Thursday, April 13, 2023

The BIG Scoop By The Little Engine: SF's Mission Local Breaks Bob Lee/Tech Exec Murder

And pulled off by a blog, SF's "Mission Local" broke the story of an arrest by the SFPD of a suspect in the murder of Bob Lee.

Joe Eskenazi wrote the story and got the warrant, apparently leaked by one of the cops themselves.

Good work by a small unit and even getting national and overseas attention.


  1. Have we become so coarse as a society that they have to show video of a man's last struggling moments alive?

    1. It used to be,
      "If it bleeds, it leads..."
      Now it's,
      "Click 'n Views" Baby!

    2. Agreed, I also thought it was totally unnecessary and crass, all in name of so called sensationalist journalism, for shame

    3. I've often wondered about the purpose of replaying 911 telephone calls where the person on the line is shot/stabbed/raped/whatever. Why do we have to hear this? Can't we just know they called 911 and let it go at that?

    4. @7:30 Public information act, morbid curiosity and the people's right to know, I guess. Much like the gawkers and rubberneckers at the sight of a freeway crash..I don't wanna look but...I didn't wanna see two girls one cup on the internet back in the day either. But here we are.

      Also like that Don Henley song goes...'Can we film the operation...Is The head dead yet...You know the boys in the newsroom got a running bet...Get the widow on the set...We love dirty laundry...' least some people do.

      Clicks and hits...Content....And rating$, indeed. 24/7 news cycle and yet they're all basically saying the same thing. Nice work if you can get it, I suppose. Shame left the disco in the late 70's along with Evelyn 'Champagne' King.

      'And it's hard to love...There's so much to hate...Hanging on to hope...When there is no hope to speak of...And the wounded skies above...Say it's much, much too late...Well, maybe we should all be praying for time...' - George Michael

      Pretty much sums up how the media makes some of us feel these days.

    5. News actualities should be heard. Life isn't pretty. The public pays for both investigations and for 911 dispatchers. Did you think the dispatcher did a good job here?

    6. It is rare that such a circumstance is left on video. If you had been a witness who was afraid to say anything, or just thought it was another stumbling drunk, you may have seen this and seeing it aired on media triggers your talking to police about other things you may have seen. Don't like hard news? Don't watch it.

  2. Business dispute..or romantic dispute..we shall see..

    1. I would bet SFPD identified killer by tracing nearby cell phone pings. Simply finding signal that was near victim.

    2. You'd bet? Much more likely, detectives interviewed the victim's associates, including former spouse, inquired about extant disputes , deals etc. and traced the connections, surveilled the suspect and nailed him.

  3. Whomever this guy is, I hope he is killer. Othwerwise life ruined and guilty person out free!

    1. We know who he is...another tech mogul, named, known by both Musk and Lee.

  4. Does kind of ruin the meme that this was another one of those out of control San Francisco crime caused by lax woke policies which was an agenda a bunch of people were pushing, including Twitter's owner, because it fit in their bubble. Sometimes crime has nothing to do with social's just bad people doing bad things. But hey, why ruin a perfectly good rush to judgement before the facts are known?

    1. Exactly. I wonder if that big mouth Musk will offer an apology for jumping to conclusions. Dope.

    2. I don't see how he's a dope ( other places, yeah, a class A dope). What he tweeted is true. It happens that it doesn't apply in this individual case, but on the whole it's true. He has nothing to apologize for.

    3. He’s a dope because he tweeted specifically about this case and he’s dead wrong about it. The whiney conservative narrative was proven WRONG boohoo

    4. So your argument is he got it wrong, but that's ok for him to be wrong and broadcast his wrongness all over the place because San Francisco is still terrible? Congratulations. You just passed the cable news pundit test...

    5. You just KNOW that Trumptards...and their network--Faux News--are SEVERELY bummed that the suspect wasn't Black, an illegal immigrant, a Muslim, a BLM member, or a Mexican gang-banter/MS-13 member. The only hope now for foKKKs news and Trumptards is if the suspect is a Breed/Newsome/Biden supporter. If not, the network will cease following this story.

    6. 7:29 try again...the murder suspect was not what Mr. Musk asserted he/she would certainly be.

    7. lol, apologists for the SF clown show grasping at straws..."you better apologize because this ONE murder wasn't the same as the all of the other ones!"

  5. Joe Eskenazi is the only reporter in the entire Bay Area who actually reports on the corruption in the City. Overall, while I do not always agree with his political positions, I greatly admire the work he puts in in trying to inform the public. His articles on the Department of Building Inspection and about the web of corruption in City departments (Nuru, Kelly, etal) made for must-read journalism. Andy Ross used to do this in the Matier & Ross days, but Joe is the only one left now.

  6. I am sorry for Mr. Lee and has family. I wonder when the janitor, teacher, bus driver or barista are killed violently if there will be the same outrage and shock for longer than a day? I guess only people who have executive or tech in their job title are worth covering for days on end. I do not include children in my above list because when they die by gun violence, we definitely hear about that.( this is not a commentary about guns.) It's not about crime in SF, it's about the cult worship of those in tech, their lifestyle and their money.

    1. The murders of prominent people are always more widely covered. This has always been and always will be true. Here the story had additional crime "pizazz" because the victim had called 911 trying to get help before his eventual collapse, and his odd whereabouts at the time of the stabbing were intriguing. San Francisco murder rates are well below those in most large American cities,btw. It is not , as some here would assert, because of any lack of reporting of those figures on behalf of law enforcement.

  7. Good work by Mission Local actually breaking the story on Twitter before anyone else. I read about it there first. What do you know...Responsibly journalism by a non-profit that beat all the major local networks to the punch.

    Speaking of local network news...They all broke in with coverage of this arrest at @12:30 this afternoon with the local press conference with Mayor Breed, the police chief and DA. except for ABC 7. It appears the 85th hour of Good Morning America at noon was more important than a major local news story that's gone worldwide. (insert eyeroll.)

    I'll give ABC 7 credit though for their reporter Lyanne Melendez presenting us with FACTS on the actual homicide rates in SF compared to other major cities at the outset of this investigation. It shows that SF is actually near the bottom according to statistics. While a red-state run city like St. Louis is actually 10 times higher in terms of the murder rate.

    It's easy to scapegoat San Francisco. And the city does have its problems. But it's certainly not the dystopian hellscape people with certain agendas have made it out to be.

    Kudos to DA Brooke Jenkins for calling out that musky Elon Musk. I guess he fancies himself some sort of Rupert Murdoch now that he owns Twitter. Probably just as evil. And as Jenkins pointed out, his own tweets about this murder at the time it happened were indeed 'reckless and irresponsible'. But then again his tweets about a lot of things are often ignorant and ill-informed.

    Twitter is currently barreling its way towards oblivion with him in charge. Maybe that's his actual goal. End the town square as we know it. He's a narcissistic megalomaniacal moron, either way.

    Lessons learned for those who are willing: Wait for FACTS before jumping to conclusions and painting an entire city with one broad brush. And....You're more likely to be murdered by someone you know as opposed to a total stranger on the streets. Those are just the FACTS jack. Something a lot of people who want to jump on the bandwagon of trashing San Francisco seem to be allergic to this days.

    As the SF police chief so rightly pointed out, this crime speaks more about human nature and human behavior than 'cesspool and anarchy' running rampant on the streets of San Francisco. That doesn't fit some peoples agendas on the right...but it's true.

    Now...Was it murder over money, jealousy or secret lovers gone bad??Drugs or alcohol involved?? Grab your popcorn, folks. This one's gonna be more interesting than the Murgaugh trial. (Condolences to Bob Lee's family, of course.)

    1. You keep telling those potential tourist and convention schedulers- that everything is OK in SF.
      Send them your "stats" from KGO...I'm sure they will change their minds.

      "I went to SF...and all I got was this T-Shirt...and a trip to SafeLite to repair those rental car windows that the local natives broke out."

    2. post nails it,, 7:57.The megalomanic seems all too often "moronic"likely because his profound neurologic impairment( has admitted autism) drives his need to blurt things out wihtout thinking. Now Mr. Musk claims to want to turn the twitter offices into a homeless shelter. Is this out of compassion for his fellow humans, or the perfect place to gather reserach subjects, willing to sign waivers for his brain chip human trials.. BTW, if anything caused SanFrancisco's current woes more than anything else, it was ironically the surge of tech money,pushing anyone incapable of paying meteoric rent increases out of the city, leaving behind the very nouveau riche and the very poor.

    3. File this one next to Jeff Adachi. If you can wait until Hell freezes'll have your answer.

    4. Richie was getting right on that one.

    5. Exactly @ 8:44. Former Mayor Ed Lee sold San Francisco out to the highest bidder. And what did we get back in return?Astronomical rents. Overpriced condos. More gentrification. And 15 dollar avocado toast. Ripped the soul of the city right out over time. And left us with drunk barfing --- girls in the Mission, Castro, Fillmore, Marina...A virtual annoying bachelorette party everywhere!! Whee...

      Remember those huge tech busses that used to transport techies from Santa Clara to SF. Seeing less and less of them these days. Yet still more potholes, uneven streets, a homeless crisis, car break-ins, property crime and graffiti on every empty space.

      These tech companies gave back basically nothing in return. Used the city for its beauty and allure then high tailed it out when the bottom fell out. Even Salesforce is leaving town. But isn't that tower pretty? I'll go visit it and take pictures the next time I jump into one of those numerous driverless cars roaming the streets...Which is never.

      Bring back PlayLand At The Beach and I'm down. True San Francisco soul and fun from yesteryear versus more overpriced high rises, restaurants and computer geeks. Laughing Sal where are ya'?? lol

  8. I have never heard of the Mission Insider, and am unlikely to find it, But I will give em credit for their foghorn in the developing story.
    Now about Musk: even though he’s among the richest of anyone on Earth, do you ever hear about him building a hospital, or a food bank, or low income housing, or helping others? He gets a ton of money from the federal government. You look around at what other civic minded well to do folks have done, and they have given generously to improving health, education, supporting the arts, getting nutritious meals to the poor, ending diseases, housing seniors. Not Musk. Not Ellison. Not Pete Thiel. These guys have more money than God, but they prefer to lobby Congress to prevent their paying taxes.
    Maybe the Mission Insider can write a story about these ‘government welfare cases’.

    1. His hair plugs cost him a fortune. Can’t spare a dime now.

    2. 1. The Zuckerbergs put their name on SF General Hospital even tho the taxpayers covered 99 9% of the cost.
      2. Musk got money from the federal government for his role in stopping global warming. Is that less important than making sure hungry people get canned food?

    3. KPFA has exposed Musk as a high tech welfare “queen” the guy gets all kinds of subsidies. He’s a bit like trump. Big mouth, good at marketing, making himself the center of attention as if he’s working 24/7 assembling Tesla cars and also designing them back at headquarters. Big blowhard.

    4. Minor correction It's Mission Local, a hyper local paper focused one the Mission District with a staff of about eight, so bigger than a blog. There are a number of small, nonprofit newsrooms including The San Francisco Public Press, The Frisc, etc who break investigations that the big papers and certainly the TV stations miss. You may have been confused on the name, Their is in fact a San Francisco Business Insider which is part of a larger chain of business newspapers who also do great work within their field of reporting. One billionaire is funding a pretty major competitor to SF Caron. The guy behind SF Standard is making some waves. The problem is that paper is a for profit completely supported by him. If he gets board and walks away it would simply collapse. That's the problem with billionaires, they fund things until they decide they're over it.

  9. You’re right, Musk is wrong, Gee remind me again why Bob Lee moved to Miami.

  10. NO, San Francisco is a dystopian hellscape. And sadly, we are beginning to become accustomed to that. We are indifferent to it now, sadly.

    1. And name me a large city in the U.S. that is not dystopian hellscape.

  11. Wokeness is the end of the Bay Area

  12. Perhaps if the news wasn't so sanitized and we really had a glimpse of the way people actually die, in war, as an example, it wouldn't be so romanticized and there wouldn't be such support for such a pointless endeavor. We are always told "We can't show you this." Why, I ask. We are an inherently violent and bloodthirsty culture yet we sugarcoat true depictions of murder and mayhem.


  13. A five year old girl was shot dead on a Bay Area freeway the other day, one of more than 120 freeway shootings in the area over the last 15 months. In most towns an epidemic of highway shootings would be the top ongoing story with loud persistent public demands for officials to take action. But not in sophisticated San Francisco.

  14. They searched his sister's apartment. What's up with that?

  15. If a powerful person can be killed, we less powerful people have fear, even in a city where the homicide rate is low. And SF is a walking city and a tourist destination. St. Louis is neither. People here have to feel safe on the street.

  16. I remember that when Joe Eskenazi discovered that supe candidate Leanna Louie "resided in District 4, voted in District 10 — and co-owns home in District 11," she called him "Joe EskeNAZI"

  17. The murder rate could be zero, and it's still an unacceptable situation for a city with the impacts from an open drug scene

  18. 7:57p. Your comments are absolutely on point!

  19. All of you haters of the "woke" San Francisco Bay Area can leave if you'd like. If you can't stand the politics her, just LEAVE. Ah, but there's the rub: You're tied to your well-paying jobs--and moving to your "dream" states of teKKKSas or Florida would mean taking a massive pay cut. Yeah, you'd lose the homeless and the druggies...for the redneKKKs, Bible-thumpers, and KKKountry music fans.

    But then again, maybe that IS your scene. Oh to be you. Me--I love it here in San Francisco. I'll never leave again (like I did 20-years ago, for the supposed better/greener pastures (desert, actually) of Phoenix. NEVER again.

  20. Per court docs, guy killed Lee (allegedly) over Lee's relationship with his sister? Almost sounds like something from Shakespeare. Sad and pathetic!

    1. @3:10 Sad and pathetic, indeed. Mission Local broke the court docs first again!! Somebody's got a connection over there. And the deets are

      So this guy killed Bob Lee because he was mad about his sister allegedly doing drugs?? And quite possibly having an affair with Lee as she is married to one of SF's top plastic surgeons. None of this makes sense. I mean, I love my sister but I'll be damned if I'm going to jail for the rest of my life for that kinda family drama. Must be a cultural thing with this Momeni guy. And did he think he wouldn't get caught?? The hubris!!!

      Tech bros aren't always what they seem either. Lot of drugs, excess and party and play. Probably to make up for their expansive bank accounts that oft times masks their empty souls. May have cost a guy his life here.

      This Lifetime movie gon' be lit!

  21. People in the newsroom were joking that Lee’s killer looks like a spitting image of Rosemary’s photographer.

    1. Rumors used to circulate in the newsroom that Rosemary’s photog have Heather and Cristina the creeps.

  22. The upshoot to all of this: the San Francisco Comical doesn't have the chops to be able to muckrake like this. This is the newspaper that employs a music critic to pretend he's their Covid correspondent. Good thing for him that he knows how to navigate Twitter.

  23. The SF Chronicle keeps getting worse. Most of their news copy is off the AP wire and they charge 4 times what they used to charge when the paper had three times more pages and lots of good local writers. When the sports page started not printing stories about local games played the previous night, I said “ enough!” After 42 years of being a loyal subscriber, the SF Chronicle treats its readers with disdain. I called their sales office and explained why I was canceling my subscription. But they don’t care anymore, so neither do I.
