Monday, April 24, 2023

Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon Out at FNC and CNN--Is Sean Hannity Next?

Tucker Carlson OUT at Fox News, not shocking but surprised a little? Yeah.

Don Lemon fired at CNN, not at all a surprise and quite frankly, that it took this long, that's news.

Carlson, as a bud told me, brought significant money into the company, yeah, he did, but he was also partly responsible for the Dominion lawsuit/settlement: $800M is a lot of dough, even the Murdoch's company can't stomach that.

And even Fox News has some standards, right? Hell, they were the first network to call the 2020 election for (Joe) Biden. Apparently, Tucker didn't get the memo.

My feeling now? Is Sean Hannity next on the firing line?

Lemon's ouster is no big deal. He brings in zero. NO ratings. He's got the black and gay demo but that wasn't enough. Besides, Anderson Cooper is already a fixture at CNN.

Plus, Lemon made some dubious remarks of late. He's no loss.

All this said, the moves are significant enough.


  1. Tucker used to work at CNN. If they hired him now, it would be a ratings earthquake - even if Rich might complain!

    1. When Tucker Carlson were on CNN he was much more reasonable. If l remember correctly he was on with Bill Press who is a liberal. Now he's into conspiracies and seem to have soft spot for dictators.

  2. Carlson has a history at CNN and MSNBC years ago. These commentators/presenters can work anywhere. They just adjust their pitch to whatever draws the most audience/money. It's a business. Carlson will take his money and lay low for maybe 6 - 12 months and then be back elsewhere. Another network took Cuomo so there will be places for Carlson and Lemon elsewhere. I don't feel sorry for them. It's a business.

  3. “I am stunned,” Lemon said, arguing that management did not have “the decency” to inform him of his firing directly. “At no time was I ever given any indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work I have loved at the network,” Lemon added

    CNN rebutted Lemon, calling his version of events “inaccurate.”

    “He was offered an opportunity to meet with management but instead released a statement on Twitter,” the network said in a statement.

    These people are so fake.

  4. Finally....both cry babies are gone on the same day. Hannity and Cooper should be next and many others. They are not journalists, they are just big blabbermouths.

    1. I can't stand Anderson Cooper and his constipation faces.

    2. Agreed also! Lemon is unwatchable and Tucker is always good for a few laughs. Glad these 2 buffoons are gone

    3. Anderson Cooper has proved his journalistic mettle many times, putting himself in harms way in the middle east and elsewhere( Ukraine, texas floods etc etc). hannity has never done that and makes no claim to be a journalist. HIs show is about his opinion.

    4. Anderson Cooper have done some interesting segments. Just because you don't agree with him does not make him a blabbermouth. Sean Hannity is a different story, don't care for him, however he is honest about his show is about his opinion. Take it or leave it.

  5. Both the same day!! Shocked they got rid of Carlson. Fear and racism sell! Rich, did you have an idea this was happening? You know many people!!

  6. So Rich what's your take on who Tucker Carlson's permanent replacement could be? Is there someone else at Fox worthy of the spot or will they bring in an outsider (who)? Maybe they'll just shuffle the time slots and put a newbie at a lesser timeslot.

  7. Before this post, the news my dad mentioned got me asking the same thing, could Hannity be next? I won’t be surprised if that happens. Crazy times we’re living in.

    1. more likely bartiromo and pirro

    2. Bartiormo please. She's a few French fries short of a Happy Meal. Trump should hire her as his future press secretary and don't be surprised if he does.

  8. Look how old Hannity looks...

  9. "He's got the black and gay demo" Jesus christ, Rich. Are we just sheep to you?

    1. What? It's true. They look at everyone as sheep, just like our current POTUS. "Oh, I gotta hire a black, I gotta hire a Latino." Never mind they have no qualifications and don't know what the hell they're doing. Never mind that the vice president who's in charge of "border security" couldn't find the border if you pointed her in the right direction and painted it glow-in-the-dark orange. She bleyk. Dat all dat mattahs.

  10. Welcome back Richie. Your work ethic is far and above everyone.

  11. Perhaps Hannity and Cooper could vanish in the sunset together. Who would have guessed they were a pair. You just never can tell.

  12. Better keep away from politics Rich, you. Maybe this blog will revert to the straight and narrow and you'll be OUT.

  13. Careful what you all hope for...
    Tucker could run for office, or just go and join a streamer like R.A.V.
    Or he could just go work his cannabis and CBD businesses. Tucker has a huge following and they WILL follow him. FOX can't afford him, it's real clear that FOX is circling the drain.
    I sure can't wait to hear the real story about more J6 videos. Remember...the J6 videos were given to Tucker and NOT FOX.
    A whole bunch of moving parts here, just give it all time to play out because in the first 24 hours of these's all just B.S. and spin.

  14. It made no sense to settle a lawsuit for 800 mill to protect the talent, if you were going to fire the talent. If they had gone to trial and lost, a judge certainly would have reduced such an award. The news that a former fox producer alleges in her own lawsuit that there was rampant anti-semitism as well as gross sexism seems to be a far more likely reason. Perhaps Mr. Carlson never learned about the third rail that Ye dangerously played with and lost

  15. MSM is in its death throes. It will succumb to the evil it had wrought. The harbingers of doom are preparing to feast. Now, the REAL fun begins!

    1. MSM = mainstream media

    2. Explain CBS- Sixty Minutes interview with dirtbag Ray Epps trying to come off as a choirboy. Nuff said.

  16. Tucker Carlson replaced Bill O'Reilly in the same time spot so this is nothing new. Rinse and repeat every few years.

  17. Dominion knows it's machines can be tampered with, and FOX knows it got caught lying and distorting the facts of the election, and the J6 situation.
    Dominion machines are done in most states and counties now. Remember our Brazilian friend Mr.Bolsanario confiscated a bunch of the Dominion machines after the Brazilian Presidential elections. FOX was caught in bed with the Biden admin so Rupert had to save FOX in any way he could.

    FOX and Dominion shall be sacrificed...both are criminally crooked.

    Meanwhile I'm heading to the mall, to watch the pretty girls at Hot Dog On A Stick...crush some lemons!

  18. Tucker Carlson out. Good riddance to bad rubbish!!! Fox News...The worst thing that could happen to the American news landscape in over a century. And Swanson Foods heir and bowtie bobbin' Carlson peddled in nothing but lies, propaganda and racial division daily. Right in line with Russian State TV.

    Hopefully Sean Hannity and that pinched nose sounding wench Laura Ingraham are next. Her own brother can't stand her, that says a lot. Maria Bartaromo, Jennine Pirro...Talk about a basket of deplorables willing to say anything to keep this country divided and their pocket$ lined with Rupert's gold.

    As far as Don Lemon goes, he was problematic at times but palpable. Certainly on par with Anderson 'Borefest' Cooper in terms of journalistic bonafides. But the writing was on the wall when he lost his buddy Chris Cuomo and was demoted to sitting between two women in daytime who are about as exciting to watch as watching as a goldfish. CNN's got big problems in its effort to become Fox Lite under new CEO Chris Licht. On the same day Fox fires it's #1 anchor CNN gives left leaning supposed misogynist (I don't buy it) Don the boot. In the words of Alanis Morrisette...'Isn't It Ironic???'

    MSM is pretty much dead in the water these days. People have just too many ways to get their news now. And bloated opinion and propaganda have replaced the 'just the facts' aspect of journalism. All in an effort to feed the beast that is the 24/7 news cycle. And keep us fighting with each other instead of facing the real enemy...The corporate overlords.

    Short of a national disaster or WW III most of the American public are tuning out to the lies and misinformation being peddled to us under the guise of news.

    1. First half....FOX bad! Fox persons bad!

      Second half....Don Lemon wasnt so bad.

      Joke. Caricature. Take your pick.

    2. Your assessment of Hannity, Ingram and Piero, although a little meanspirited, is spot on. Besides none of them care who the hurt. Sean Hannity got sued by Seth Rich family because he would not let go of his theory that the Clinton's had something to do with his murder. A real class act and sensitive guy that Hannity.

    3. @4:01 'First half....FOX bad!' Anyone who works diligently trying to subvert our democracy with talking points that align with Russian propaganda and alt white racists...And has a platform undergirded by Rupert Murdoch that reaches millions is indeed that....Bad.

      Someone who spends his time as a decent national anchor while fighting injustice and bigotry on his news/opinion show and who steps in it every once in awhile (as we all do) and apologizes for his missteps is...Not so bad.

      So tired of the false equivalencies. Tucker and Don's situations are not the same by a long shot. Not a charicature or a joke. Just a fact.

  19. Tucker Carlson had a “thing” about green M&Ms. That’s some insane sh..
    The only folks who watch that keerap are the same fools sending money to the orange con man ‘billionaire’.
    Lemon let loose on Nikki Haley’s dumb statement, and is paying the price for his flippant remark.

    Since I don’t own a TV, and prefer to get my news from more reputable sources - it is my hope I never hear about these “talking heads” ever again.

  20. Carlson gets a radio show finds another TV outlet and Limbaugh 2.0 is created.

    1. Spot on. And Tucker will go from making $20 mil to $200 mil a year.

    2. Sounds plausible, but taking phone calls from listeners would be beneath Tucker.

  21. Good riddance to both of them. Tucker Carlson spread hate, misinformation and outrageous
    lies and said absurd, , irresponsible things, Lemon was simply an insufferable egotistical putz who was in way over his head..
    Frankly, I’m surprised it took the suits at FOX and CNN this long send both of these schnooks out the door!

  22. Seems like there's a Bay Area connection to the Tucker Carlson story with a lawsuit by Abbey Grossberg (KGO)

  23. Would love to see Mrs. Trump ( Sean Hannity ) be next.

  24. Fox settled the lawsuit for the same reason it fired Carlson -- advertising. If that suit had lingered for the next couple of years, the publicity would make it difficult to keep middle-of-the-road advertisers on the channel. Fox figured the $590 million settlement was less costly than the loss of advertising. Same with Tucker. His ratings were good but it was hard to sell time on his show. In the end, it's ALWAYS about money.

  25. Watch Chris Cuomo hired by Fox. Stranger things have happened.

    1. Chris Cuomo will be rehired by CNN.

  26. Don Lemon was good at what he did and CNN is going to miss him. Licht has ruined CNN. He needs to go.

  27. FOX TV and discredited news outlets such as Newsmaxx and Breitbart have flourished over the last decade or so because we have a lot of brain-dead, mostly middle aged, scared and angry white people in this country who have been brainwashed by the likes of Tucker Carlson. These cretins remind us disturbingly of the vicious bigots Who attacked black peoples with impunity and nutcases who believed in wild conspiracy theories such as the John Birch Society. These people don’t read, ( most of them have no more than high school education,) and live mostly in small redneck towns which are untouched by diversity or curiosity. These cretins support the hate filled rantings of egotistical carnival barkers such as Tucker Carlson, and they worship the lying, narcissistic traitor Trump who should be in jail. IQs have alarmingly fallen in this county over the past 2 decades, mainly because we have an inordinate number of dense, semi-literate and attention deficit citizens who let idiots such as Tucker Carlson do their thinking for them.

    1. Those angry middle aged white guys are outnumbered by the thugs who roam the streets of our biggest cities rampaging and killing innocent people over drugs and petty disagreements. Most of them lean Democrat, as those same cities continue to elect Democratic mayors who are soft on crime. Middle age white guys are the least of our problems. Since those same cities are electing Democratic district attorneys that believe that criminals have been treated too harshly, expect more of the same.

  28. Why hasn't anyone said it? Donald Trump is a shoo-in as a replacement for Tucker Carlson. Mar-A-Lago hour every evening. The My Pillow guy can be a sponsor. Sweet dreams...

  29. They both can go hang out with Matt Lauer.

