Friday, April 28, 2023

Prominent News Correspondent Steve Futterman Out at CBS Radio


Steve Futterman was let go by CBS Radio News the other day.

CBS, in a cost-cutting move, axed Futterman, the network's West Coast correspondent for over 25 years.

Futterman, who I met covering the NBA Finals (Warriors) a few years back, reported on both news and sports. He's frequently heard on CBS stations, including locally, KCBS and other CBS affiliates.

Futterman had one of the best jobs in radio: covering Wimbledon, the US Open, Super Bowls and numerpus other major sporting events.

He also traveled both nationally and internationally to report on news events. He was one of the first reporters on the ground in Kyiv covering the Russia-Ukraine war.

He called his gig a "dream job."

No doubt.


  1. Reaching the top of the pay scale has it’s downsides.

    1. When you're at the top there is only one way to go.

  2. The NFL Draft is a subtle reminder that “newer, cheaper, replacements” are coming into the fold. There is an economic incentive to shuffle the old guys off into the sunset. I prefer wisdom over impulsiveness, experience over inexperience, and knowing how the game is played.
    As usual, some bean counter has pulled the plug on someone’s career. Now we will get a babbling moron who adds nothing to the conversation.

  3. Never get comfortable...............jf

  4. They'll replace him with someone who giggles constantly, and sells real estate during the commercials.

    1. If she's cute that might not be a bad thing,

    2. "If she's cute that might not be a bad thing,"

      It's radio. Why do you care?

  5. Replies
    1. With no chance of being revived.

  6. Looks like Jenny Seelig will be getting a phone call.

  7. I thought Julie Haener’s son was supposed to be a “top” NFL draft pick? lol

    1. He was picked in the 4th round. What round were you selected in?

  8. Disappointing. Now CBS will hire some 20-something zombie TikToker to replace him. This person can post on TikTok while babbling incoherently on the radio. Maybe Futterman can find a home on Bloomberg. Boy I'm glad I've got satellite radio.

    1. I haven't got into satellite radio as yet. What are some of the options out there and how do you get it?
      Old fart asking...thanks

    2. Go visit SiriusXM's website. That'll tell you what you need to know. Once you get it, you may never listen to "traditional" radio ever again.

    3. Thanks 10:24 I'll check it out.

    4. I got a year off Sirius free with my car. After the year ended they kept numbering me with offers to keep it up. You get painfully compressed music and lots of sports and conservative windbag talk show hosts, if that’s your jam.

    5. That still beats ANYTHING on terrestrial radio. Not close.

  9. What a disgrace. Just another REAL newsman being shown the door. Just really sad to me.

  10. They discovered they have to pay him money, and they said "Who the hell agreed to that?!?"

  11. He's an older intelligent and articulate white male. He'll never work again.

  12. In TV you can hide a lot with a nice dress or an expensive suit! But, in radio there’s no place to hide: the lack of experience, the sophomoric speech patterns & the depth of knowledge quickly and tragically become apparent. Radio Off !

    1. And yet those people keep getting hired.

  13. Knew Steve Futternan very well since the mid 1970s. Saw him not only here in the Bay Area for all of the great moments with Giants, Warriors and 49ers but at big sports events around the country. He’s got a good sense of humor and has never been full of himself. A real “people person.” but one who also was meant to be a broadcaster. One of the hardest working people I’ve ever worked alongside in our zany broadcasting business. Steve is now about 72 but probably could have worked for a few more years had Audacy not been so cheap. But really, at that age, one should get out of the profession, especially today. Consultants and bean counters have taken over as mega media companies continue to cut costs by hiring cheap, minor league talent that will eagerly work for peanuts and get on Twitter and other social media regularly for their stations. Our profession has gone into the toilet.

    1. I wouldn't go that far. Steve was pretty full of himself and wasn't aware of it. Anyways he had a long run

  14. Futterman always provided excellent reporting. Terrestrial radio is finished. I listen to Sirius XM.
