel shop expert. thought it would be 8 dollars or something ,a little less than 6 dollars.so 2 bagel sandwiches is cgheaper than almost any other snack sandwich thing.there is almost too much creanm cheese they put...they could get away with less. cheaper than any burrito or wraps which can be 12 to 16 dollars lately. anyway,check ''ufosightingsdaily'',scott warings site for updates on the unreported by the media,''alien orbs''. btw,my mother was jewish and knew famous educators,but she died young.

  7. Solo Eric Thomas today. No show Margie Shafer. KCBS is getting so painfull to listen to.

  8. I thought the traffic anchors were an improvement over Thomas. He's relentlessly bad and increasingly befuddled by the ongoing technical glitches. Thomas is embarrassing in the Ask an Expert series especially when he's solo. Were Thomas and Shafer working from home? Maybe they didn't know who else was on the air with them.

  9. I went to college with Janice in the ‘70s. Hope she’s doing well.
