Thursday, April 27, 2023

KNBR NFL Draft Show Unlistenable as Greg Papa Can't Shut Up, John Lund Continues To Be Imbecile; A Sad, Putrid Sound

KNBR, the alleged sports radio station in town is doing a draft (NFL) show and after an hour, I TURNED IT OFF.

Greg Papa can't keep his mouth shut and keeps interupting everyone--and when he talks, says, "John" every two seconds. It's as if he's having a private conversation with co-host imbecile, John Lund, a certified waste of time and effort.

Why Papa defers to this empty-headed jerk is beyond me, maybe Greg is paranoid about something Lund has on him, I have no clue.

Another co-host, Adam, Copes, Copeland, has lessened his gazillion hyena laughs; the good news. The bad news? Copie adds nothing and says nothing. Why he's on this show is a mystery.

An edgy, former 49ers jock, Donte Whitner is a solid analyst who's tried to get in a word, but Papa keeps cutting him off and Lund is his usual, banal, bathroom-humor bloated self.
What an absolute mess.


  1. One reason I dont listen to radio anymore

  2. Whitner is good and honest

  3. Oh Rich, you are SO RIGHT. Their banter is off the charts lousy. Fire all of them except Donte Whitner - he is the only guy providing insightful commentary. One out of 4 does not a radio show make.
    I heard Copes opine, “I didn’t think he’d go that high.” Are you sh….tin’ me? That’s what passes for inside knowledge?
    I hope someone in power forces Papa, Lund, and Copes to listen to this dreck for 8 hours. I doubt they’d understand the lesson, as it appears they adore the sound of their own voices.
    Complete and utter nitwits.

  4. Maybe KNBR could've used the dead air KCBS had last night. Yet another reason to listen to satellite radio. With local radio in this market, there's no there there.

  5. The 49ers don’t have a first round pick. Why are they doing this unlistenable ego massage. Cumulus stock couldn’t go any lower!

  6. Papa is awful. He just talks and talks and talks dominating every conversation that he is in. It never stops and after 5 minutes if I flip over to KNBR on the dial I turn him off. Just plain horrible.

    1. And he has the worst touchdown call in the history of touchdown calls.

  7. What happened with Jake Haener? Will Julie be rolling in that Fuck-You-KTVU NFL money?

    1. Nope. But don't you worry. Junior will be carrying a Surface tablet for some NFL team, then disappear into the XLF, USFL or IFL eventually.

    2. Jake and Julie are sitting by the phone, awaiting the BIG news. They will get a couple of calls AFTER the draft is complete, asking if Jake would like to come into camp as a “ball handler”. He will leap at the opportunity and spend 6 weeks in July and August living the dream as an NFL Pro. And 12 years later, he will remind anyone who’ll listen “I coulda been a Contender”.
      Good Luck Jake! Best wishes on livin’ the dream

    3. Haener will be lucky if a team lets him hand out Gatorade bottles on the sidelines.
      He was a solid college QB playing in the mediocre Mountain West conference, which is where his football journey will end.
      Rather than simply acknowledge Haener for what he was (a good QB/big fish in a small pond at Fresno) an army of sycophants and asskissers have been blowing smoke up his ass for years, telling anyone willing to listen that he’ll be the best QB in the history of the NFL. Sorry Charlie, you’ve been lied to. But worry not, I hear McDonald’s is hiring.

  8. Papa, when he had a show by himself on Knbr in the late '90's was actually very good. He was more even keeled, insightful, intelligent. The despicable Lund dumbed Papa down. Copeland still tries to throw in little joke asides and he's the only one giggling, it's constant, irritating, and horrible radio.

  9. Have to disagree. The Fox national broadcast on "The Game" was even worse.

  10. I stopped listening to knbr a few years ago, and have preserved brain cells because of it. Unlistenable trash.

    1. You are a wise person. 40 minutes of “dead air” is more educational (and healthier) than 16 hours of KNBR’s long gabbers. Are these pre-pubescent hucksters the best the bay area can offer? I hope not, otherwise we are in a world of hurt. They are a reflection of just how low our standards have sunken. KNBR should rightly be re-named KRAP, where the hosts float to the top

  11. Papa is insecure and likes to pretend he's a football expert. He likes John Lund because he's not talented and therefore not a threat to make him look bad. Insecure people like to surround themselves with people like Lund.

  12. Every time I have to listen to that pompous ass opine on 3 technique in the A gap I feel compelled to hit my d*ck with a hammer. Its absolutely wretched radio, and its why NO ONE AT ALL ever talks to position coaches about the "details". That stupid ass touchdown call is nothing more than Papa being an attention whore. I'd rather listen to cats screwing.

  13. "That stupid ass touchdown call"...I second that!!!

  14. I stopped listening to sports-talk radio 5 years ago and I don't miss it.

  15. Completely agree on Papa. He loves the sound of his own voice and does cut the other guys off constantly. He know his stuff but sometimes less is more. BTW Murphy ain't any better in the morning. Pompous and self absorbed. Who cares about what he and the family do on the weekends and his little league coaching exploits.

  16. “ Copes” is co hosting that boring show because he’s cheap and probably does a lot of social media for the station as well. As far as Lund goes? Another moron who migrated over from “ the Game,” a station who’s signal can’t even be heard in most of the Bay Area. But as bad as “ Copes” and Lund are, they can’t hold a candle to “ Fatty Fitz,” who defines the word “disengenuous.” Thank goodness the Warriors have advanced to the second round and we don’t to hear anymore of his blatherings with “lBuki.”
