Saturday, April 1, 2023

Respected Bay Area News Director, Janice Gin, Leaving Hawaii; Former KRON -KTVU Exec

Veterna Bay Area ND, Janice Gin, has given notice --she'll be leaving Hawaii's ABC affiliate, KITV for parts unknown.

Gin was mainstay at KRON and has a multi-decade career in news management. Everybody that knows her, knows of her,had told me she is a solid exec.

I was told of her latest transaction and immediately thought how great a move if she found a home at a Bay Area station.

I'll check around.


  1. I believe she was at KTVU for a while but didn't stay long.

  2. Ms Gin was at KTVU for 13 years as well. During part of its halcyon days. Could she be headed back there to right the sinking ship? One could only hope.

  3. I worked with her at KTVU and she is top notch. Hope she finds a good spot. Barbara Simpson

    1. Barbara, call me. I have a great idea for a show. The Barbara and Frank Show.

      Frank S.
      (Not related to Peter Felch)

  4. The KTVU Ship can't be fixed while under fox corporate ownership. New York makes the decisions.

  5. Janice is great! Smart, strong. personable and respected! Where ever she goes, she’ll be a star!

  6. Wherever she lands, I hope she will be enjoying life and feeling good. By all the comments, she sounds like an intelligent , capable, and nice person. My hat is off to her! Good Luck !!

  7. Just back from a spring break in Hawaii. KITVs news product was terrible compared to the other TV stations. Not sure if that has to do with ownership (Allen Media) or not. Hoping she can revitalize any of the SF Bay Area stations should she choose to return.

  8. I hope Janice stays far away from Bay Area stations. As a lowly writer under her I told her a story we were about to air was wrong. "One of our reporters - who knew nothing of science - was about to say we'd discovered life on Mars," in fact NASA had discovered chemicals that could form the building blocks for life. She told me to shut-up and go back to my desk. I went to the science reporter and he was horrified and got her to pull the script. Someone who tells a subordinate, who is saving the station from a huge error should say thank you a deal with it, not tell the writer to go back to their desk and shut-up.
