Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Excusive: The Frank Somerville/KTVU Inconvenient Truth Not Covered on KRON Interview; Inappropriate Intern Relationship; Frank's Drinking Problem; Staff Anger at Fox2 Over Repeated Chances; Mark Ibanez and Julie Haener Betrayal

Frank Somerville will be lobbed a bunch of softballs, (mostly) tonight, Tuesday, by Pam Moore. KRON will use Frank and Frank will use KRON. It's a temporary win for both parties.

Moore should have delved into, (more) of Frank's intense drinking problem. She, according to a KRON source who saw the interview, did not. Moore did ask Somerville about his drinking--a simple question that ended up with no follow-up, I'm told.

*Another huge, side disturbing element that is not addressed in tonight's KRON interview: Somerville's relationship with a KTVU intern--an affair that was basically HUSHED UP by Fox/KTVU management; the intern, a young woman of Iranian descent, was paid several thousand dollars and left KTVU. Her silence seems to have been a negotiated tactic. It apparently worked.

Somerville was rumored to have had a number of inappropriate encounters at KTVU. A facet of his time there that isn't addressed in Tuesday night's interview.

More aspects of Frank's troubling character:

His excess unfortunate behavior that ANGERED people--his fellow workers at KTVU who were riled up because Somerville was REPEATEDLY allowed several chances to get his act together and he FAILED on every occasion.

Even before his infamous, on-air, drunken persona and DUI arrest in Oakland, the people at KTVU had and still have a deep-seated DISTRUST of Frank. Now, after all the dreaded drama of 2021 is being aired out, by KRON, that major WOUND is permanent and set in stone.

*A major ally of Frank at KTVU was Mark Ibanez, the veteran sports anchor, who retired last year. But the relationship soured in recent years and when Frank's DUI was pubbed, Ibanez was done speaking with him. They both confided in each other and would have several, private talks/discussions.

Ibanez hasn't spoken to Frank for over a year.

*ANOTHER ALLY, she was loyal to him to the very end but cut out talking to him altogether: Julie Haener.

Haener got a lot of internal grief from KTVU staff over her kinship, despite all his personal turbulence. A good many folks were angered that Haener was loyal even though Frank's behavior DESTROYED pretty much, KTVU's storied image.

No more.


  1. Wait. So this 'interview' is to tell me what a 'great guy' Frank is?! Newsflash - Frank is not a great guy despite what he might say. What a complete waste of time. I know some might see this as KRON using Frank/Frank using KRON, but really its a lose-lose situation. Both parties look pretty dumb/desperate with this whole thing.

  2. Maybe the KTVU intern signed a “gag order” that's why the situation can't be discussed publicly

    1. Pam could always ask and Frank could say hee can’t comment or I don’t want to talk about that. But yes, I’m sure she agreed not to talk. Don’t know about Frank, but if they’re paying her big bucks, I’m sure that’s a condition.

    2. I hear she didn't have to worry about gagging
      Palo Alto

  3. Did Summerville date Christine Craft at one time?

    1. God, I hope not. Anyone who defended Bernie Ward should crumble to dust and fade away.

    2. Christine likes dirt bags, Al Franken being another

    3. Explains her Clinton family fandom as well.

  4. I don't think Sommerville and the rest of the KTVU minions deserve any more attention, so no need to rehash what we already know. Frank and Mark are thankfully gone and have finally become old news.

    1. When I worked there as a producer, people would always ask me who was the bigger douche, Frank or Mark? I still don't know.

  5. House of misfits!

  6. Today is also re-scan day for KRON-4.
    Antenna viewers must re-scan or KRON will be dropped.
    Due to the ATSC 3.0 ultra-HDTV rollout

    1. Any idea when this change happens? I’m looking at KRON right now on my antenna TV and it’s right where it’s always been.

    2. Has anyone told Xfinity/Comcast?

    3. You're a day early; rescan Wed

    4. "You're a day early; rescan Wed"

      Well, oddly while I haven't done anything to my TV set I now have two sets of each KRON channel (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc.) right next to each other in my listings. Each goes to the same signal. Didn't have that until today.

    5. Ooops, Rescan Wednesday.
      So if you scanned today, you get duplicate channels. New & Old
      But that will end tomorrow as they turn off the old.
      And if you didn't scan, you get nothing until you re-scan the new.
      This is for antenna tv only.
      (Fastest bitrate) highest picture quality.
      Comcast is different, lower picture quality = more channel capacity.
      No speed limits on antenna tv.
      Rabbit ears, etc.

    6. "So if you scanned today, you get duplicate channels. New & Old."

      I think my TV scans automatically. Don't know how it does that or how it knows when to scan, but I've got old and new KRON today, without doing anything.

    7. I got duplicate channels yesterday without scanning, I think for my TV, when I tuned to a channel that the relocated KRON ATSC 1.0 channels broadcast on, the TV automatically adds the new channels. No duplicates today. At 10:00 am today, I saw the KRON signal go off the air on the old frequency.

  7. Back in the 1960s no one would have given a crap about Frank and his antics. Now it's a big deal.

    1. Wrong. Back in the 1960s you would never have heard this. If you did, it would be a big story!

  8. Ho hum, why all the interest of FS? I've no respect for someone who refuses to straighten out and drives drunk, let's move on with more relevant topics

  9. Bring back Frank - Americans have always gotten their news from a great hairdo with a drinking problem.

    1. Correct! Queue Ron Burgundy "I love Scotch! Scotchy Scotch Scotch." = )

    2. I've heard whispered rumors that there are others at KTVU that have had affairs... HINT: Both of Pam Cook's sworn enemies and nemeses. Mibach (of course) and others. Just like any other work place.

    3. 2:42, who are Pam Cook’s sworn enemies? We know Rosemary Orozco is one of them based on Rich’s outstanding reporting, but not sure who else Pam has beef with.

      To be clear, I’m not disputing Pam has multiple enemies, I just don’t know who they could be. She seems close with Dave Clark and Gasia which would seemingly narrow down the pool of likely candidates. But then again, Pam also seems like the frumpy and grumpy Karen type so it should come as no surprise that she’d be pissed at the world and everyone in it.

  10. Why did Pam Moore agree to a softball interview? Kind of a waste.

    1. Probably because, like most people in the business today, she is in no position to call the shots about *anything*— the suits rule today and that's that, and she's just counting the days till she can walk out and retire. Ditto the rest of them. It's really a shit business today, and integrity is out the window.

  11. I will wait to watch the interview before criticizing or praising it.

  12. Who the heck cares about any of this nonsense?

    1. Well for one, people like you who waste time they’ll never get back, not only reading the article, but then taking the time to leave a comment.

  13. We get it, you don't like Frank.

    Like you didn't like Ronn. Or Gary. Or Copeland. Or the gay fella. Or Bob. Or Rod. Or Paulie. Or Murph. Or Damon. Or that woman. That other woman. That other woman. The other woman. That other guy. That other woman. That other guy. Etc.

    We get it.

    1. The list of people disliked on this blog out numbers the ones liked by 50 to 1.

    2. "I hate everybody! Now send me money to keep this blog alive! I got bills to pay!"

  14. Thanks for your excellent reporting. I was planning to stay up and watch but I’m not interested in soft ball questioning for this sanctimonious blowhard. I would’ve tuned in if he had to answer the tough questions instead of this being a PR stunt to try and rehabilitate plug man

  15. I plan to watch the interview if and when they post it on line. For me personally I would have spent my time learning from my mistakes and trying to find a job outside of this market if I still wanted to work. I have made my mistakes (nothing like this) but I moved on and found even better employment.

    One thing I don't like about Frank is that he seems to think that just because he has an adopted daughter, he is an expert on all things concerning Black people. As someone who dates only white guys, I want them to of course understand things from my perspective if they either see it or I point it out to them but they will never know what it is to walk in my shoes. They don't need to do that or pretend to be anything they aren't. Just be you and support your child or significant other and have meaningful discussions when things come up.

    1. I don't think it's wrong for him to use his platform to call attention to issues that affect his daughter, but I can see how a Steppin Fetchit type who only dates white guys might see it that way.

    2. You don't know anything about me. Sounds like you have a problem with me dating white guys. Too bad. Who cares what you think? You probably can't get anybody to date you.

  16. "...he seems to think that just because he has an adopted daughter, he is an expert on all things concerning Black people."

    THANK YOU! Nailed it.

  17. These comments have made me not want to bother watching tonight at 10

  18. Friendly public service announcement:

    If you’re unable to watch the KROM interview just go to Steamworks in Berkeley and look for James Torres. He practically lives there and he’ll tell you everything you ever needed to know about the Somerville situation and then some.
    He’s developed quite the reputation for singing like a canary and dishing out all kinds of internal KTVU information and gossip to anyone willing to listen.
    Loose lips sink ships, and the KTVU Titanic is a-sinkin’!

    1. Don’t blame the messenger. It’s like blaming the waiter after the captain crashed the Titanic into an iceberg. Torres seems like a solid guy. God bless him.

    2. I work at KTVU and know Torres. It's true that he's a solid, genuine and likeable guy. He's one of those people who doesn't have a negative or nasty bone in his body.

      It's also true he enjoys gossiping and talking about people he works with, much more so than most. Sadly this makes it difficult for us to trust him or share anything beyond surface level conversation. But unlike the gruesome twosome (Pam & Gasia), James never gossips in a meanspirited or spiteful way.

      All that said, most everyone here makes a conscious point to be careful what they say around him.

    3. What gossip and rumor do Pam and Gasia spread about Rosemary? C'mon, let'em dish!

    4. You might want to Google Steamworks first, “not there is anything wrong with that”, as Seinfeld would say!

    5. Yeah, Steamworks is a sauna.

  19. No surprises. Still delusional and still drinking.

    1. "Still delusional and still drinking."

      And he still says he ended up that way because going to all those funerals for brown people and police officers choked him up. And he mentions in a blink how the divorce left him lonely, without explaining why the divorce happened or who apparently betrayed who.

      Wow....just wow....Before I thought his chances of a comeback were less than zero. Now I think it's less than even that!

    2. Yup! Couldn't agree more.

  20. Frank could easily resurrect his career if he’d just lay off the bottle, stay away from them pretty little thangs, and stop with the bizarre social media posts.

    1. Yeah, and if grandma had wheels she'd be a trolley car.

  21. No no no, you saps got it all wrong, Somerville drank away his career, ruined his reputation, and wrecked his $200,000 Porsche just to have an intimate conversation with Pam Moore. Genius if you ask me.

  22. THE NEXT DAY: FS is alive and well, Pam served up the requisite inquiry, the viewership needle did not move, and the winds and rains continue off and on. Back to Work. Nothing to see

  23. Sounds like Frank threw out his moral compassion some years back. This is what happens when your paid big money and you become a fat head. You start to think your untouchable and you can do whatever you want. Unfortunately it caught up with him.

  24. Why is the intern’s background relevant? Iranian isn’t even an ethnicity so it doesn’t make sense. Anyway Frank is a loser and I don’t know why he is embarrassing himself. Talk about no self awareness.
