Friday, April 28, 2023

KCBS BS on Dead Air Wednesday Night; Designated Station for Bay Area EBS; KNBR/49ers Beats Giants Big Time; KRON's Darya Wants Love and Respect; NBC Bay Area's Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang Are Just Plain Friendly; Friday Pulse


That SPIN put out by some KCBS ass-kissers, (probably interns) that the DEAD AIR on Wed. night, (more than an hour) was not their fault and was caused by the underground fire, is all the more OUTRAGEOUS when you consider the following:

KCBS is the designated media outlet for the Bay Area when there's an emergency. Yeah, the so-called "Emergency Broadcast System" relies on KCBS, (and KQED) to act as the area conduit if/when there's an emergency, such as an earthquake or major incident.

KCBS is supposed to have back-ups to back-up generators if there's a power outage, for it's responsible for the Bay Area communications center in the event of a catastrophe.

Wednesday night's DEAD AIR was bad and embarrassing enough but could you imagine what would have happened had there been a major earthquake?

*WHY IS KNBR putting on NFL Draft shows even when the 49ers have no first-round picks?

Because the Giants broadcasts are LOSERS! Giants-related revenue on KNBR is a DUD. And it isn't just this year, it's been a years-long constant. The broadcasts in 2023 are down 30% from '22 and it's so bad, Cumulus and Giants' broadcast people had a secret meeting the other dayto discuss the matter.

Good luck with that.

*The JOKE at KRON? This is kind of funny.

Darya Folsom is kvetching about not getting respect and wanting more love and affection. The story goes she's upset that staffers are once again giving her the cold stare and she's pissed.

Really, Darya?

I gather Darya is back at being Darya for a variety of reasons but you should know: her contract is up and I'm told she's hungry like a wolf, que the orchestra, maestro.

*DOWN IN SAN JOSE, the sweet-loving Raj Mathai and his close friend, Janelle Wang, were just plain cozy and comfortable in a recent shindig at a downtown hotel. The times now, there is tension and stress at NBC Bay Area amidst all the peacock cutting.

Good to know the two married souls have maintained their love connection.


  1. when we had a big earthquake, many stations were off the air.

    1. KGO had its towers fall. Koit had no studio generator. Kfrc had a diesel pump that was not on emergency power. But for those of us that did thorough monthly generator testing and maintenance, we remained on the air the entire time, minus the seven seconds for generator start time.

    2. A lot of stations spent a small fortune beefing up their infrastructure as a result of the Loma Prieta earthquake, which makes the inability to operate at KCBS all the more incomprehensible. Too bad the FCC doesn’t have an enforcement division any longer.

  2. Does the FCC know KCBS cannot fulfill the duties of the primary EAS provider?

  3. If Darya's contract expiration is coming up she should put herself out to bid for offers from others. I don't see her as being a "fit" in too many other situations. That would humble her up quickly.

    1. I remembered how we suffered when Folsom and Radnich whooping it up in the mornings, yuck

  4. janel wang isn’t married anymore

    1. Sure, Raj. Keep telling yourself that.

  5. I see Raj is wearing his platform shoes again. He has risen to new heights. Next thing you’ll see is his new 4” inch pompadour, and him driving a red Lexus. Say what you will about Raj, but the man just oozes inferiority!

  6. "KCBS is supposed to have back-ups to back-up generators if there's a power outage..."

    Remember KRON going off the air for something like three days back in the late 90s when there was a massive power failure? The dayside EP, a useless entity named Bob Coleman, got canned over that, and rightfully so. I think if there were a disaster you'd find out most media outlets aren't up to snuff.

  7. Why bother continuing to list every time KCBS screws up? It's been happening for awhile now--although it's not THAT BAD (no one has died because of it). NewsRadio across the country is dead, anyways. And as far as KCBS being a go-to source as an EMS station---screw that. I'll get alerts on my SmartPhone. Why would I want to listen to any radio station in the country during a catastrophe--when all they'll have are people calling in ("Yeah...I felt it here in Petaluma!" "For realz....I feel'ed it here in Hayward!")

    1. In a real emergency, your phone won't be able to give you that alert. But low-tech AM radio is fairly reliable, those these outages make me think Audacy is scrimping on regular maintenance.

    2. AM is being eliminated from cars. Beside I will never have it on.

  8. KCBS- You can't resuscitate the dead.
    D.F. You've exceeded your "Best Buy Date".
    Raj- Congratulations! You are going to make one divorce attorney very happy!
    49ers. Get as many QB's as possible, you'll need them. Giants-same thing applies to you, only with catchers.

  9. I’m a big Raj fan. Good anchor and good person

    1. Yeah, yeah, goody goody. Thank you Mrs Mathai.

    2. Good, how? By cheating?

  10. I am shocked that the SF Giants broadcasts are not making KNBR a pile of ca$h. Seems like KNBR is the issue, not the radio side of the Giants. KNBR has been trotting out lousy hosts for years (Murph, Mac, Pops, Lund, Tolbert, Copes, FP Sant) - it was inevitable that they would send listeners fleeing. Their acts are old and moldy. Same pathetic dreck every day.
    Were I the Giants, Niners, Dubs, I’d buy a 50,000 watt’r and flush KNBR down the fruit chute.
    Eventually, the folks writing the checks will determine that KNBR needs a massive overhaul. I will tune back in when I read about the beheadings here.

    1. They could buy KGO and hire the best sports, news and business hosts. 960 could give them some.

  11. Even sped up, baseball is just a low-energy snooze fest.

  12. At CBS’s flagship and sister station, WCBS-TV, in New York City, 5 people are off this weekend, this includes anchors Maurice DuBois, Dana Tyler, and Chris Wragge, while the latter’s doing the NFL Draft, anchor/reporter Doug Williams, and chief weathercaster Lonnie Quinn.

  13. Is anyone out there tired of listening to the slow, boring shows hosted by Marty Lurie on the weekends? Marty knows baseball, but he gets into so much of the minutia and sounds old and tired. And he has some guests on there for as long as 20 minutes which gets really old. And who is this Kerry Crowley guy? Where did he come from? Marty should retire and go enjoy the sunset of his life rather than working for a crappy company like KNBR.

    1. Marty is definitely an old boring fart which is why he thankfully only does the pregame on the weekends now. Listening to him sounds like going to a funeral service

    2. I say put Marty in the BASHOF. The guy is amazing: smart, knows baseball inside and out, reviews books, and has his American Innings which reflects Baseball’s influence on America. His shows are fascinating. If you don’t like the pace, change the channel. For me, there are 2 excellent shows on radio: Marty Lurie on KNBR, and Tom Mazzolini “Blues by the Bay” on KPFA. I hope folks enjoy both shows

  14. Marty Lurie continues to be the best thing in local radio and since 1996. And he doesn't work for Knbr, he's his own production source.

  15. True about KCBS. The other station designated by the FCC is KQED. All of our other stations Emergency Alert Systems get the signal from one of those two stations.

  16. Didn't know that Janelle Wang was married again. She's starting to look her age (almost 47).
