Friday, April 14, 2023

Dan Ashley Lets His Hair Grow Out; Could Circle7 Vet Be Signaling Move?: Rumors Rampant; Chinatown Dim Sum Thoughts; KNX in LA Still Royalty While KCBS Is In The Abyss; KNBR Internal Lousy March Numbers; KTVU Mikaelian Clarity; Friday Pulse

AN INTERESTING OBSERVATION ...on this Friday from a sage Circle7 contact:

The ABC7 person told me that they were watching KGO News the other night and, "Dan Ashley let his hair grow out."

So I asked, "you think he's leaving?" "Maybe", said the source.

Ashley's future is still murky--he remains officially unsigned and working on an "at-will" basis which is apparently OK with him and thrifty ABC/Disney. The rumors are rampant but NO ONE is talking.

Something's gotta give. I thought a new extension was close and it may yet be a done deal until it's not.

Ashley has lots of gravitas in the East and his native South Carolina, including standing offers from ABC News and stations that love his work.

His hair or not.

I'm trying to reason here. I'm being rational and saying ABC won't let a thirty-year-plus SF TV News vet go but corporate interests are not so rational.

*IN CHINATOWN the other day --a scene from the past: a little old Chinese guy and his wife making dim sum and listening to Cantonese-Chinese talk radio. I don't know the language but the dim sum was good and it beat the current KGO which is dead.

*The radio ratings aren't out but word is both KCBS and KNBR had really BAD March numbers--is anyone shocked? Moi isn't.

*DO WHAT I DO: take a listen to KNX in LA and hear the difference between a REAL news operation and woeful KCBS. There's no comparison.

KNX covers LA and Southern CAL as SOLID and professional as ever even in today's difficult times. They care, they still have really good people like Charles Feldman and Pete Demetriou-far cry from the eternal lousys and nobodys that make up KCBS.

It's a quality listen and more than professional because KNX has legit leadership and a bevy of good people. They make sure the place is humming 24/7.

KCBS used to be that before being sent into the abyss by a woman who has ZERO standing and proves it every day.

Demetriou, (pictured) is a veteran LA News/radio HOFer; his reports are must-listen and even marginal LA radio news folks appreciate his passion and work ethic.

*I COMPLIMENTED the other day, KTVU's AM anchor, Gasia Mikaelian; she surprised me with a good interview of the mayor. Good work deserves mention here from time to time. I wish Gasia could apply her chops to everyday broadcasts.

The same would apply to Mike Mibach. Wait a minutre; don't hold your breath.


  1. KCBS and KNBR have the dum but no sum.

  2. Dan Ashley always lets his hair grow out as his upcoming gigs with his band start to pick up. He has this annual gig, I forgot what it's called, but this year the special guests are Joan Jett & the Blackhearts. Ashley's band plays and they always have special guests. It's some sort of fund raiser, I think, but if you see Ashley as he plays with the band, he doesn't have the "anchor hair spray" on and his hair freely flows. But I have noticed that every year about this time, he lets it grow a little longer for that reason....

  3. I visited my daughter in NYC a few weeks ago...and tuned in to WCBS radio (I went to college w/one of their news anchors). KNX, WCBS is a TOP-NOTCH news radio outfit as well. Everyone sounds the solid new pros that they are.

    1. KNX sounds great because KNX is full of true professionals. From board-ops to desk editors and reporters...this is Hollywood, and the entertainment capitol of the world.
      KCBS has way too much internal political B.S. to deal with. KNX has far less inside turmoil, and the players don't act like entitled children. Don't get me wrong...KCBS used to be top notch...not any more.

      Expect KCBS to be run out of L.A remotely real soon...with only a skeleton crew of reporters in the B.A.
      "California's All News Stations"...KNX and KCBS.

  4. I saw an anchor wearing red yesterday. Now let’s start some rumors on how THAT correlates to their contract status. This is silly.

  5. I want to know what 95.7 FM's corporate honchos were thinking by cutting the Damon & Ratto Show and eliminating local weekend shows in favor of those horrible network programs. I know it's always about money, but the Damon & Ratto Show was kicking KNBR's ass.

    1. Damon & Ratto were subpar at best.

  6. Maybe Ashley needs to try a buzz cut, a no-nonsense military style.

  7. I looked at last night's 11pm news, he's had a fuller look for a while. Looks good on him, downplays the ears, frames the face, professional cut. More guys should consider it.

    He's let more of the grey show, maybe that's what makes it look different.

  8. At least he HAS hair.

  9. After accidentally tuning into KNBR earlier this week, where Lund and Pappa discussed at length who was the most handsome Baseball Manager in MLB, I now know why KNBR is losing listeners. Say what you will about those TWITS, but they know NOTHING about sports. Just the same old dumb playbook, “jet sweep” and “Curry can carry the team”. Oh Brother !! Give me the east coast kooks anytime.

    1. Papa knows more about sports than you will ever know. Perhaps the the technical terms he uses is beyond your comprehension. Unfortunately he's paired with Lund.

  10. Yes! We often tune in to KNX when in southern Cal. And, don't forget KFI. Years ago we tuned in to Korel and Andrew and Dr Laura, great entertainment. Jennifer Jones Lee landed down there and Handel on the law is a good listen

  11. Who the hell cares if Dan Ashley leaves? What is he, the pope? If he wants to go, let him go. Frankly, that station has become so sanctimonious with all their multicultural horseshit and their "Building a better Bay Area" BS that I can't watch them anymore.

    Networks like Fox and OAN used to be so obnoxious as to be unwatchable, but now I'm finding that, given the choice between them and stations like KGO, I'll take them any day. And I'm not conservative or a Republican.

    1. @11:46, I'm not a republican either...I identify as a moderate independent after leaving the democratic party. The only show I can watch on Fox is Gutfeld! He's originally from San Mateo. I also watch NewsNation, much more balanced than any other cable news I've seen. Give me facts, not conjecture. And leave the identity box checking crap behind.

    2. If you watch Fox at all, and especially OAN, you’re a Republican. Be honest now.

  12. KNBR could save a lot of money if they fired all the hosts and just played a voice saying "Go Giants" about every eight seconds. I don't think they would even have to broadcast the games.

  13. It's true, I listen to KNX a lot. It's weathered corporate (CBS, Entercom, Audacy) buyouts more fortunately than KCBS or others. The station still pretty much sounds as it always has, there's a snap to it that KCBS just can't quite match. Good people, too -- for instance Mike Simpson, who co-anchors in AM, was for a while a KGO anchor. Good newsman and good pipes.

  14. I worked at KCBS several years ago when management made the awful decision of giving the hopelessly inept Jen Seelig the job of news director. Everyone who worked there was astonished by this foolish move. Seelig is not only is way over her head but has hired mediocre reporters and editors who have very little major market experience. Morale at KCBS plummeted into the toilet shortly after Seelig took over as she got caught up in playing favorites and helped to create a bad work environment. KCBS used to be like a big league baseball team that contended for the World Series every year. Now they’re the Oakland A’s of local radio. A sad joke. Thanks Entercom or Audacy, or whatever brainless name the company that owns KCBS has ‘branded’ themselves with. But Guess what? Most knowledgeable radio listeners now ‘brand’ KCBS as s schlocky minor league operation run by incompetent nincompoops such as Jen Seelig.
