Friday, March 10, 2023

News Flash Friday: Nexstar Wants KRON Even Primer

KRON staff gets Nexstar nudge: Shape up or ship out.

KRON staff got a Friday message from corporate parent on Friday: start being cool or we'll do so for you. It wasn't so shocking. In Nexstar's view, its Bay Area station, while making strides, is a mass-under-performer and needs to show dramatic improvement.

Nexstar plans a 'gigantic" investment in KRON's news operation. I've heard anywhere from $5-10M a year!

Holy Toledo!

Not just infrastructure but new help, support and staff. Nexstar wants to be noticed, thus KRON, as better as they have become the past few years, needs to get even better. So says Nexstar.


  1. KRON took 1st prize in yesterday's storm coverage. Again. KRON doesn't need to be perfect, just better than the alternatives. KRON's biggest bang for the buck if they want to up their game, provide a local weather-radar sub-channel on their broadcast signal.

  2. So will Pam Moore stay or go? KRON has been treading water for a long time so she's stuck it out. If there's going to be major staff changes and other upheavals she may just not want to bother with them anymore.

  3. If KRON become flush with cash maybe Dan Ashley will cross over from the other side of the building.

    1. Ashley would be a great addition as maybe even the face of KRON. He is upbeat. I don't think I am sexist to say in my opinion two female anchors his age there come off as lethargic. I liked watching both in the past (both won awards) but their energy to me anyway is not there anymore.

    2. Pam Moore & Katherine Heenan. It's time.

    3. Whether the become flush with cash or not, going from a Disney O&O to rickety indie KRON would be like going from a Lamborghini to a used Chrysler K Car.

  4. Lol nexstar is so cheap I don't think so

  5. KRON, imo has the best local news website

  6. Glad they got Ken Wayne already well known on KTVU while KTVU ratings with Mike is screaming every day.

  7. In the vernacular: CA$H IS KING !! Give everyone a raise and say “thanks!” Every now and then. Works wonders !!

  8. KRON would be better off hiring more photographers instead of hiring journalists right out of college to film the stories themselves.

  9. If they are so ambitious, maybe Nexstar should buy KCBS for $1.99.

  10. Keep Wayne, Pam, Reyna, Noelle, Stinson, Amanda, Will, Sparr, Karnow, Stephanie and we'll be happy; please get lost, dayrrya, yuck

  11. KRON needs:

    1) Fresh anchors. Both Catherine and Pam are ready for their gold watches and farewell dinners. They've been ready for a decade. And the guy who came over from KTVU has no gravitas. As Rich might say, he's exciting as a Fresno Walmart.

    2) More and better writers. People who can write a correct and coherent sentence. (Rich, DON'T apply.)

    3) More varied coverage. Like all the other Bay Area news outlets, they do about fifteen minutes of real news and stretch it over six hours, with repeats, more repeats, filler, more filler, etc. This is why people aren't watching.

    4) A nicer set. Some people say they like it, but I think they look like they're broadcasting from a corporate corner office that's tilted and about to fall. The Millennium Tower?

    5) Reporters with some street experience. Most of the ones they have now look like they're still in high school. Maybe they are. In all fairness, KRON's far from the only station to have this problem. But they might have it the worst.

    They're already smart putting Kyla Grogan to work at more than just weather, because she's a strong asset. I'm sure they bumped her pay up too, and massively, for all the extra work she's doing. —BWAH HA HA HA HA HA!!! Just kidding there.

    1. I wish Kyla had her own show. So good.

  12. They should hire photogs. The best reporters don't want to be one man bands. They'd see everyone start applying if they did. It's clear they're on an upswing. That would change the game. Also agree on Grogan. Hell of a hire. She's great.

    1. What photog would want to move the the Bay Area for $86 k..

    2. > What photog would want to move the the Bay Area
      > for $86 k..

      $86K? I know photogs who would do that! They offered Stanley Roberts far less than that to come back. But you can't live on what they offer these days unless you're still rooming with your parents.

    3. 80k doesn't go far in the Bay Area

  13. Kron’s problem: lots of newscasts - NOT ENOUGH BODIES to gather. You should see what the reporters have to turn in very little time. And nexstar does not care that's it they don't want to dump money on their sweat shop

  14. What "photog" wants to be the victim of an armed robbery/shooting, which is so prevalent here in the Bay Area?...Hard Pass.

  15. KRON is so relevant that YouTubeTV doesn't even carry them.

    1. They have had a free app for years so why pay for YouTube TV? KRONOn is free.

  16. One of the best things about KRON's newscasts through the decades is that they were never cool, and that meant they could simply be good. Not much flash , substance over style. Anonymous 12:33, it's Nextstar's fault YouTubeTV doesn't carry KRON; it has similarly never made a deal with KTLA in Los Angeles, which puts on more news than any station in the market.

  17. I was able to find out: It was KTVUs Azenith Smith who left news reporting the month after the KRON ex-cop was killed.
