Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Fox/KTVU Stations New Content Agreement Hastens Sports Reports Dissing; FNC/Dominion Lawsuit Settlement Gets Scant Coverage on Channel 2

Want to know why Fox and its TV stations --including KTVU--are dissing sports segments on local news shows?

THIS move by Fox TV Stations--a content agreement that involves major streaming.

Streaming seems to have become the way of the world.

*When the Fox News Channel/Dominion defamation suit was settled at the last minute, I watched KTVU to see what coverage it would provide.

I wasn't shocked to see flimsy, at best, notice on KTVU. In fact, it was almost as if nothing had taken place.

When KTVU was first bought by the Murdoch company, I said it would not affect KTVU's independent news gathering.

Well, dumb me.


  1. It was almost as if nothing had taken place because to 99% of people nothing did, it's a who-gives-a-shit huge yawn.

    1. 'There's a sucker born every minute'. - P.T. Barnum Anyone who watches Fox News is indeed just that....A sucker. Full stop.

      Fox News Corp. are disseminators of lies, purveyors in racial divisions and drug dealers in propaganda that has almost irreparably harmed this country and the world at large. All under the banner of being a 'legitimate news source'. And its affiliates like KTVU can't help but be tainted and painted as useful puppets under its banner.

      All of this indoctrination of a certain segment of society by Tuckems, Ingraham, Hannity and others over there at Fox with one goal in divide and conquer. And sadly they've done a great job at keeping Americans fighting each other so that these immoral deep pocket money magnates and wealthy elites can continue to do what they do: Increase their own profits, advance their own investments, line their own 401k's, keep the plague of WS on this nation alive all while passing that generational wealth on to their own mediocre offspring so that nothing ever changes. (Paging Elon Musk and Lachlan Murdoch.)

      Fox News under its founder Rupert Murdoch is the worst thing that could have ever happened to the media landscape. And yes indeed, they will continue to go on 'as if nothing had taken place' with this settlement and the lawsuits to come because that is the way system and evil operates. IT protects them from any real consequences as a result of them...ahem...LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON A DAILY BASIS!!! It's sick, sick, sick and beyond shameful and you can best believe they won't stop until they've completely destroyed the body politic. That's when they come in once again and bury the bodies, steal the land and continue to thrive in their wickedness.

      So what are we left with? A democracy on the brink of destruction. And continued confrontation with each other instead of focusing on the real enemy: The fat cats and elites who sit around like evil dragons draped over piles of rubies and gold. Greed is good!! More. More. More...for me and less for you. And that is why the future looks...dystopian.


    2. Next time give us the reader’s digest version.

    3. Crappy KTVU owned by crappy FOX. Stopped watching KTVU long ago. Don't miss it.

  2. I just donated to Senator Bob Menendez, D-N.J legal defense fund in connection with a federal criminal probe.

    1. PT Barnum proven correct again.

    2. @ 1:10 Lololololololol!!!!!!!!!! Love ur comment

  3. You would increase your IQ by staying away from Fox News, CNN and MSNBC, as for Sports reporting the last few generations aren't interested like the older generations but you are correct, almost everything is streaming

  4. On the Fox News website your had to go into search to find any info.

  5. FAUX News. The garbage lies will commence after the payment of a fine. Shame on Dominion for selling out.

  6. This is the first outside streaming agreement Fox's O&O television stations have for news. Before the agreement, the only streaming source for KTVU and the other Fox O&Os was the Fox-owned Tubi streaming service.

  7. Fox “News”, for the intellectually challenged ! Murdoch and his moronic minions are the definition of FAKE NEWS. $787,000,000 proves me right.
    But then again the viewership of Fox are the same idiots sending money to a “billionaire”.
    Did anyone expect KTVU not to parrot the baloney emanating from Fox headquarters?? If so, I have a great deal on reverse mortgages for you !!

    1. Thank you for chiming in person who gets their news from CNN and MSNBC.

  8. People that watch Fox and Newsmax thinks CNN and MSNBC is fake news. People that watch CNN and MSNBC thinks Fox and Newsmax are fake news
    Neither is correct. Fox news (don't know much about Newsmax) have reporters that report the news factual and honestly even if they have a conservative bend. They opinion hosts such as Tucker Carlson, Hannity and others is a different story. Same with CNN and MSNBC their opinion hosts have a left leaning bend, but at least they have not been sued for a billion dollars for lying outright.

  9. Heather Holmes just did a great live one on one interview with the President of the Oakland Police Department. It was smart, on-topic and professional. No one else in the Bay Area has done anything close in years. Why she is not doing more of this at 10 PM is beyond me. She is FOX national material.

  10. Tonight Tucker Carlson with Fox had a sit-down discussion with Robert Kennedy Jr. to discuss his announcement today of running for president in 2024. Interesting that he did not receive an invite from CNN or MSNBC.
