Thursday, February 23, 2023

Orlando TV Reporter Ambush, Everyone's Worst Nightmare; KPIX Resignation Over Racy Donchey Wardrobe; Cirlcle7 Dan Ashley Update With Mike Finney Angle; FM Radio Plugs; Amaury Pi-Gonzalez Huzzah 46 Years of Bay Sports Spanish Broadcasts

EVERY REPORTER'S WORST NIGHTMARE: the carnage that took place last night in Orlando when a TV News guy was shot and killed, (Three people were ambushed including a nine year-old girl) --his camera guy was critically wounded by a gunman. It was a gruesome scene. A reporter here told me it's making the low-paid gig even worse now. "We're sitting ducks."

*EVEN the people at KPIX are not that amused with Sara Donchey's pathetic nightly wardrobe look. Surprisingly, her own buds at the station don't seem to mind and are OK with her brazen, "look-at-me" shtick. For me, I couldn't care less what she wears. It's a sign of desperation on all counts. I think Donchey is attempting all sorts of appearence --incluidng short dresses and hooker heels--to get attention. She's under the gun, so to speak and CBS is too. It's sort of sad, really.

*The TALK at ABC7: when Dan Ashley finally signs his new extension, (any day now) how that deal affects the new deal for another Circle7 vet, Michael Finney, who's just as valuable and is seen at ABC7 as the co-MVP along with Ashley. Finney earns near the $400K a-year vicinity --the Consumer Editor has a staff of ten too and is beloved by viewers. Disney has a tall order at 900 Front.

*FM Radio plugs: Jack Kulp (The Breeze); KCSM breakfast jazz with Sonny Buxton, and 89.1, KCEA, big-band magic.


At KNBR, the gruesome twosome were separated this week; only Brian Murphy took the trip to Spring Training --rumors galore; frankly, who cares?...The SFGate ran a story on Thursday morn about yellow peppers and In and Out burger. Even by Chron standards, that's a JOKE! ...Lyanne Melendez, a Circle7 education reporter is getting interest from NBC Bay Area...KRON's internal inquiry from Nexstar is over and will be met with a "severe" reaction, which probably explains why everyone at KRON is on thin edge; good way to rally the troops, Nexstar...Eric Thomas, solo, at KCBS this week: they literally couldn't find a body to co-anchor. It's so sad to watch the carnage at Jenny Seelig's house of blues...Berkeley YMCA: home of sports anchors who mumble at KCBS...Pat Thurston's regression at 740 AM; she began at full-throttle and now she sounds semi-amateur at times...KQED seems intent on launching some sort of "Newsroom" show even if they failed at doing such last year--it takes a villiage and KQED has only a peep hole...Are you listening to 810 AM The Spread? You're the one...

CONGRATS to LOCAL SPANISH broadcaster and all-around good guy: Amaury Pi-Gonzalez. He's celebrating 46 years broadcasting Oakland A's, SF Giants, LA Angels; I call Amaurey the Cuban Don Rickles. Be well, stay well and congrats, sir!


  1. Hey Rich, what’s with the new tats on Darya?

    1. Was that a typo (new tits) or are you serious?

    2. They looked like henna tattoo's. Temporary.

    3. Huh?
      Darya traded tit's for tat's?

      De Plane!

  2. Checked out "810 The Spread" and quickly shifted over to KTRB 860, now off the air due to technical problems. Crackling silence at 860 was actually somewhat better.

  3. I'm falling in love with Sara Donchey-last night's outfit-WHEW!

    1. Even Paul and Vern looked uncomfortable with that go go getup she had on last night.

    2. She’s a hottie like the KPIX morning crew. Wow

    3. "Even Paul and Vern looked uncomfortable with that go go getup she had on last night."

      Oh, I used to work with Vern. I doubt he was *uncomfortable.* Horny maybe.......

    4. PIX Chix! ...Daddy likey!
      I bet when you break down those new viewers, they will find that most are the conservative men and women of the bay area.
      Attractive sells!
      Every station runs the same lame stories each newscast. Nothing wrong with a little fashion fun each night.
      I'm no longer watching any of those 'fraues" on those other stations. All the others dress like those Utah "fundies" women who all look the same in those pastel dresses.
      Sara and Amanda are also rocking soc-media and reddit.
      I bet one day soon we get a little bra-strap flash @11pm.
      Waiting for the Sara and Star Only Fans site.

    5. Sara Donchey is gorgeous! Her dress and boots made hotter than normal. I love her wearing short dresses and skirts. 😍

    6. It’s funny when the KPIX commercial says there’s two reasons to watch them at 11. Donchey is shown wearing a tight sweater and I don’t think they’re referring to Colbert as one of the “two”.

    7. That is funny, 6:25!

    8. I only watch PIX to check out Sara. If she’s not on, I’m outta there

    9. @2:46PM - I agree. Paul is certainly uncomfortable, he is married for crying out loud and so is Vern. This Monday, we had Peck fill in for Heggen and I'm sure he was equally just as uncomfortable around Sara. I think at the end of one newscast there was a conversation on the fashion topic on how Paul & Vern were talking about her in the hallway. It's very clear they are not enjoying it.

      @7:48PM - Same here, mainly to see how far she is going before anything changes with her. And to watch when Peck or Hackney (rarely) fill in for Heggen and see how they are putting up with it. I also watch if there's a fill-in.

    10. Sara Donchey reeling in the 21-45 male demographic during her Late News show. πŸ˜ŒπŸ’ƒSara was always wearing those type of dress attire when she was working at CBS2 in LA but she was always sitting down at the news desk. The new KPIX studio allow Sara to showcase her legs and heels to viewers. πŸ’―

    11. 1:44, you are correct! CBS knows that the target demographic extends to age 55 will watch her and Colbert. Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z are tech savvy. They use social media so the Boomers long for the days of Van Ambug, Dave McElhatton or Evan White and Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, or Tom Brokaw. The people who criticize Sara Donchey, Audrey Asistio, Betty Yu or Heather Holmes for dress or appearance are out of touch with reality. I don’t want to watch male anchors when I can see Donchey and Asistio who are easy on the eyes. Jessica Aguirre, Elizabeth Cook, Vicki Liviakis, Karina Nova and Janelle Wang are also attractive.

      The pious boomer should sit their ass down.

  4. Tip: Disney seriously considering shutting down 7 on your side for money reasons/layoffs. Would be first department to go. One producer is already out and leaving in a month.

  5. Hey Rich, why is Emma Goss on leave from NBC Bay Area?

    1. Wow, that didn't take long.

      She's a problem child. Another Jennifer Jolly.

    2. She’s certainly very strange. Took a long leave at ktvu before splitting. Now only the job two months at NBC and already on leave. At some point stations will catch on and say thanks, but no thanks.

    3. Or perhaps Emma Goss got into a fight with Janelle Wang over Raj Mathai, the self-proclaimed Indian Walter Kronkite.

    4. Euwwww, dating raj mathal??????????? no thanks...barffff

  6. Where the word "professional" is in the dictionary there's a picture of Lyanne Melendez. Straight forward, no BS and does not draw attention to herself. If I was her news director and knew she was on a story I would have no worries. Roll Tide.

  7. Eric Thomas does fine on taped reports however live it's getting very difficult to listen to.

  8. IF KNBR keeps only one of the Murph-Mac duo, they are only Half finished. Both need to go. When they sang the praises of KISS, we knew they were doomed.
    As it stands now, listening to low minor leaguers express their plans to make the Bigs is about as interesting as observing road kill. “Don’t go there!” Yeech !!
    KNBR “THE” place where folks, who should never have been allowed around a microphone, go to die.

  9. One thing for sure you are all talking about her!

    1. They want people *watching,* not talking.

  10. Sara is gaining attention for all the wrong reasons. Her grasp of local news is tenuous at best, so please be diverted by her wardrobe and late-night shtick. Julia Goodrich is the real pro there.

    1. I really like when Jules fills in for Sara on the 11PM news. More than her being a great anchor, she dresses professionally, reads well and is a veteran. The news is more decent when she is there. Even Reed filling in is fine too.

      Yes, I see all the Sara is hot on air. Sure, there are plenty of hot anchors, but they still put on some more fairly decent and professional clothing (i.e. Liz Cook, Andrea Nakano, Betty Yu, Lauren Toms, even Starrantino isn't too bad tbh). Even Burch being a meteorologist wears decent clothing too on air.

      The problem with Donchey is on the air whatever she is putting on is a little too much. If anything, very inappropriate at times. When you put her on the field, that's different because you see mostly her face and maybe the shirt she is wearing and that's only for a few minutes. If you dedicate the late news to someone else, surely the focus would be much better. I wonder....why not give Hackney an opportunity to do "The Late News with Brian Hackney" or "CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition" (like 5PM and weekends), again if he doesn't want to be stuck on the weekend, well it wouldn't hurt to put him during the week, like they did with Goodrich.

  11. Hey, Rich, here's something you never talk about (but you should): KTVU's awful website. They have stories on their main feed that are SIX MONTHS OLD! WTF is up with that??? One of the stories right now is about the fallout from London Broil's "resignation letter" scandal. That happened last fall!

    1. Now do the Chronicle and SFGate. LOL.

  12. Been in the business for 30 years and watching TV news for 45 years. I can't recall another instance where a news anchor was so proud to display her tattoo. It seems as if everyone has a tattoo these days, but the old codgers like myself and the Depends-wearing folk who may still be up at that hour watching the news are not that in that group.

    1. Well, they don’t want the people in “your group,” that’s the very point. They want the YouTubers and Instagramers. But as you say, everyone has a tattoo these days. So when she shows one off I want to say “ Who the f— cares?!? They’re trite by now. So she has a tattoo. Big whoop.

    2. OK Boomer 🀣

  13. Wonder if Wednesday's stunt satisfied Donchey's craving for narcissistic supply?

    1. Narcissistic supply = Betty Yu Instagram posts. Rich won’t post this or will he?

  14. Ha! Can’t believe only one person mentioned Donchey’s tat. As with almost all tattoos, it’s hard to tell what that image is supposed to be - kinda looked like small children or a portrait of some kind. It just looked like an ugly black and blue blotch on her significantly exposed thigh. She’s just part of that group of young women who identify with the gross Kardashians - at least in terms of makeup hair and “style,” if you can call it that.

    The sound you’re hearing are the last wheezing remnants of local TV news principles and integrity leaving the room. Yeah, I know, those positive attributes went away some time ago.

    1. If tattoos mean lack of principles then 3/4ers of America is without them. If that is the case, then Sara is playing to the majority. Looks like she’s on to something.

    2. I mentioned Donchey's tattoo in the earlier post of Rich's from a couple of days ago. I hate it too. It completely spoils her smooth and milky looking thighs.
      All that being said, on Thursday night's show/news, Donchey was displaying her totally delicious toes with as Rich calls them, her "hooker heels". What a great description Rich!

  15. screw the principles and shorten the skirts-go Sara!! A conservative older man

  16. Thurston's regression? She has always been this way, never a #1 at KGO.

    1. Pat and Mark consistently posted the #1 and #2 highest rated hours on the entire KGO schedule.

    2. Mark?? That says it all

  17. Dan Dibley, the Duck, quacking about his athletic exploits as a kid. Gripping.

  18. Sad about the Orlando Reporter incident! The streets of America are a tough place to work as a news gatherer. Hiring security is useless as most guards don't have the balls or understanding of the streets to protect their clients!

  19. Which reporter left KTVU after the security guy/ ex-cop was killed? Can't remember.

    1. Duh....what drugs are you on?????? wrong station wrong channel.......

    2. She was sent to cover stories in Oakland even though she didn't work for KRON.

  20. Rich: here’s an FM radio plug — Classical California KDFC. I left KCBS/KNBR after one too many inane spots. Tuned to commercial free KDFC and have listened 24/7 for the past 3 years. All female announcers from 6am-midnight. It’s a high blood pressure salve.

  21. Maybe I was spoiled in my youth by the likes of Van Amberg, Dave MacElhatten and Evan White to name a few, but I can’t bear to watch this local news: Absolute dreck.

  22. Amaury Gonzalez is a great guy and a fine baseball announcer but check out his Facebook page sometime. He’s a hard core right winger who really liked Donald Trump, at least for awhile.

  23. Sara Donchey dresses like a hooker sometimes. Other times it looks like she gets her clothes in a thrift store. Not very professional.
