Tuesday, April 25, 2023

America Needs a Chill Pill

IN ALL THIS FOX NEWS/CNN MAYHEM, stop and reflect a little...

Put aside all your vitriolic humming and partisan turbulence-- imagine what Cronkite would think of all this shit? He'd bury his head and tell all of you to just plain, STOP.

That's right, stop.

All of us. Stop.

Stop with the CAPITALS. Stop all the yelling and screaming. You're too LOUD. That's the problem, (among many) with this country nowadays, everyone wants to oblierate each other. We have no respect anymore, we've all lost our minds. What used to be the centerpiece of tranquility and humility and humanity, is now a fulltime, loud, obnoxious bullhorn.

We've lost our mind. We don't have a conversation anymore. It's all become a huge SHOUTING match with the end of civilization in the process.

Nobody, no one is immune. We all need to chill and just plain be quiet, a collective STFU! and listen for a change. It would all do us wonders.

But, that ain't America these days.

We're hopeless.


  1. At least there is Dan Bongino on FOX!!

  2. Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in America? See anyone that comes remotely close?. When REAL news gets reported and not Pravda bullshit, then preach.

    1. @ 9:58 There were Huntley & Brinkley, Rather (but no longer credible), Huge Downs, John Chancellor, Frank McGee, R. Murrow, Frank Reynolds, Howard K. Smith and Ms. . Barbara Walters; all credible unlike today's MSM spewing untruths sometimes from their editors and writers

    2. We can all agree that before the advent of cable news, ABC, CBS, NBC, AP and UPI were reporting the news that were “just the facts.” I watched local news for 30 minutes and the CBS News with Walter Cronkite. I also read our local afternoon newspaper which was delivered Monday-Saturday. Journalists wrote stories that educated and informed us.

      Many of the respected anchors/reporters covered World War II, and Korean Wars, McCarthyism, the Civil Rights movement, etc.

      I’m retired now, but still have the same viewing habits except I also watch PBS News.

    3. @ 5:56 PBS presently is very bias and not fair reporting

  3. RIP Dame Edna...

    following in the footsteps of so many edgy comedians who wouldn't be allowed to appear in Florida today...

    Jose Jimenez, Lenny Bruce, Don Rickles, Dave Chappelle, etc.

  4. Going to miss Tucker because he was the best thing on FOX. Now I only have Gutfeld.

    1. Tucker at least worked and had an interesting show, Hannity and Ingram just slop through their shows with the same o, same o topics everyday. Trump good. Biden bad. See FOX put Hannity in front of a live audience now too. They see the falling ratings and viewer complaints. Hannity is horrible. So FOX will really miss Carlson, just wait and see.

    2. I agree Hannity is horrible, sounds like a broken record. All 4 years Trump was president, it was Hilary, Hilary, not one critical word about Trump or his family. However, perhaps Tucker was a little more diversified, but he had his problems with conspiracies, thinly veiled racism and a seemingly fondness for dictators.

  5. This is one of your best posts ever. I 100% agree with you. I would also say that it starts with you. Tone down your posts. Lower the temperature. That would be a great start.

    1. Agreed. So much negativity on this blog.

    2. Re: Anonymous 11:52 AM,
      Great post.
      "No message could've been any clearer
      If you wanna make the world a better place
      Take a look at yourself and then make a change"
      --From "Man in the mirror"

  6. I’d love to not have to respond to the MAGA kooks, but they, like their mentor, blare their ignorance at every opportunity. If you want folks to tone it down a little, do some editing. But if you’re going to edit, edit all political commentary, so folks know this forum is about TV and Radio, not cheap shots at “the other guys” with whom you disagree.
    Tucker Lemon

    1. @ 12:34 Hey pinenuts, didn't Rich ask you to tone it down and not spew hateful vitriol?

  7. Agreed, I'm gonna STFU

  8. I'm tired of posters spewing hateful angry vitriol too. Why can't someone for once spew some loving, supportive, positive vitriol?

  9. Excellent post; glad you're back but you also deserved down time and rest
