Thursday, April 13, 2023

415 Media Thursday Extra: Vern Glenn Officially #1 Weeknight Sports Anchor/Director at KPIX

IN NEWS that is entirely non-shocking but as of this, (Thursday) morning:

Vern Glenn is now your #1 sports anchor at KPIX, (CBS News/Bay Area).

Glenn, after almost two years of primary sports anchoring was formally offered the #1 job by PIX brass on Wednesday and accepted. Again, a foregone conclusion unless Vern had a career change in mind but the Warriors already have a point guard.

Glenn will anchor Thursday through Sunday and continue his sports-related duties and 49ers chores.

He's negotiating (with agent), a multi-year deal and he most likely will finish his tenure in the Bay Area at PIX.

Vern is a thirty-year-plus (KRON early 90's) fixture in Bay Area sports TV.

Glenn takes over for Dennis O'Donnell.



  1. Duh ....who else were they expecting to bring in for a 2 minute sports segment during evening news. They offered him the #1 job now!
    At least GSW knew had a better idea when Wiggins could be back. KPIX was still waiting for O' Donnell. Doesn't make sense, sounds like it came down to Glenn was the best choice available finally! ----Duh ... Duh....
    Before internet, back in the day - you needed to watch the sports segment for highlights. Most people don't even watch the news anymore.

  2. Bye KPIX. I can't stand Vern. He acts like a clown, not a sports guy.

    1. Me too, ""Mr. Excitement" is a bufoon. I used to cringe when he would play "Rochester" to Radnich's "Mr. Benny."


    2. @11:24 maybe you mean Mr Excrement?

  3. Congratulations to Mr. Glenn. I see he's been on TV in this area since 1990 (initially here on KRON, not at KPIX). To all, try to retire healthy/well, and financially secure, and unless you want to, don't die before retiring.:)

  4. Vern does act like a clown but he has impeccable knowledge of sports & what he is talking about. Being a long time fixture in the Bay Area, from KRON, it is well deserved for him. Whenever he retires hope he’ll retire well.

    Charlie Walter is better and calm in my opinion while still having the knowledge of what he is talking about. He can easily move up there 1 day in the future, but that may take years depending on how he does ofc.

  5. Two years? They make decisions quickly at KPIX, don't they?

  6. Couldn't happen to a better person; met him eons ago in Walgreens Lombard st and he is the nicest guy you'll ever meet, good luck with your promotion

    1. Same here. Standing in a beer line at the Stick with him halftime of a Niner game. Super friendly and funny. Nice guy.Enjoyed our chat. Good for him!

  7. Vern is OK.

    I remember 20 years ago when he was Mr. Involvement. I think that was his moniker back then.

    If you don’t like him switch the channel. Easy peasy.

  8. Mr Involvement was fine when he did that buffoonish act but then his Radnich mannerisms became a huge turn off. It’s like they were roommates and he took on Raddys twitch, tapping guests on the knees, holding the copy in his hand as a prop. I’m surprised he didn’t chop off a couple of fingers just to turn into Raddy completely.

    1. That’s too funny but all true.

  9. He reminds me of a sillier version of Stuart Scott but I like Vern, he seems like a good guy.

  10. The different gimmicks stations are using to bring in more viewers, and especially younger viewers, are interesting. KGO-TV is trying to be the PC news: The black noon anchor (who can't read a teleprompter for shit), the gay meteorologist, the gay anchor who shared too much of his sex life. Then there's KPIX, who decides to lure Bay Area Millennials with hipster anchors in ripped jeans and leather pants instead of queers and people o' color. Interesting no one tries the most obvious way to bring in more viewers—better reporting!

  11. Having read that he was always the weekend sports anchor and moved up is good.

    Now that’s left is Brian Hackney…he’s gotta be the primetime anchor or eventually…retire. He does not really have much enthusiasm on the weekend evening desk especially when solo.

  12. Waste of cash CBS.

  13. And also Devin Fehely…he shouldn’t just be doing weekend mornings. He is very underutilized and in my opinion should be the main anchor and face of the station. Why not move him to 11PM on weeknights & put Sara back on the field some days. Fehely delivers the news nicely, very personable and balances confidence with what he says is the truth.

    Yesterday night, when my mom was watching Donchey she really did not like the way she dressed and I mentioned how bad the 11pm news is compared to the past with Bastida, Cook and Yamamoto who all held the news with more decency & professionalism. With all the ads quoting her, Donchey is too much.

    Yes I know we can change the channel but I like to see how far things are going till changes come.

  14. Good for Vern ! Yes he’s lighthearted, he’s talking about Sports ! Many of us tune out the wars, destruction, lying former president, drug addled kooks, by listening and watching Sports. The A’s and Giants finish in last place? Great! We love you anyway! The Raiders bail on their loyal fans twice? See ya !!
    Sports are kids games, and while the money may be incredible, we all like “our team” when they win!
    Keep smilin’ Vern, you have the right perspective on the role of sports in our lives.

  15. YIKES..saw that coming..I always change the channel when he comes it when he is on his day's off..only us seniors watch or read news..retired SF Chron/Ex newspaper driver here.

  16. Let's wait for a "breaking" suck up story by The Athletic ... coming any day now and they'll never credit it to Rich (or anyone else) ... why we still have a subscription to it really is a mystery ... gives "the toy department" knock on sports reporters an even worse name!

  17. Congratulations Vern, Mr. Involvement!

  18. Vern Glenn is unwatchable, a 🤡 and buffoon. He is still a Gary Radnich clone.

  19. Vern Glenn could wear a Bozo outfit covered in Nickelodeon slime doing the sports report by kazoo and STILL be more
    listenable than the analytic clown's spew of Carlos Ramirez.

  20. Andrea should have been the sports director as she knows how to anchor and interview well just like she does on the news. It’s management’s loss.

    1. Agreed! Andrea Nakano know how to interview and is knowledgeable of all sports.

  21. Congrats to Vernon Glenn. He deserve the promotion.

  22. Really nice guy. Met him once when the KRON truck got towed in the City and I've been watching him since I was a kid. Glad that they finally gave him the spot.

  23. I like Vern's enthusiasm.

  24. Why did they move Elizabeth Cook to midday news? IMHO, she's the best they got. Calm, clear, natural delivery. Been there years now, wtf is KPIX doing. Yamamoto doesn't bother me much, I know Rich doesn't care for him at all, but I find his delivery smooth. Sarah Donchey is a bit raunchy. HATE he unprofessional delivery.
    Really surprised no one's talked about Charlie Walker. Privileged frat bro vibes all the way. Annoys me when he's on even though yeah, he's good at his job.

    1. The reason could likely be that Liz has very young kids and she probably did that so she can spend more time with them. But one thing I can tell you in terms of professionalism and the way she dresses, Liz is far far better than Sara Donchey. When she did 11pm, she did a great job along with Allen & Ken/Brian/Ryan. And CBS has stopped down to the level where on weekdays some shows are dedicated to some anchors. Like the 3pm with Reed but the problem now is I heard Reed is going to be taking over the morning show for a few weeks, and the Late News with Donchey everything from the background music to the opening of the show is a disaster.

      KPIX should be like other stations on the weekdays, keep Noon & 3pm as afternoon edition, 5pm and 11pm as Evening edition on weeknights too. 6 and 7pm I can understand why it’s with Jules…she’s been a veteran since 97’ and one of the best anchors they got. When Jules fills in for Sara at 11pm the news is always better.

      Yamamoto isn’t that bad imo, my parents also love his delivery and professionalism. He kind of injects a little humor when transitioning to other meteorologists.

      Charlie Walter despite what anyone says isn’t that bad at all. He has a great delivery & knowledge of sports. I know how people compared him as a Paul Heggen of sports but there are many differences; he has a lot of personality & valuable knowledge of sports and does not act as a show off like Vern. Don’t get me wrong Vern is great too but I like Charlie Walter. He seems to have a good rapport with the anchors and meteorologists too.

    2. I like Sara Donchey. She is a good anchor and reporter. She is also easy on the eyes.

    3. I was hoping someone would answer my question re Liz Cook! Thank you. I actually did think about that. I know she has young kids and working 11PM news had to have been tough. Midday would work out great with a child's school schedule. I hope that is the case and it wasn't a demotion cause Liz is excellent.
      Glad you mentioned the dedicated news hours to specific anchors. I find it completely unnecessary and just plain stupid especially when the eponymous anchor is out, which happens A LOT! Stop trying to be cute, KPIX! It's a mess all over the place. Went downhill after Ken left. Him and Liz were great together.
      Jules is cool, a bit giggly sometimes, but good. A vet, for sure. I watch when Jules is on. I watch channel 11 at 11PM when Donchey's on.

    4. I disagree with you about Charlie. I was unsure at first, but has grown into his role. He did a lot of the 49ers coverage and thought it seemed like he had a good rapport with the players, he did a lot of features during March madness that were well done. I see him reporting more, but the time or two I’ve caught him filling in on the weekday 6 pm show I thought he’s had good presentation and know what he’s talking about.

  25. I didn't realize Glenn was that short until I saw him in person.

  26. In an era where most of the local TV news ‘talent’ has fallen to minor league Medellin, Vernon Glenn stands out as a solid, respected pro. Too bad that the local stations around here continue to hire these medium Barber quality shnooks and schmucks.
