Friday, March 10, 2023

George Kiriyama --Managing Editor at KTVU Formally Leaves

ANOTHER FRIDAY TRANSACTION...KTVU formally says goodbye to ME, George Kiriyama.

The exit took place a few weeks back but was formal today, (Friday).

Kiriyama, who was the managing editor for KTVU News, was sigaling his leave months ago; he has ailing parents and wants to care for them and be close by--all well and good.

But I'm also told Kiriyama, who came to KTVU via NBC Bay Area, was not so happy about the direction of the news division and frustrated over the continuing slide of 10 PM and other news platforms. Kiriyama's leaving was right smack in the time of the Somerville (Frank) disaster and subsuquent Mike Mibach placement (to replace Frank)--a decision that has been widely ripped both inside and outside KTVU.

Either way, Kiriyama's leaving--which Fox didn't mind whatsoever--is further evidence of the growing turbulence at KTVU.


  1. Wow this is just a continuation of management destroying ktvu. It’s just so sad. I get that somerville had issues. But they NEVER should have let him go. My sources tell me they ended up paying him about paying him about 500k. Why not just freakin keep him. It’s because the management felt like he threatened him especially when he criticized their coverage of gabby petito. But then they also let mark go. I just don’t get it. They kept the two weakest links bill and Julie and let to two best people Frank and mark go. Makes no sense to me. But that amber and Melinda. Two people who should have been fired long ago. How they have kept their jobs as news director and gm is beyond me. They are both TOTALLY INCOMPETENT. And I’ll debate anyone one that.

    1. " But they NEVER should have let him go."

      Get a law degree, study liability law, come back and see if you can make that statement (from someone who has one).

    2. I have no clue what kind of law degree you have but here’s what I do know: Federal law prohibits barring an applicant from a job solely due to a prior history of a DUI charge unless that fact presents a compelling business reason to pass on that particular candidate.

  2. When a guy leaves work to take care of his parents all one can do is wish them all well. His parents raised a good son, and that is evident by his priorities. Good Luck GK !

  3. Put Rosemary as main anchor, she show a little too exposure on the noon cast maybe jealous of rival Kayla Grogen

    1. Rosemary’s already had one HR report filed against her. Let’s add to that.

  4. Rosemary as main anchor?!? Can barely stand her doing the weather.
