Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday Sunny; KCBS Using Traffic Anchors as News Readers; Meh; Shane Guiness Worse Than Eric Thomas; Janice Gin Destination in a Perfect World; Sunday Talk Shows Dreck Central; Somerville Post-Mortem Blah; KCSM Jazz and Get Out the Coffee/Bagels

SUNDAY CITY--This old town

IT'S SO BAD at KCBS they have to use traffic reporters as news anchors! Which given the state of KCBS, isn't such a huge surprise nor a diminishing of the product. It's alreadey a crappy listen and daily train wreck, some days worse than others.

Audacy is so CHEAP they don't want to hire full time anchors and reporters, (very few if any)--and KCBS itself is being run into the ground by an incompetent, useless PD/ND who recently bragged to a newsroom snitch how easy it is to man the station with thrifty as her pedigree. Maybe why she gets bonues from corporate? Bingo.

Right, Jenny Seelig? Pronto.

I guess she didn't see the latest ratings.

Shane Guiness is the latest whack-a-mole anchor, a traffic fill-in who sounds as if he just graduated high school and is super happy on his way to the senior prom. It's past the point of embarrassing. Guiness has done the impossible: he's worse than Eric Thomas if that's possible.

*In a perfect world, Janice Gin would become the new ND at either ABC7, (KGO) or KRON, her most previous address before she left town to run KITV in Hawaii--I've been told that Gin gave notice and is about to split The Islands. Who knows where.

*The Streets of SF, near the Embarcadero especially, are largely a GHOST TOWN now. Sad beyond a reasonable doubt, what would "the guy" from the HOJ say now? "Buddy boy, we got it rough!"--paging Karl Malden.

*As I scribble this now, I'm missing a staple on Sunday morn, the "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd. It used to be appointment viewing and now it's a Sunday irritant. The other shows aren't very good either. I had high hopes for Margaret Brennan on CBS' "Face the Nation", but that show has regressed too. And ABC's "This Week?" Don't get me started.

*I KNEW the Frank Somervcille interview/bruhaha would be a one-day story and even a lesser item that it became.

I wrote it lengthy and detailed because I thought it was legitimate big news. It was. But it devalued into a momentary smidgenfest and disappeared almost the nanosecond it ended.

Somerville auditioned for KRON and they got their two-minute ratings bump. Sort of. Frank failed miserably although he lobbed KRON a trial balloon. Industry reaction: he's done.

*Sunday JAZZ on KCSM is a good way to start the day and get your mind at ease. Baseball from NY where DA GIANTS hunt down the DAMN YANKEES! I'll make the coffee, you make the bagels and lox, just red onions and a few capers, please.


  1. I won't go near the Embarcadero after the mob rubbed out Steve McQueen's trial witness down there in Bullitt.

    1. Me neither. I saw "It Came From Beneath The Sea". I saw what that giant octopus did to the Embarcadero and GGB.
      That sumbitch is still lurking in the bay somewhere.Calling Cthulhu?Nope.

    2. is the Hotel Daniel still down there, or was it demlished after the earthquake?

  2. YES! Shane Guiness is DEPLORABLE! I would rather have dead air-time than listen to him.....and, BTW, Eric Thomas was solo anchor on early drive-time this past week (where is Margie Shafer??), and he did quite well!

  3. I still haven't watched Frank's interview, and I won't be.

  4. KCBS musical "broken" chairs. What a $%#@ mess.

  5. I would listen to Shane any day over Don Bastida, the voice that resonates with mice everywhere.

  6. Plain and simple: San Francisco is going to hell. The ultra liberals have turned the once proud city into a cesspool of filth. Who wants to come to San Francisco when there's a strong chance they'll get their windows smashed and contents stolen or welcomed by a cadre of homeless people? And then there's the police, whose hands are tied because they aren't allowed to properly practice law.

    Let's also not forget KCBS in all of this. This once proud station has fallen right along with San Francisco. They only joy I had listening to them this morning was not listening to the real estate agent known as Lisa Chen. Liz St. John is fine on the ears. She knows how to deliver the news and to maintain consistent audio levels, unlike the real estate agent.

    1. To anonymous, 2:43PM who said, "And then there's the police, whose hands are tied because they aren't allowed to properly practice law."
      The police do not "practice law". They enforce laws, maintain public order and manage public safety. Come on Dude. Even a homeless person knows that.

    2. Remember the motto; " To Serve and Protect" is a lie. Serve, yes. Protect no.

  7. Why the heck would anyone leave Hawaii to take a job in SF right now?

    1. Just noticed Rick Quan is an anchor for Janice Gin's former Hawaii news station.

  8. I was driving in Santa Rosa and coming back from Santa Rosa. How do they get traffic information? On Saturday the person giving info in the afternoon didnt know where traffic problems were. Dont they have computer imformation from CHP? Seems bizarre that a traffic person doesnt know where problems are but says" there is a problem on the roads not sure where?"

    1. KCBS uses the CHP website for traffic incidents and relies on the "phone force" aka drivers on the roads to be their eyes

    2. I use Google Maps... they show traffic and accidents.

    3. All of us that do traffic use the CHP Cad website, Quick maps and call TMC when we have a question. The CHP CAD is the tool everyone uses since it's what the dispatchers are sending out to CHP officers.

  9. Before you drive anywhere in CALIF, look at

    The budget cutbacks are hitting everywhere, and every employee should be aware they might be on the next layoff.

    Were I a taxpayer in SF I would ask for a rebate - the trash, the deplorable sanitation, the widespread car break-ins, the blight - these conditions need to be addressed by the powers that be. They’ll give lip service about these problems to any radio/tv reporter, but once the microphone disappears they’ll go back to their crossword and latté.

  10. If you want traffic updates today, the internet or smart phone is your friend.

    1. Yeah, most new cars have CarPlay and Android Auto... best to use your phone.

  11. Ford to stop putting AM radios in cars:

    1. Others as well. AM radio dead in 25 years.

  12. KPIX, KTVU or KROn should make a play for Rick Quan. He's killin it as the lead anchor (news; not sports). He still has his home in Oakland.

  13. @April 2, 2023 at 4:22 PM Hawaii TV news is based on the island of Oahu, where the city of Honolulu is. It's essentially being in LA or SF but closer to the water. Won't get the true HI experience unless you go to the big island or Kauai. Quan was at KITV earlier in his career, he may want to ride into the sunset closer to home.

  14. Speaking of Sunday talk shows, I curious about your readers views of Jen Psaki's new show.

    1. There is 1 show I will never watch. I don't think I've turned that network on in decades.

  15. I was surprised when I heard those new guys on KCBS and I remember thinking that at least they aren't as bad as Thomas.
