Saturday, April 29, 2023

Rumor Has It

That as Audacy stock is now less than 12 cents a share, massive layoffs will commence at all its radio stations, including here in SF at KCBS and 95.7 FM, "The Game."

*KGO-TV Circle7 was relatively sparred layoffs in its news dept. but sales took a big hit at 900 Front.

*Rumor has it KRON is changing over its news set, please no more weather boards.

*IF, as rumor has it, Julie Haener, finally bows out at KTVU, Heather Holmes and Kristina Rendon will party hearty. Not so much? Mark Ibanez.

*To think the New Orleans Saints 4th-round draft pick had an impact on Bay Area news developments is somewhat sort of comical.

*Jake Haener, in keeping with family tradition, immediately took a few days off to celebrate.

*Rumor has it, Julie Haener was cool with it.

*No such rumor: Steve Dorsey, in addition to Steve Futterman, also was 86ed at CBS News radio.

Dorsey was Washington bureau chief.


  1. How do you file a FCC complaint on KCBS for the 1 hour station outage on the AM & FM as a emergency broadcast station with NO backup plan. ??
    Time to start a paper trail on this station.

    1. You can complain to the FCC via the website.

      But let me warn you...
      The webpage that deals with EAS (Emergency Alert System) violations is a broken link. Just like most the links on the website.

      Unless your a robo caller...or a nipple belonging to Janet Jackson...then don't bother cuz Audacity will NEVER have the money to pay any fine..should the FCC levy one.

      I keep hearing a CB radio in my washing machine.

    2. Try this weblink to contact FCC regarding a radio station complaint:

  2. The news isn’t the Audacy stock price but the move to pull off a reverse stock split to stay on the big board. They’ve being reducing in force for three years - old news. iHeart, Cumulus & Westwood also had an “RIF” of some very senior staff this week. Welcome to radio in 2023.

  3. Cramer probably says it's a buy.

    1. Isn't he related to the "Raider of the Lost ARK's" Cathie Wood?

  4. "Rumor has it KRON is changing over its news set, please no more weather boards."


    Why do these idiots think the f*cking sets are so important? Give us interesting and useful stories. Change it up, so that we're not getting the same reporting every 20 minutes interspersed with 25 weather hits where they tell you exactly the same thing they told you the last time. That's what will get people to watch, NOT SETS!

    What idiots are running the show..........

    1. KTVU last night replayed the SAME two stories about flooding in Yosemite and Tahoe I had to double check I wasn’t watching a rerun.

    2. What idiots are running the show..........Hard to tell these days? We no longer have your single garden variety idiot. They have multiplied like your 32 flavors of COVID variants.
      Focus people! Give us the hard hitting news that we deserve! That and Justine Waldman looking hot in that incredible yellow dress she wore last week!

  5. I haven’t watched the 10 o clock news in a few years. It’s Ho hum. Might as well watch Sarah Douchy. She’s only average but a total hottie. Nice to look at. My fav is Ama Daetz. Nice look and intelligent.

    1. Sara Donchey is my favorite anchor with Audrey Asistio a close second.

  6. Only KTVU is making a big noise about the Jake Haener draft

    San Anselmo

    1. Only KCBS is making a big noise about the draft coming from Wahl’s backside.

      Peter Felch

    2. Who else has heard of him?

  7. Speaking of KRON, their sportscasters are horrendous standing in front of the huge screens during highlights. I don’t know the gal’s name but she blocks 1/3 of the screen then points to the highlight with her hand in a forced enthusiastic voice. Cringy!
    Speaking of cringy did anyone see Donchey’s outfit on Fridaybafter the Warrior’s loss? She was wearing huge nerdy Steve Urkel glasses 🤓 and some pants with shiny silver buttons all over the front and half the time she had her hands inside the pockets like she’s on a casual stroll to the nearest Marina watering hole. How is she allowed to go on air looking this way?

    1. Donchey is too much and she is going way overboard. She even quoted “casual Friday” because Heggen always dresses casual on Friday (and can on any random day of the week).

      Yes I saw her glasses, it’s stupid. I’m okay if you’re wearing it cause of vision and medical reasons but those types I saw were almost like goggles & made her look stupid. Even during the week the worst outfit I’ve seen her wear on air was a jeans skirt looking like she was going to a club soon.

      When she was on the field reporting back in September that was okay because you could see her face and the shirt she is wearing. Again she can keep her job but I wish she was field reporting again and someone like Brian Hackney can replace her at 11PM on weeknights and just call it the Evening Edition. Also the weeknight late news music is too much; sometimes she mixes so many different clown sounding music.

    2. I've never seen the glasses before, but she's worn the baggy black pants many times, and she frequently walks around with her hands in her pockets. Nothing new.

    3. Because it attracts viewers. She’s making you watch, right?

    4. Yes, and it gets cringey. I know I can always change the channel since KNTV still has better news at that time. The problem is not just the way she dresses but is the fact that there is just literally like no news at that hour.

      Unless they make some changes, I guess it’s going to stay this way forever.

      Regarding Heggen and wearing jeans as a casual, it’s not good. Management should suggest he not wear jeans and can still be tieless all he wants. Even khakis like Hackney is okay. Back in March when we had the March madness tournament, he went as far as wearing a t-shirt on air. Just poor fashion sense for on the air. In real life, do whatever you want.

    5. Donchey knows she’s hot.

    6. She can be hot outside of the studio. What she does outside her work is her business. In the studio and on live TV, there should be some level of expectation on how one dresses especially. I never wish to say this, but hope the next thing KPIX DOES NOT DO is stoop down so low as far as anchors like her dressing half naked. With Donchey, it's not far from there as sometimes she wears very short skirts, but in my opinion she is too much.

      Remember one more thing, she is married and has a son. Wonder what her husband would think about this.

    7. @12:03PM - The other person who walks around with their hand in their pocket is Brian Hackney, when he does the weather. I've seen it many times whether it's live or on a Sunday morning pre-recorded weather cast.

  8. With Julie Haener’s son being drafted to NFL, I’m guessing this is her green light to jump the KTVU sinking ship now that her son will be bringing in the big bucks.

    Paging Heather Holmes….

    KRON getting a new set? Please, even if they are trying to get the new updated Nexstar News Set Cookie Cutter Design seen on KTLA and now WPIX, their format will not go with the new look and the set will be under utilized. Their 1pm show “LIVE! In the Bay” will only benefit the new look. Other than that the current set seen on WFLA matches their current format.

  9. Z in Emeryville -

    Anyone have any news on how the union contract negotiations are going between The Guild of SF Gate and SF Chronicle employees and the Chronicle?

  10. Jake Haener is 24? How many years does it take to graduate in the valley?

  11. KCBS is a legacy station but has gotten woke. This will be their downfall.

  12. coldhandswarmheartApril 30, 2023 at 7:03 AM

    With Jake Haener's NFL draft, hope Julie Haener FINALLY leaves KTVU to watch her son play while hanging/traveling with Mark Ibanez.
    Wouldn't it be amusing to see Jake 'bust' out of the NFL only for Ms Julie to come crawling for her job back? :p

    1. I agree. Julie Haener will likely use this as an excuse to finally start her new life with Mark Ibaño. She probably feels she can’t go “all in” with Marky Mark as long as she’s still at ktvu.

    2. It’ll be fun to see Haener and Ibanez travel the world together. They’ll be like teenagers in love. I’m sure she’ll show off and post about it nonstop on her social media.

  13. As with many companies on the brink, the top brass will get bonuses, while the worker bees will get lay off slips.
    Lots of folks on this forum, including me, make derisive comments about the lousy product “Audacity” is putting out, but we are not the ones losing a paying job. Losing one’s job can be life-changing, gut-wrenching, and upsetting to a family’s plans and dreams. In other words there is a human aspect to “being let go.”
    In a better world, we’d all work together and tough it out - all going down with the ship if we had to. But in this world, those pesky wage slaves are ingrates and need to go. Top Brass gets a pass, workers get it in the As…

  14. and it ain't over at Circle seven watch for june

  15. so now it's evil to have a son in the NFL draft?

  16. So what’s going to happen to the KGO transplants at KCBS? Like Pat Thurston or Bret Burkhart? They just came to KCBS not too long ago and they are pretty good.

    There are veterans I’m sure like Patti Reising, it’s getting a little worrying. Is this a sign all news radio will be out soon? Meaning what happened to KGO Newstalk 810 could very well be the same with KCBS 740AM?

  17. Sarah is a lovely person but no journalist. She’s a presenter.

  18. I’d be surprised if Haener is still with KTVU by the end of the summer. It’s not as though she needs Jake’s rookie contract money to he her ticket to financial freedom (she seems to be doing quite well on her own), but I suspect that generally speaking her lifestyle and priorities will change now that Jake is an NFL quarterback (albeit a benchwarmer behind Derek Carr and Jameis Winston).

  19. It's going to be Bloody Monday at 95.7 The Lame tomorrow. Guru ("Laughable") should have been off the radio 5 years ago. Good riddance!

  20. If Jake is anything like his mother, then the NFL will be the perfect work arrangement for him: work one day followed by six days off for six months, and nowhere to be found for the other half of the year.

    1. What an idiotic and uninformed comment. To imply Julie Haener doesn’t work for half the year is totally wrong and misleading.
      If you actually watched ktvu you would know that Haener missed 9-10 months of work - not 6.

  21. What the rumor about KPIX? I hope they shut them down. They suck.

  22. Mark Ibanez is still alive?

  23. I love JH and HH.

  24. Hopefully that's not the case regarding 95.7. Losing Damon Bruce was a blow to the station. I can't imagine any of the other main weekday hosts on that station getting let go as well.

    It's still hard for me to imagine Audacy losing money when they have so many radio stations across the country and national radio stations across the country, under their umbrella. If anything, you would think they would be killing it and making tons of money.

  25. The people at Audacy do.not know what they are doing. That's how you lose money and have stock at 12 cents.

  26. KCBS is a joke and has been since Audacy took over and started cutting veterans who knew what radio is supposed to be about. The fact that they hired the clueless Jen Seelig who poisoned the atmosphere at KCBS is proof positive that Audacy is a terrible company. But then, so too are I-heart and Cumulus. These soulless mega-media giants have helped to destroy radio. They’re not interested in serving the public but merely care about keeping bottom line fat. That’s their primary motivation. Make more $ to keep their shareholders happy and give their CEOs big, fat bonuses. But their incredibly stupid moves have backfired and helped to make their “properties” less valuable, as they’ve turned away millions of listeners over the last decade.

  27. I seldom listen to KCBS any more, but I remember thinking Futterman was decent. Not so?

  28. What is going on at KPIX? No morning reporters are there. Where is Jocelyn Moran? And Amanda now leaving after posting all of the work she did on her home? No boyfriend, no morning anchor spot and back to LA? Please, KPIX, talk to your staff about how to dress appropriately for a news show.
