Thursday, March 30, 2023

Another Shit Show Wednesday Night on KCBS; "Police Activity" BS Run Amok; Carolyn Burns Da Worst; KTVU Scores Conde Rice To Counteract Somerville on KRON; ABC7's Dan Noyes Funny Twitter Story; Heggen Tells Darren Peck Stay Off My Lawn; Darya Folsom Not So Pretty in Pink; Dave Flemming Contract Year, Will Giants Extend; Thursday Wash

The TYPICAL KCBS BS in evidence Wed. Night---again! To no one's surprise.

Around 10: 30 PM, an initial report of "police activity" shutting down eastbound 580 in Oakland--with several, repeated reports from the traffic anchor of, yes, "police activity" throughout the night and into the wee hours of the morning.

Turns out a motorist was shot and was dead at the scene. Which resulted in the shutdown of the freeway and caused gridlock. Too bad if you were listening and had no idea what caused the police activity. But keep in mind we're dealing with the worst, alleged news radio station in the Bay Area, a daily/nightly embarrassment.

*Carolyn Burns, the overnight traffic tonsil, is, uh, that, uh, uh, the WORST. My goodness, what a train wreck.

*To counter-act the KRON Exclusive on Tuesday night--which featured the Frank Somerville interview, KTVU ran an exclu of its own, Condoleeza Rice. The early internal numbers indicate a virtual tie --but the official ratings will be known on Friday.

*Dan Noyes of ABC7 tried to interview Alameda County DA, Pamela Price, the other day and couldn't get his deed done but told a funny story on Twitter, outlining his adventure.

*Paul Heggen, the main weather anchor at KPIX, is quietly FEUDING with Darren Peck, the little man with big problems, mainly an EGO the size of Scott Warren's desk. Heggen told Warren to put a leash, (sort of) on The Pecker's persona otherwise he might have a personal high-pressure system awaiting Pecker's face.

Yeah, Peck is a jerk, you should know that and you just did.

*I didn't see it but a KRONvict tells me Darya Folsom was channeling a "midwest, hookerish" look on KRON's Thursday mornimg news; Darya apparrntly thinks she's entitled again but pretty-in-pink isn't in the handbook.

*Dave Flemming, in NY today covering the Giants-Yankees Opening Day, is in the FINAL YEAR of his four-year deal--his extension is on Larry Baer's desk to be signed but Lockstep wants more Giants'love from Flemm because Flemm has been a lot busy lately on ESPN.

Advantage, Flemming.


  1. Peck suffers from textbook Short Man Syndrome. Never met one that didn't have it. Overcompensate for their diminutive stature. Being a tall person, you can see the attitude before the person. I always thought it best to avoid these types. Knowing you can physically drop-kick them like a football or stuff them headfirst into a mailbox was enough for me. Angry and argumentative. Poor bastard.

    1. While I agree that Peck has a little more personality than Heggen and dresses more nicely, I am glad Heggen did this. If anything, Rich quoted Peck many times that his bloated ego & little man syndrome can land him up in big trouble the more he does so. I hope Peck does not get fired from PIX - Scott Warren should talk to him on how to control his behavior. Heggen being a dog guy told Scott to put a leash 😂😂 You literally just cracked me up Rich, given that Heggen is a dog lover.

      The times I hate it when Peck just says “see ya” after they thank him - A “yes”, “sure”, “you bet”, “mm hmm” are good with me.

      I see he has some ego and not comfortable when filling in on the morning show; when Mary Lee did, it was much better. Evening shows he seems to be fine, maybe at 11 he just ignores the BS Sara puts on.

      I already told months ago on the weekend evenings, he sounded like he was angry when talking about the temperatures, saying things like “Concord, I’m talking to you”. Also he does not greet “Good morning” on the air or on KCBS, some small detail says something about his persona. Others will greet you like say Dave Spahr, Mary Lee, Jessica Burch, etc. I know this is minor but it only describes so much about him.

      Heggen is more humble and I don’t think he is bland, it was nice to have him back as he put the forecasts in a straightforward way with absolutely no ego. If he can just lose the jeans and tan blazer on air daily, then I’m good.

      Last but not least - Peck has lately been taking over the Weather Extra segments. It’s been a while Heggen has done it and I’d like to see a few from Heggen who also does a great job.

  2. Rich, are you saying a motorist was shot on the freeway and KCBS didn’t report this? That seems like a big news story, but maybe it’s getting so routine on Bay Area freeways that it isn’t considered breaking news. I bet if a driver had not been vaxed, KCBS would have broken into regular programming with an alert - followed a few minutes later by a pharma ad.

  3. KCBS is in a sad state of affairs. I don't think there is any hope for this only bay area news station.

  4. I make it a point to watch the Sat/Sun KPIX News JUST for Peck’s weather segment. It’s the best on TV, entertaining and informative. I’m sure his ego is huge, but the man is spot on

  5. Flemming might want to show more of a commitment to the team. He’s headed to Augusta, Ga., and the Masters next week and missing home opener. He can’t have it both ways.

  6. As a traffic reporter it is very difficult to get the CHP traffic management center to tell you anything about "police activity." It could mean anything from a shooting to a high speed chase to a standoff with a gunman or a person threatening suicide. It's the newsroom's job to try and find out what's going on by 1) sending a reporter or 2) doing beat calls to local police and trying to get them to make a statement.

    1. "It's the newsroom's job to try and find out what's going on by 1) sending a reporter or 2) doing beat calls to local police and trying to get them to make a statement. "

      And most news stations today no longer have the manpower to do either of those, sadly.

  7. Advantage: KRON. No one wants to hear about what Rice has to say.

    1. and you know this how, exactly 1:15? Are you the decider of what "everyone" thinks?

    2. Disgruntled Clinton voter.

    3. Even fewer want to hear about what Somerville has to say.

    4. > Disgruntled Clinton voter.

      Yeah, and this morning Republicans are saying they can’t believe an ex-president is being persecuted “over sex.” They sure didn’t say this 25 years ago.

    5. 11:26 - it was perjury. Similar to lying to the FBI, which is a fave of the Biden justice dept.

  8. coldhandswarmheartMarch 30, 2023 at 1:17 PM

    Darren Peck reminds me of Mike Mibach. Pretty boy who thinks he's charming who has gotten by on smarmy good looks, only for people realize their beauty is only skin deep. 'Frat boy talking heads with no authentic personality and substance.'

    1. You think Peck has smarmy good looks? Please get your glasses checked. And Heggen is a killer, so Peck better watch out.

    2. Peck is nowhere like Mibach. In my opinion, Mibach has zero emotion or passion for delivering the news and appears like he doesn’t want to be there.

      Peck might be like that in terms of his looks but he is very passionate in his field of weather. He is a jerk but his presentation and personality are usually on point.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Speaking of KCBS traffic reporting in the old days you can depend on it 100% navigating around the Bay Area avoiding slowdowns and problem areas; nowadays it is totally undependable and you will run smack into problem areas with no guidance from KCBS; better off keeping 511 on your vehicle's voice activated calling

  11. Condelesa Rice,= war criminal
    What a fraud of a FOX interview to" honor women's history month"

    1. Condi Rice, whether you like her or not, is a significant figure in the History of American women and accomplishment. She was first female National Security Advisor and first female US Sec'y of State. It's hardly a "fraud" for KTVU or any other news org doing Women's History month pieces to interview her.

    2. Thank you Christine for putting politics aside and acknowledging someone's accomplishments. You have gained a new fan.

      In other news an old picture of you popped up on my ebay feed the other day. I don't want to trigger the trolls so I'll just say...nice!

    3. Actually the first female secretary of state was Madeleine Albright.

    4. > She was first female National Security Advisor and first female US Sec'y of State.

      Maddie Albright says hello

    5. Re: Christine Craft 3/30 at 3:28PM
      Since we are touting her accomplishments, she also is the first woman to have an oil tanker named after her while sitting on the Chevron board of directors.

  12. Matt Bigler covered at 5a.

  13. Darren Peck with Pete Giddings traits?

  14. Flem is white enough, but not old enough for baseball. Comeback when you are at least 70, Dave.

  15. What do you mean by he should get off his lawn? He was filling in for many days last week for crying out loud. It’s just Mondays and Tuesdays (if not filling in for Heggen) that he is there at noon & 3pm. Who else should fill instead? Mary Lee?

    If anything he deserves to go back to double shifting on weekends (if KPIX wants to go back that route) and still be a fill-in for Heggen when he is out.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. from Z in Emeryville

    Unless I missed something, I have not hear Pat Thurston or Alyssa Clancy on KCBS radio for some time now. Also hearing a lot of new voices. Is something hoinh on?

    1. I heard Pat just tonight, for the first time ever. She's TERRIBLE. I turned it off.

  18. "But keep in mind we're dealing with the worst, alleged news radio station in the Bay Area" -- they're the ONLY ONE (not counting KQED FM). KCBS wins the booby prize by default. I'll bet if KNX in LA would've had something on this sooner than KCBS in SF. How moronish is that?

  19. If the Giants are smart they'd let Flemming go. He's mediocre at best with his paly-by-play regardless of the sport. Hit the road Dave! Larry Baer isn't signing that extension any time soon.

    1. Giants' first order of business should be get rid of Larry Baer then wipe out the entire broadcasting staff. I've enjoyed K & K for years but they've gotten stale and should be put out to pasture. As far as I am concerned Jon Miller should never had been hired to begin with.

    2. Watch next giant anouncer FP santagelo.Ugh

  20. Who needs Frank Somerville when you have Mike Mibach with his weird smirk, disingenuous expressions, odd Julius Cesar hairstyle, pants that are 8” too short, and perceptual look of constipation?

    Fun fact, a buddy of mine went to school with Mibach back in the 90’s and to this day remembers Mibach was obsessed with ‘moobs’ (man boobs).

    1. He's clearly a douche and has a wife and a kid. Shows you the type of men women are attracted to. But we're supposed to feel sorry for them when they discover they married a dick. Boo-hoo.

    2. Mike "Moobs" Mibach has a nice ring to it.

  21. Christine Craft - Madeleine Albright was the 1st female Secretary of State

    1. you expect accuracy from craft?

  22. I like Heggen, Peck, Mary Lee. They all do a fine job, quite often educating me. They’ll earn their money this summer by inventing new variations of “fog at the coast, hot inland”.
    These folks give us the weather report folks. Lighten up! They are working stiffs like the rest of us; some days we are chumps and some days we are Champs.
    I have found that when I felt slighted at work, my ego felt bruised. When I caught on that I am a run of the mill kook, I left my ego in the cloak room. No more uptightness! 🙏

    1. Agreed they deliver the reports well. But one difference between Peck and the rest of the weather team at PIX is that Peck has too much air time. Sometimes what takes about 30 seconds wastes a couple of minutes.

      Heggen and Lee get straight on the details and put the forecast in a very straightforward way. What annoyed me last week was that Peck did NOT bother to show the drought monitor or many items like Heggen or Lee or Burch (or Hackney) would and waste more airtime. Remember on KCBS he tends to get way too much air time I don’t know why.

      Burch is also straight on the details and does a very crisp job of it. If she wants to get certified she can work with one of the more senior meteorologists that can help her get there.

  23. You wanna talk about your shit shows. Trump is indicted and I didn't see anybody (now, I admit I didn't watch every channel, but I watched several) do the obvious: stick a microphone in front of people in different places and ask them what they think. Go to some conservative enclaves (they exist, even in the Bay Area), go to Republican strongholds, see if people still see themselves voting for him in 2024? Is that too hard? Instead we get lots of file footage and still photos of Trump and rehashes of the whole Stormy Daniels thing.

  24. Fire Baer, and I’ll go to a few games.

  25. Condoleeza Rice...should be wearing orange and rotting in a SuperMax, along with Rove, Cheney, Georgie-Porgie and Rummie. Traitors, all of them. They make Aaron Burr look honorable.

  26. Pamela Price has the same disgusting mentality of Gascon and Bragg combined with the obnoxious, abrasive personality of Lori Lightfoot. If you thought the east bay was a shit-show now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

  27. The big scandal is the age issue. Trump is 76 and he wants everyone to think he did this with Stormy yesterday. If you do the math, he was actually 59! He's trying to use this to his advantage --- wink, wink, Look at what I can do guys! Totally deflecting HIS age issue.

    1. The Fed and administration created an inflationary nightmare, consumer debt has reached an all time high of 1T$, fake proxy war in all, but this matters?

      Look! SQUIRREL!!

  28. Maybe KCBS should switch to Mariachi music from 8 pm to 5 am, and stop gaslighting listeners into thinking they can rely on it for breaking local news during those hours?

  29. Ugh. Was just trying to listen to KCBS. The report they were giving about Trump cut out ever few seconds. Real great radio.

  30. Darren Peck likely in his recorded weekend morning versions (or CBS I should say) is cutting off the 2nd page of the 7 day forecast. A few people were complaining about North Bay weather not showing up.

  31. Paul Heggen for once was wearing khaki pants on the newscast. That is still somewhat better than wearing jeans.

    The only other meteorologist I’ve seen wear khakis is Brian Hackney. Darren Peck will only wear a different colored pant if his suit color also matches.

    Heggen really lacks on the fashion sense tbh but a good meteorologist otherwise.
