Saturday, April 1, 2023

Saturday, In the Park; Marty Lurie Baseball Chicken Soup; Jon Miller Leaner and Meaner, (Good) Ken Korach Too


LISTENING TO Marty Lurie on Saturday moening--a good, chicken soup recipe for AM tranquility.

Some of you complain about Marty, I don't. He's comfort food for the soul. And he's genuine too. I know first hand. Marty, a nice Brooklyn lawyer who loves baseball. And he's the Giants' MVP in my book. When Lurie talks baseball, I listen and cleanse the mind.

I know he's not for everyone, but he's consistent. Of course he's not perfect, but remember, Babe Ruth was traded.

*Jon Miller sounded a bit more grounded. Less time, thanks to new MLB rules, means less time between batters. Which means Miller had to tighten up the words, he's good, of course he is but sounded far more crisper on Opening Day, advantage listener.

Adios, excess.

*Across the bay, Ken Korach was his usual awesome self with vigor and uber-enthusiam. The most exciting Oakland A.

Saturday morning sunshine and some blue skies, breathe a little and enjoy your day.


  1. Like you Rich, I love the wit and wisdom Marty Lurie imparts. And I enjoy any conversation in which Jon Miller speaks. He is a Hall of Famer - and Marty belongs in the BASHOF.
    It is hard to change the station when Blues by the Bay is on (KPFA 94.1 with the GREAT Tom Mazzolini), but luckily we get a couple of doses of Marty and Jon and Bill Lasky every weekend.

    1. That is a great idea: Marty in the BASHOF and maybe the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame as well.

  2. A podcast I was listening to had that same exact point where broadcasters stories would be more economical due to the new rules. Korach >Miller but I like em both and Marty on a weekend morning....well that’s baseball ⚾️.

  3. The best thing about KNBR is Midnight Baseball. I love driving into work with the game on at 2 am. It’s the best thing they’ve ever done

  4. Marty puts me to sleep

  5. As one who has worked in Bay Area television for forty years I have had many opportunities to have conversations with Marty Lurie. He's always ready to share his knowledge and the most affable sports personality I've had the pleasure to have met. Truly a treasure.

  6. I like Marty better when he was on the A’s side. And Korach > Miller. Much better. In fact Korach is the best baseball broadcaster no one has ever heard of.

  7. Can't stand the owner of A's, but Cotroneo and Korach are really good.

  8. Can't wait for Jon Miller starts calling those Cutters!!!
    Palo Alto
