Wednesday, March 29, 2023

My Reaction To Frank Somerville/KRON Interview: Meh Personified. Frank Isn't So Frank and Pam Moore Fails To Deliver; A Troubled Ron Burgundy


About what I expected. A typical Frank performance, with obligatory cry and personal histrionics, all part of the Somerville playbook.

Frank didn't disappoint on that end.

Pam Moore wasn't all that effective on her end; the interview was more like a commercial for Frank and a highlight reel for KRON. Nothing much was learned other than Frank's want to anchor again and how much a savior he is today, only he really isn't.

If he's lucky, he may end up getting a call from a small independent station in Tulsa. If he's lucky and even that's a longshot. He'll never anchor again in the Bay Area, that much is certain.

Most of the interview is not so much revealing. In fact, there's quite a bit of useless minutiae. Fluff really.

We see a shot of Frank and Pam strolling past the KTVU building in Oakland. There's nothing to report here--in fact, Somerville doesn't even mention the call letters; neither does Moore. Again, useless.

Pam and camera crew film Somerville working out in Oakland at Frank's gym. It's beneficial for Frank but we don't learn a thing other than the usual, superficial external TV shots that make Frank look good but doesn't get more focused on his mindset, maybe that was intentional.

Moore asks him about his drinking problem and we get classic Frank; he says he doesn't think he'll drink again. It's an artificial look and forced, contrived answer from a guy clearly playing/performing for the camera. There's no hint of remorse nor a smidgen of contrite from Frank over his actions. When Pam tells him he could have killed someone, (the DUI in Oakland where Frank rammed his car into another car) he gives a generic explanation and there's no follow-up by Moore.

It's a TV commercial for Frank and something he can use for his resume. A broad pitch by Somerville to stations for his services. That's it and it's not very good TV, more just a re-hashing of what we all already know and nothing new to digest.

Somerville got what he wanted and KRON got a momentary bump that will last about a day and then the story will die, as it probably should.

Frank's critics will still pretty much despise him and refer to him as nothing more than a poor man's, troubled Ron Burgundy and his amen corner will hold him slightly less than Jesus Christ.

All in all, a certified waste of time.


  1. While it was good to see him again though for an interview with Pam, I felt the interview was a waste of time. It was just a rehashing of the issues he went thru prior. Pam
    called him out on being defensive about alcohol, which makes it more clear he won’t give up that habit given what he has gone through.

    But I did like his advice on the end about getting help.

    1. There’s one thing Frank forgot to say to Pam. And that’s Slap the Ham. Slap the Ham!!!

      Jim and Betty Felch

  2. We don't despise Frank. We feel sorry for him and wish him well. We could give him a violin to play, but he did a pretty good job of doing that in last nights softball interview. Alcohol and drug addiction are the devil. We have seen it in friends and family. But Frank is not unique just because he was an anchorman and public figure and has a following on Facebook. Long ago, he should have been writing copy in the newsroom, not those pandering posts. HIs fellow professionals saw right through them. It is telling and delusional that Frank felt the need and desire to talk last night. The funerals and crime scenes he sought to participate in and share? He went to them by choice. What Frank saw as a regional celebrity passing through pales when compared with police, fire, or other journalists who actually work in the field and are required to to be in those places. HIs undoing with Gabby Petito? While Frank was on the right side of that issue, he made the mistake of assuming his opinion mattered more than his objectivity. Sharing those feelings in a news platform? Not appropriate. Going against his bosses and doing it anyway? Worse. But we suspect he thought it would make him look good. Viewers are more inclined to forgive Frank. We all forgive him. But nobody in this market wants to work with him. Such a hard lesson.

    1. Excellent summary. Thank you.

  3. Just as I suspected. Glad I didn't give up an hour of my life to be lost forever by watching this nonsense skit.

    1. Actually the interview was only about 7 minutes.

  4. Frank and Ken Wayne together at 10 PM on channel 4. I bet you.

    1. Good alpha / beta mix like Van and Jerry

  5. Not one thing from the viewing showed for those who have been thru the many AA programs that he ever completed nor lives what he was taught. For sure he has not accepted the path well taken. He is a white knuckler at best. He had a huge platform to make amends. I know he never called me or others.I agree this was a tool to shop his product. Shame on KRON.

  6. I don't know. I thought it was interesting but made him look sad and like an alcoholic. He clearly hasn't come to terms with that.

    1. He looked like Pam had just dragged him out of the gutter. Seriously. He looked ill, and that surely will not help his comeback bid, if that’s what it was. (And if it wasn’t then what was the point of the whole thing?)

  7. After all that Frank admits he still drinks on occasion. The Beatles did a song with the lyrics "Nowhere Man"... Case Closed!

  8. Thanks for the review Rich. “It had no beat and you couldn’t dance to it”, seems apt. Pretty much as you/we expected, without a violin straining in the background.
    I sense FS could go to KSBW or a
    Fresno Station and earn a nice living again.
    Pam helped out a former fellow anchor, you have got to give her some cred for “being kind.”
    As you wrote, this blip will pass and be gone in a day or two

    1. KSBW and Fresno stations are outstanding and have integrity. Frank would not enhance viewership or ratings. Add, Frank’s hubris, he would not to work in smaller markets. He is a legend in his own mind.

  9. I didn’t watch but my guess would’ve been exactly what transpired in your summary. I’m somewhat shocked sommerville posed at his gym rather than showing off his Krav Maga skills on a punching bag

    1. Krav Drunka - fixed it.

    2. I’m surprised we didn’t see him hugging his adopted daughter…Oh, wait, she’s not talking to him, another fact glossed over last night.

    3. Wait what!!?? His daughter is not speaking to him? Why haven’t we heard more about this, Ms. Moore? It was a very soft interview with no hard driving questions and no new news. To me he looked a tad sloshed on the interview.

  10. I thought the interview was ok. It was not great but it was ok. I thought it was cool when Pam Moore ask questions to Frank Somerville while they were both walking outside the KTVU studios...

  11. About what I expected. A typical Rich performance, with obligatory whine and personal bitching, all part of the Lieberman playbook.

  12. All right, guys, uh, listen. This is a blues riff in 'B', watch me for the changes, and try and keep up, okay.

  13. For those of us who follow your blog and have worked with Frank -or in local media, yes, the interview was a Big Nothing Burger. But the station doesn’t care about that. Did the interview pull the heart strings of Marge in Concord? Do Joe and Eileen in Burlingame feel like they have a greater understanding of what happened with/to Frank? Furthermore, did Pam close that gap for them? It was good to see her get off the anchor desk and interview again. She’s so underused and I feel she did a great job handling the sensitivity of the topic, considering the constraints she was obviously bound to in the story’s final product.

  14. Some of these posts condemning that “he drinks occasionally” remind me of the late Len Tillem who was a HEAVY alcoholic (I recall he said he used to drink a whole bottle of vodka or more daily!). Is Frank at that level? I just don’t get the extreme call for him to completely quit something he enjoys. He was a fool for crashing the Porsche and going on air drunk but considering the massive ego he has I sense it was more that he thought he could get away with it rather than being a chronic alkie. I could be wrong though…Tillem despised anyone who drank which was my initial point.

    1. He may have stopped drinking, but he was irritable, impatient, and verbally abusive toward kgo engineers behind the scenes.

    2. Tillem , now long deceased used a lot of his show to tell fellow alcoholics how to beat DUI charges. It was never admirable or charming.

    3. @5:56 I agree about Tillem, I heard him get extremely irritable on air on several occasions if a call was dropped or if there were technical issues. I assume it was worse off air! My initial point was that he got on his high horse judging those who drank. Became extremely militant about alcohol and if anyone called in about a dui he’d scoll them. I know folks who’ve gotten dui’s who are NOT alkies. They went out thought they were fine and got caught. Sommerville should get scolded for his huge ego and persona of invincibility. Blaming all his self inflicted problems on alcohol really lets him off easy.

    4. Whatever. Tillem was a great listen.

    5. Tillem was great no doubt. When it came to alcohol he turned into a sanctimonious prick.

  15. It was obvious Pam was pulling her punches with the interview. She has asked a few tough but backpedaled or didn't follow through with them. Probably that was the agreed conditions with Frank granting them the interview.

    1. Yeah, but it would have been better TV if Pam asked really direct, nasty questions and Frank got up and walked off. Imagine promoting that!

  16. Glad I didn't waste my time, I believed Ms. Moore was easy on him because he may get hired and she has to be there, regardless, always liked her

  17. What?
    Car accident... going to Taco Bell?
    A few blocks away?
    Then we see a fitness guru Frank at the gym working out who didn't WALK to Taco Bell?
    Fact checkers...please
    How far is Taco Bell from his apartment?
    Same location as the crash ?

    Maybe he is trying to connect to the broke millennial crowd who frequents Taco Bell.

    1. Nice theory, Nancy Grace.

    2. Nice try .. Frank

    3. Great point about why the fitness guru didn't walk/run to Taco Bell. And why Taco Bell (yuck says this Gen Xer). I'm speculating that he had a drunk Ron Burgundy moment(s) during the suspension and was severely out of touch. I've been following this story for a while and Rich has done an excellent job speaking on Somerville. My take, Frank's got too many skeletons to be something other than a news story. He's a personality over journalist and he critically needs to get life together because he's living I'm a time where authenticity is valued over performance. Being frank, we saw Monfay was a bad performance.

  18. I thought the interview was pretty good (especially the extended version on the KRON website). I tuned in primarily to see if FS had gotten his act together, and the interview answered that fundamental question with a resounding NO. The interviewer earned all her money that day when she caused him to break his scripted responses and go instantly defensive on the subject of his alcoholism. Anyone wondering if he had really faced his demons and had come through to the other side got their answer right at that moment.

    I hope FS fully wakes up and gets control of his life and himself. It is a long road back, and he is clearly not near the finish line yet.

  19. As long as Frank has his anchor hair, he's still in the game.

    1. You mean the plugs?

    2. The (the plugs) looked thinner than before. Do plugs fall out?

  20. Haven’t watched KTVU news since Elaine Corral left. Who’s this guy Frank? Is he in the news biz?

  21. White privileged uses a sista to get back in the game.

    1. I'm sure he didn't get to assign who would interview him (and probably would have preferred his old buddy Ken). Why does everyone have to see race everywhere. We are neurotically obsessed with it in America and it's unhealthy.

  22. As a recovering addict myself, sober for well over a decade, it was sad to watch that performance. From where I sit, he has clearly not accepted that he has addiction issues, has done very little work to address them other than what was court ordered, and it looked and sounded like he was under the influence during the interview. He played the victim and plead for sympathy but he was very disingenuous. There are many addicts out there doing real work and making an effort to change their lives for the better but I don't believe he is one of them. I hope he can find his way to be honest with himself and do the hard work necessary to turn his life around. We all deserve to live our best life and I hope that Frank can truly reach out and accept the help that is available to him. He is not there yet. I wish him the best. I'm sure his kids miss their real dad.

  23. I stopped watching KTVU 10 o'clock news since Mibach took over...

    1. Mibach is truly unwatchable especially his forced facial expressions feigning sympathy or amusement while exchanging words with the weather guesser or ocasional sports anchor (unbelievable that KTVU shuffles “sports” anchors routinely—the worse recent one was red eye millacoat doing sports a few days ago. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Sal Castaneda doing sports any day now ugh

    2. IMO Mibach is another Fox News puppet.

  24. Frank did not look well. Maybe I am just used to him being all cleaned up for TV, but this look didn't help him at all. I hope one day he truely acknowledges his faults and gets the help he needs. Can't see anyone hiring him anywhere anytime soon.

  25. KRON thinks airing Frank will get them high ratings. Stupid interview wasting time, he is already done on KTVU and should focus on his future and issues. Waste of time

    1. Except that it did get them high ratings. Sky effing high! And don't get me started on the web traffic. KRON 1 KTVU 0

  26. Sorry Rich, yes, Pam Moore wasn't hard on FS, she doesn't have too, they never work together and no reason for her to be hard; want to know who doesn't belong? Drew Barrymore, she should never interview anybody, as much as I loved her youthful movies she is such a "kiss ass" interviewer she doesn't bring out the truth in her guess interviews, makes me puke

    1. Um, you're comparing Drew Barrymore and Pam Moore? One is *entertainment.* The other is (supposed to be) news. Whether or not she and Frank work together has nothing to do with whether she has to(o). Your whole post makes no sense and sounds like the drunk at the end of the bar just before closing.

    2. Is it just me or do I think Drew Barrymore & Gianna Franco look like they’re twins.

      Never seen Drew Barrymore’s shows but I did see Gianna interviewing Drew once and ofc with all the other interviews she equally does a great job at it.

      Pam Moore did a great job interviewing Somerville with some tough questions that Somerville wasn’t comfortable answering.

    3. "Pam Moore did a great job interviewing Somerville with some tough questions that Somerville wasn’t comfortable answering."

      I must have blinked during that part. Okay, he got a little defensive when she mentioned he was still drinking, but she didn't speak to the elephant in the room: His blotchy skin and general disheveled appearance. He did not look good. He hasn't been "out of the scene" that long, yet he looked it. The scruffy beard didn't help.

  27. Somerville looked and sounded like an addict. He played a victim and minimized his responsibility in so many ways. He tried so hard to be relatable, he's just too sanctimonious to pull it off.
    Pam Moore catered to Frank's PR infommercial for his FB followers.

  28. He’s a virtue signaling fraud.

  29. What a sad interview to watch. How did the former Bay Area news powerhouse fall so far from its glory days of Fred Zehnder.

  30. Say what you want about Somerville, he is still better than any of the current news anchors in the Bay Area.

    1. I agree with this and that’s why I’m saying that he hit a rough road but confident he can one day anchor again somewhere. He has come to terms with his issues.

    2. "...he is still better than any of the current news anchors in the Bay Area."

      I see you like Ron Burgundy types.

  31. Oh Thank God we got the unvarnished truth about Frankie-Poo. I feel better already, knowing that such a civic leader is stumbling around Oakland, looking for love in all the wrong places. If he hits the gym more often, he might tighten his glutes - and catch the attention of a major league Broadcasting company. He could soon be making bank at Faux n Frenz.

  32. The gym shots were cringe worthy, some trainer praising an old guy in black with a gut, yikes!!

  33. I thought Frank looked very bad and it appeared that he is still drinking. His excuse of going to funerals was very lame As a deputy sheriff for 29 years I saw more in six months than anything Frank mentioned and I don’t drink And he sounded exactly like the hundreds of inmates I’ve been around who deny and minimize what they have done and what they are addicted to Frank is lucky he hasn’t sunk as far as KPIX Doug Murphy if anybody remembers

    1. I wish Pam would have said something like, "For a guy who claims he hardly drinks at all anymore you sure look like you just rolled out of the gutter."

      It would have been the truth.

  34. Long before there were blogs like this one, I seem to remember reading that Pete Giddings got good and PO'd over subs and weekend forecasters sitting down at his weather-forecasting equipment and screwing with his work.

    Where's "Professor" Leon Hunsaker when you really could use him?

    1. I know Giddings didn't like to give a forecast that went further out than three days because he felt the data was unreliable past that.
      He was right, too.

  35. I am a recovering alcoholic and would be dead without a lifesaving liver transplant last summer. I am now active in a secular recovery program. If you received a DUI, you have a drinking problem. If you have a drinking problem and think you can moderate, you are delusional. Frank missed a golden opportunity to acknowledge his weakness and will not recover any time soon. I hope he gets a Clipper Card in the meantime.
