Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday Flash: Dan Ashley Secret ABC7 Deal Amid Disney Slashing; Beil Feud Toxic; Circle7 Inner Strife; NBC Bay Area Looks Can Fool; Wang/Asistio No Laugh at Joke; Rick Quan Loves Hawaii, But...; CBS News Hottie, Jericka Duncan Spotted at KPIX


Dan Ashley's growing influence at KGO, (Circle7) is enough to indicate his extension is in the bag. Ashley, (pictured with Rob Reiner) has quietly signed a new deal--this, at a time when Disney is about to slash its ABC TV stations, (including ESPN) and become even leaner.

All that said, Ashley enters ABC7 as not only the face of the station but its BIGGEST bread winner: he makes north of $600K a-year. Take that, meathead!

Nothing is official and ABC/Disney hasn't even announced the new deal in part because they don't want to piss off the rank and file. On the other hand just about everyone knows...around Disney, it's a small world, after all.

One of the first peeps to call Dano? Terilyn Joe, a former ABC7 anchor and close, close Ashley confidant, he'd read her the teleprompter in a more, shall we say, personal way.

*DON'T INVITE Ashley to a coffee with Larry Beil.

The rancor that exists between the two, quiet as it is, is very much toxic and turbulent.

Ashley, the nicest guy in the world who rarely has anything bad to say about anybody, DETESTS Beil; why? Beil's rush to swoop in and take Dano's seat had he split the studio.

Beil is an egotistical, conniving, arrogant schmuck who once went beind the back of Mark Ibanez at KTVU. A real jerkomatic.

Publicly, Dan puts up with Larry but behind the scenes? Oh baby now, we got trouble.

*Go south down to San Jose --NBC Bay Area's studio 1 and picture this: Janelle Wang and Audrey Asistio with friend: a producer shouts "there's more pumps here than a Shell station!"--he was joking,. They weren't laughing,don't let the picture fool you.

*Rick Quan is happy, enjoying life as "Mr Hawaii TV"--the former Bay Area (KPIX/KGO anchor) loves The Islands --but he also loves the Bay Area and should he get a decent offer to come back to town? Helllllllooooo Oakland!

Quan is a good guy with loads of good will and niceness in a business that is increasingly mad and sordid.

*OU LA LA, CBS News anchor/super reporter, Jericka Duncan, was spotted outside the PIX/CBS building on 855 Battery, Tuesday and don't ask me, why, yet, but I should know very soon.


  1. Pumps? Was Raj around?

    1. Raj is a professional skirt chaser. I'm sure he was around, just off camera waiting to "shoot his shot" with each.

    2. 'Meet me at the hotel, ladies...' - The Indian Walter Cronkite (For drinks!!!...Janelle won't mind. lol)

    3. Three is company....too!!!

    4. I've got T.J. Holmes on speed dial. - Raj

      He's coming out of several relationships/entanglements so......Let's Party!!!

  2. Jericka Duncan ain't coming to least not of her own accord. She makes more and has a higher profile at CBS. There's no incentive for her to come here. So she won't be.

  3. With what Ashley's new deal supposedly will end up paying him, to me, with this news, and all the continuing talk about Dion Lim being offered megabucks to go to either LA or NY, I just wonder if she is missing the boat by not doing something to increase her pay while the iron is hot. Considering the amounts you were saying she was offered for NY or LA, I am thinking she could end up making Dan Ashley money even if she stays at KGO...

    1. I cannot believe that Dion Lim is comparably likable or talented enough to earn that kind of money. Personally I can't stand her. Does she really have that many fans? I wouldn't miss her at all if she left. I would welcome it, TBH.

    2. Yep, Dion Lim does nothing for me either. Nor does Mike Mibach. Meh.

  4. To borrow gratuitously from the O'jays; (They smilin' in your face)
    All the time, they want to take your place
    The back stabbers (Back stabbers). Beil is nothing but an obnoxious rodeo clown. Ashley owns the spot. Larry, go get your shine box and buff the hide to a mirror finish!

  5. Anyone, who might that 3rd woman be in the photo with Asistio and Wang. The woman looks familiar, perhaps from the NBC network or a temp/guest reporter on KNTV, but I don't know.

    Is the word "pumps" for high-heeled shoes still common or has it become dated? I think dated.

    1. Gia Vang. Current NBC Bay Area Weekend Anchor.

    2. The 3rd woman in the photo, who Rich referred to as "friend", is the KNTV evening weekend anchor, Gia Vang.

    3. Gia Vang. Thanks. I went to the wrong channel's website at first. No wonder I didn't find her initially (went to ABC7 instead of NBCBayArea!).

  6. Where's Emma Goss in the photo?

    Nevermind. I forgot she's on "leave" for the bazillionth time since joining KNTV late last year.

    1. Um, she was on KNTV last night, the top of the 5:00. She struck me as kind of snotty. She'd make a good compliment to Mike Mibach. And imagine Larry Beil doing sports! Heaven.

    2. If she's back on air that means it's only a matter of time before she takes another one of her leaves.

  7. I caught a little bit of cattiness between Janelle and Audrey the last 2 weeks. I don’t know Janelle’s contract status but me thinks Audrey will push Janelle aside when the opportunity arises.

    1. They are trading Janelle in on a newer model with accessories

  8. I have been to Hawai’i once, after age 65. I saw Rick Quan giving scores and was happy he was still smiling and enjoying life. He is one guy every bay area station would love to have.
    I’d question his sanity if he came back here, but even long time islanders get the fever every so often. It is said “Vegas is the 7th island”, but how, and in what way, is beyond imagination. I hope RQ is happy right where he us. 🙏

  9. ***Go south down to San Jose --NBC Bay Area's studio 1 and picture this: Janelle Wang and Audrey Asistio with friend: a producer shouts "there's more pumps here than a Shell station!"

    In his defense Audrey Asistio went wayyyyyyyyyy too large. Now I have the urge to listen to a little Dolly Parton.

    1. "I'd like somebody to go down south..." Hey Yo! That's what she said! = )

  10. Julie H on KTVU's 4:00. Has she been demoted?

  11. Never liked Larry Beil ever since he jumped on Leslie Griffith at KTVU when she accidentally read a opening sports line and he didn't liked it; knew he was (and is) an A-Holio then, was happy when he went east for a while so why are you back? Oh, maybe they don't like you back East

    1. Wasn’t that the Bentley driving guy, or did both jerks do it?

    2. Naw, Radich is much nicer

  12. What was Jericka Duncan doing outside of KPIX'

    1. Probably here for a story or a long weekend. It’s common courtesy to stop by the local station.

  13. I'd like to see Rick Quan return to the Bay Area, though it sounds like he's living and working the good life. I met him once, down around the beach in Santa Cruz. He's a really nice guy.

  14. Glad to see Rick Quan is still active, once again KPIX screws a good person.

  15. Rick still has his home in the Oakland Hills/he never sold it.

  16. Audrey Asistio has “presence.”

  17. It’s quite someone for CBS News (national) talent to stop in at 855 Battery. The network has long kept a “flash” studio with editing facilities and a producer. It’s likely Duncan was working on a story on the Bay Area and stopped in to feed it to NYC. No biggee.
