Monday, March 27, 2023

Cruel Last Week of March as Disney/ABC Cuts Massive and Cumulus/Audacy Do Likewise

THIS IS FEAR-CENTRAL --a dreaded-week en fuego for lots of media people especially.

And it's not only local but national too.

The last week of March; the end of the month; the end of the first quarter...oh, and a cruel date this Saturday, April 1--fools.

Disney is trying to shed lots of people, 7000 jobs are to be SLASHED--and a good deal will come from ESPN and its TV stations, including KGO, (ABC7 here) at 900 Front.

Cumulus and Audacy (KNBR and 95.7 FM, The Game) work force are on thin edge--as they should be. It's a painfull, stressful, last few days.


  1. Go woke - Go broke

    1. @9:03
      What's hilarious is that those repeating this slogan on a loop are usually the ones actually "broke."

    2. Mouse is extreme woke. No bueno

    3. The Force is female!

    4. Hey 2:21PM I'm sure you've studied that in depth so I'll take your word for it, but maybe a more productive use of your time would be coming up with new pronouns or genders or something.

    5. They added a few letters and symbols last I checked. It's now LGTBQIA2S+

    6. I'm proudly "woke." I'd rather be "Woke"...than KKKonservative KKKristian republiKKKan.

  2. It's going to get worse for the mouse. Disregard the estimated 7,000 jobs (understated) and 5.5 Billion revenue loss. Disney's image is ''tarnished". Is it irreparable? Time will tell.

    1. How do you know 7K jobs is understated?

    2. Iger is looking to restructure their organizations. The 7K figure is a happy number. Chapek steered this organization like a drunken kamikaze pilot, which led to his subsequent removal and Iger reinstated. Though their problems existed on his shift. They lost the Reedy Creek Improvement District. Since 1967 this afforded the mouse a license to print money. Poof! DeSantis and company reclaimed the entity. So much for autonomy? There are so many unsavory elements to Disney's undoing, but the gist of it is. They brought this on themselves and families are speaking with their pocketbooks and are wary of questionable elements associated with the Magic Kingdom.

    3. So you don't know that 7K jobs is understated

    4. Barry and his right hand man now in office brought on the downfall.

    5. I do know the bloodletting will continue and exceed their estimate.How has already been explained.

  3. Hi Rich....On a separate matter, you had previously reported that the Chronicle is stopping delivery services, and the paper will be sent by US Postal Service. I contacted the Chronicle and got the following clarification:
    "Affected areas are the following:
    City Zip
    ANTIOCH 94509
    BRENTWOOD 94513
    ANTIOCH 94531
    OAKLEY 94561
    KNIGHTSEN 94548
    BYRON 94514

    Delivery will be via the US Post Office, same-day mail. The paper will be delivered to the same location you receive your postal mail, Monday?Saturday. The Sunday newspaper will be delivered on Monday due to postal limitations."

    1. As it is now, if you get The Chron delivered on Monday, you get Saturday's Sports. The paper isn't worth lining the trash can.

  4. Please understand "Richie Poo", when revenues don't match or match or exceed expenses, cost need to be cut

    1. Hey, you address him as Mr Lieberman. This isn’t the fucken Pete Giddings CB Radio Show.

    2. So said every principle stock holder who is pissed that they are not receiving a solid return on their investment.

    3. Agreed 100%, Disney isn’t a charity. Make $ boys! Those that wish to receive charity ought to fund one themselves

  5. Disney used to be a company that promoted family values now they are a beacon of the woke/liberal/anti-Christian left. Their movies are terrible and parents will not take their kids to see them. Not only that but their parks are priced so high that 90 percent of the country can't afford to go there any more. They will never be respected like they once were, that ship has sailed. I support DeSantis all the way.

    1. Pretty right on.

    2. Glad you feel that way, pious one. Cost cutting is happening everywhere and Disney is in all sorts of businesses. Maybe if more people share your view though we won’t have to wait in the long lines at their packed Disney parks every day of the year per KTVU’s MO2 report this morning, a FOX station. You and the other haters of others different from you, which I guess somehow jives with your religious views, should read TheStreet article “Disney World Event Gives Florida Gov. DeSantis the Middle Finger”. Florida does not print money nor generate it themselves. Perspective you won’t hear from Tucker Carlson who somehow people like you don’t follow how he duped you and remains your hero. Same for Hannity. I can see why your ilk will vote for Trump regardless what he has done even to his loyal gullible supporters. The truth is whatever fits your beliefs it seems.

    3. You mean desanctimonious ?

    4. Disney is a huge corporation that makes billion$ of dollar$. If InSantis wants to mess with his Golden Goose, he does so at his own peril. In the meantime he can kiss the asses of his billionaire backers.
      Why does Disney wring every dollar out of park visitors? Because they can.

    5. “DeSantis World, where peoples’ dreams of social justice goes to die.” J Hightower

    6. @9:27 speaking of kissing asses of billionaire backers....kind of funny how fast SVB was bailed out a few weeks ago. Historically fast. Why? Many of the billions in there are earmarked for DNC campaign contributions. Think of that next time you parrot talking points about "bailing out banks". It doesn't apply if there is future Democrat campaign contributions involved!

    7. Social justice is just another way for the con men to divide people and get money out of them and out of the government. They will never stop crying race, race, race and pressuring more companies into donating through blackmail. See Black Lives Matter. They will all never be satisfied and that is why SF is in the toilet and will never come back. Liberals destroy society.

    8. In case you are not aware of it, many liberals consider themselves believers in one religion or other, many go to church. It seems to me real family values is inclusive not exclusive. Single parents are a family, guy couples are a family. Family is not confined to one narrow definition.

  6. 'Woke' has NOTHING to do with it, no matter how many right-wing pundits try to tell you otherwise.

  7. It's 3% of the whole company. That includes parks, tv stations, ESPN, FX, HULU, etc. Not to say local people won't be affected, but as usual, let's start a panic, shall we? We'll find out soon enough.

  8. I don't know of any one who was ever forced to go a Disney Park or, for that matter, a Disney film. No one is marching them in at gunpoint (although in Florida, that would be a cakewalk). So, if you can afford to go, you will. Their prices are not a secret. Being "woke" has not a thing to do with it. Remember about 15 years ago when the sanctimonious religious right was all up in arms because a Disney employee could cover their same sex partners as dependents? Boycott, they said! And no one did. That was before the Marriage Equality Act. Business thrived. Always good to find the fault with people that don't fit in your idea of "normal." And so it goes.

    1. A man and a woman are normal. That will never change no matter what people say or practice.

    2. And there you have it, folks. Neanderthal enlightenment.

    3. No, facts. A man can't become a woman and a woman can't become a man.

    4. Well, 2:52, don't know if you are male or female but I'd bet my last dollar you identify as an a*shole

  9. More like facts 2:01pm.... but never let facts get in the way of an agenda!

  10. Who cares ????? …..Can we just see more Sarah Donchey ??? ….more Sarah Donchey please ….I’ll even take a side of Darya ….woke and wokeless …we have a true Star gracing our televisions every night ….time to recognize greatness fool

  11. 95.7 never came in clear in San Jose now its non existent to get. Bet the Warriors regret the change of stations.
