Saturday, March 11, 2023

Saturday Media Deli Schmooze; ATR Storm Coverage Average; KRON/Nexstar Money Interest; Noelle Bellow Can Pick Her Destination; Damon Bruce/"The Game" Karma; KCBS' Ridiculous Promo; Thurston Excess; KPIX Thinks Walking is Revolutionary


I've glanced, (barely) at this week's storm, (atmospheric river) coverage and it's just OK. The TV News coverage, that is--and coming from me that's a solid B-.

Nothing extraordinary to note, I mean, yeah, lots of rain and flooding which is par for the course in places like Marin and Santa Cruz. The live shots were fine and dandy. The schlum from KTVU who took a selfie? Never mind.

Pass the corned-beef.

*KRON's impending cash infusion might be Nexstar's way of eventually selling thier Bay Area O and O, but as a broadcast sage told me, how could they make a decent profit when everyone is going streaming. Good point. Maybe Nexstar wants to shore up infrastructure--I just hope no more weather boards, KRON already has more than a million of 'em.

*I have said --and continue to say, KRON has vastly improved its news platforms--newscasts, on-air, online, etc. While they still are crummy from time to time, overall, they do a much better job of presenting the news --far better than they have in recent years. Take a watch and see for yourself.

*Noelle Bellow wants the BIG TIME and she'll get it soon. She could get LA in a southland second if she wanted. Or Chicago or Philly. But Bellow likes thw Bay Area, for now. Until she's offered mega-bucks to leave and anchor some other locale. Noelle is good and she knows it--so does Bay Area viewers.

*Gimme a pickle.

*While I don't relish anyone losing their job, Damon Bruce, who just lost his job at 957, The Game, made it a point to make it uncomfortsble for a lot of people at the all-sports radio station. He was not especially humble to underlings he deemed as "little people." Damon was free to rip anyone who dared call him out. His bullying was notorious and he treated many folks like crap. Tht's karma. You reap what you sow.

*Yeah, sports-talk radio in this area is DEAD. Hell, AM radio is dead, for that matter.

*Unintentional laughs: KCBS running promos, "We are the Bay Area's #1 'news station!"--You're the Bay Area's ONLY radio news station! Gees, get it right and quit the BS.

*Pat Thurston's honeymoon is now officially over. The other night on KCBS she tossed to the traffic anchor with way too many comments and cackles. It's moronic to hear and listen. Furthermore, one particular anchor, Frank Munnich, didn't find it so funny. At times, Thurston still thinks she's on KGO Radio. Then again, KCBS is basically KGO-lite in terms of overall performance.

*All they do at KPIX News is walk. No more anchor desks, just walking, as if that'll move the needle. Dear lord, whatever.


  1. At KPIX walking happens on every newscast except weekdays at noon, 5 and 5:30PM and all weekend newscasts. To be quite frank it looks stupid. Cost cutting perhaps?

    1. They can’t afford desks.

    2. KCAL...a CBS station also, stands and walks too and employs women who look good showing their walk.

  2. Once again Rich is right on! But regarding Noelle Bellow, I mean, she doesn't fit my description at all, of my ideal woman. That being said, however, there is just SOMETHING about her, that I find insanely sexy! I mean, I am someone who is afflicted with so-called "yellow fever", so she is the complete opposite, but man, I still think she is really sexy. And oh yeah, she does read the news very well...

    1. "Something about her that I find insanely sexy"

      I think you mean "large breasts".

    2. I agree BIG TIME!

  3. Hey KPIX picked the ones to walk for a reason …. They look good walkin and talkin. Goodrich has legs for days and she is also out on the field doing reports. Donchey can rock the walk too . I catch the morning show from time to time and they are walking too . I don’t mind it one bit. Good for them !

  4. Not surprised by the comments on Damon Bruce. Always talked like he was curing cancer giving sports takes we had already thought of.

    1. Damon's arrogance is so over the top. I'm surprised he lasted this long

  5. I read a story in the LA Times about sports radio down there and it mentioned SF sports radio rated higher than LA. One of the LA sports stations discussed rated quite low, I think it was like the 21st in ratings, lower than one playing classical music. The GM said that though he would like a higher rating the station billed in the top ten of LA radio and in the end that was what was important.

  6. Can't say I agree with you on the KRON front. I don't see any difference at all since getting a new news director and general manager. Name what is different? Be specific on what has improved? I see some new faces but they are the same kid reporter style. If anything, I think they have gotten worse in their reporting of facts and storytelling. The coverage of the storm is pretty basic, considering how many reporters it has. I have seen nothing special.

    1. I agree 100% and I've said that Rich seems to regularly run hot and cold (or, more accurately, cold and then hot) on people, stations, formats, etc. I think he just has a hard time dealing with change. Maintaining the past is almost a fetish with him. But he won't publish my comments, which makes me think I've struck a nerve.

  7. I'm too sexy for my desk, to sexy for my love, too sexy! Ah, the Low Spark of High-heeled Girls! Yes, indeed! We're selling the sizzle because the steak is getting grey and tossed into the discount bin.
    When you have nothing, the desperate start to self cannibalize. The industry is in its death throes and nobody is buying the repackaged and re-thawed offal..

    Corn beef looks delish! You can keep the rest.

  8. Damon Bruce had a good deal at KNBR but kissed it away by refusing to suck up to Cumulus Hatchet-man, Lee Hammer. Not sure what went wrong at ‘The Game’ but I bet it was a deal where the station wanted to go cheap. I mean, “ Willard and Dibs” are your new afternoon talk show hosts? Seriously? Who woukd waste the time to listen to their dreck? One guy sounds like Daffy Duck and the other one is strictly triple a quality. At least Damon understood radio and Ray Ratto knew Bay Area sports. The fact that useless dweebs such as ‘Dibs’ and Willard are even working on-air illustrates just how pathetic Bay Area sports radio is. Look no further than the KNBR morning show for more evidence of that. The main host is very annoying and his pathetic sidekick, ‘Paulie Mack’ is a nothing more than a second string disc jockey from Sacramento who calls everyone “ Bro” or “ dude.’. The guy must have uncompromising photos to have kept his job that long. .

    1. Tell Paulie the Stone Fox's suck. I don't think he knows that.

    2. Completely agree . Surprising the “Game” would put what is clearly their weakest show on for the afternoon drive . Probably cuz they work for peanuts and won’t ask for a raise . Dibley looks to be around 65 and has a new born baby? He refs like 50 8 year old girls basketball games on weekends to make ends meet . Willard and Murph are intoxicated by the scent of Farhans farts. All that being said ….”Mac” is the all time worst sports radio guy in the history of sports radio , How is it possible this turd has a job ? The rapture is near

    3. I agree don't know how that frat boy golf writer lead on the morning KNBR show has stayed on the air all these years. He is terrible. Now Dibs is a different story. He knows his sports so what if he has a kid at 50. Look at Raddy and according to Rich he still is playing the field.

  9. Perhaps KRON is following the lead of KTLA, NextStar's money machine in L.A. has news from 4:30AM-2:00PM, 3:00PM-7:00PM, 10:00-11:00PM

    1. Well, LA has more car chases than up here they need to cover.

  10. I pray for the day when KNBR sacks its entire crew and starts talking about actual sports. Tolbert is a poster boy for gambling intervention, and MacMurph are prime candidates for Babblers Anonymous. Copes gets giddy and chatty, has anyone checked to see if he has gotten out of 7th grade?
    Thankfully, IF I turn on KNBR, I use the 2 minute rule: unless they talk about actual sports, I change the channel. About 98% of the time, KNBR gets the heave ho.

  11. Liz Cook can do no wrong

    1. I also like seeing and hearing L. Cook (KPIX mon-fri, but earlier than 6pm, I think).
      On a side-note, I find it difficult to remember who's on; what time; and which station. I've no idea when Thurston is on KCBS.

  12. Sports Talk radio “hosts” should follow one simple rule: a subject gets ONE MINUTE and ONLY one minute. If I hear another 20 consecutive minutes of ranting on Garropolo, Durant, Brady, Purdy, Rogers, or any other flavors of the day, I might go postal !! Can these hacks learn to quit beating a dead horse??

    1. Sports Talk radio is not for you. A subject gets only 1 minute of coverage? What do you think Sports Talk radio is all about. SMH

  13. Delighted to see all hat no cattle Bruce gone; pompous fellow. Sadly, Willard is as bad.

  14. Willard is as pompous as Bruce, but half as talented and draws few listeners. He keeps failing in his time slots. Also, a Giants apologist.

  15. Noticing Liz, Juliette and Sara wearing lots of leather, particularly pants and skirts. This is not a problem for me, but maybe as there's a Weather Channel, they should rechristen KPIX the "Leather Channel."

  16. As long as nexstar doesn’t mess with eye candy Olivia Horton I’m happy. I do agree KRON has improved a TON. They have a solid team. Mibach’s constipated look and weirdo grimaces pretending he’s smiling are tough to watch.
