Thursday, April 27, 2023

Thirty-Five Minutes of Dead KCBS Air Wednesday Night --What Else is New

Multiple people heard it all.

Or in KCBS's case, didn't hear it.

Which, in the case of KCBS, might be a good thing lately.

From about 9 PM to at least 9: 30 on (last) Wed. night: DEAD AIR.

Not only on its 740 AM/106.9 FM terrestrial radio signal, but streaming too.

If this were a momentary glitch that happened out of the blue, no big deal but that's not the case at KCBS, the Bay Area's biggest flop house.


  1. Replies
    1. You missed out on some Pure Felch Gold.

      Davis Felch
      Son of Peter Felch and Mrs Felch

  2. Actually began around 8:40. Transmitter was working but no audio...

  3. As is often said, “Your chances of hearing “news” on KCBS are the same whether the station is on or off. And at the strike of the hour, on comes the dog whistle national news. Pathetic.

  4. Divine intervention.

  5. Maybe that power outage in the North Beach / Financial areas had something to do with it?

    1. While it might have been the power outage it's unlikely. A station like KCBS undoubtedly has redundent generators. Then again they may not, which would be sad since the station is the primary entry point for the Emergency Alert System.

    2. PG&E reported that the outage started at approx 915PM. I found that the KCBS signal was gone at 850PM, possibly even earlier.

  6. In the 10 pm hour, KCBS anchor said the station had been affected by the power outage like so many others in the Financial District, North Beach, etc.,, areas. For once, it was not a KCBS screw up.

  7. They were watching the end of the Warriors game.

  8. More like almost an hour of DEAD AIR.
    That law firm should get a REFUND for failure of commercial airtime.
    Same for those kids with Kars-4-Kids
    Refund them too.

  9. Good! That’s a woke station

    1. hardly...bland, no edge..etc. In any event, you think it would be good for the only news station in SF to be unable to broadcast important alerts?

    2. Thanks for that riveting analysis! Now go back to sleep and we’ll “woke” you in the morning!

  10. Sometimes things go wrong technically in broadcasting..This may shock you.

    1. The problem is that it's no longer "sometimes" - I've heard multiple more than 60 second chunks of dead air in the last several months, plus things like accidentally running a TV feed on AM.

      They've clearly lost the technical plot of how to be a live radio station.

  11. Interns are not engineers

  12. They were playing the "Sounds of Silence!" I remember back in the early 80s one station, I think the old KSFX having that happen. They came back on about 20 minutes later. At that time the DJ said "Hope you enjoyed our 23 minute version of Sounds of Silence!" Then he said the board failed and they got set up in a back-up studio.

    1. At a classical music radio station they would say they performed John Cage's 4'33."

  13. Dead air is an improvement.

  14. While it's true that in the past stations had back up generators that is less and less common. Even back up batteries aren't located in every station. It's also possible that instead of a microwave connection to Sutra, that they are using an internet connection between the studio Bric and the transmitter BRIC. The outage may have knocked out the internet connection. The other thing to keep in mind is that there are very few engineers working in the business anymore. Usually an entire cluster will have one engineer.

  15. Anything to keep Mr. Guinessth off
    the air.

  16. Come on man. Who was actually listening to KCBS with the Warriors playing at that time? Nobody that’s who.

  17. Amazing anyone noticed.

  18. KCBS presently is a joke, don't bother

  19. How many commercials will they have to run, to make up for that gap?
    Corte Madera
