Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday Flash: Things are Not So Rosy at KGO-TV Circle7

THEY LOOK HAPPY--they're not.

They are the senior veteran anchors at KGO, (ABC7) and they are ANGRY. The mood at Circle7 is DOOM and GLOOM. It's a feeling of BETRAYAL as Disney tries its best to sell off its ABC TV stations.

And KGO, their SF Bay Area O and O, is obviously on the list. What used to be relative calm at the office --even as ABC cut and slashed--is now the prevailing feeling at 900 Front: things/atmosphere will be getting worse before they get better. And they weren't that great to begin with but at least there appeared to be relative calm inside the operation.


If you want to know why there's numerous peeps splitting the premises, now you know. And it's just the beginning.


  1. Good! The MSM is garbage. No loss.

  2. Kompletly

  3. Disney is too woke for me, look how their value ans sales are sliding......shame, used to love Disney, Walt would be turning in his grave if he knows how the company is being run...

    1. What the hell does WOKE Mean? Seems to be the new meaningless buzzword of willfully ignorant angry white oafs.
      I hear it used so often - even brain dead footballer Aaron Rogers uses it - that there must be as many meanings as there are mouths using it.

    2. Everyone from the past would be turning in their grave if they knew what was happening in America these days.

    3. @@11:19. . Lots of things we did in the past would make us spin in our dirt naps too !

    4. "Woke" is today's politically correct, but on steroids. A woke person would fight for tampon dispensers in the men's rooms.

    5. @12:30: No s***, I've done some things in my youth that makes question my logic and sanity at that time, wish God give us wisdom sooner but no matter what I love God and Jesus

  4. Kgo 7 news is a total joke, they're building a better bay area. Dan Ashley stated "It's their mission" the station is full of insincere, robots pushing that garbage.

  5. Maybe they could do a makeover - like sports betting or sumthin...

  6. Reggie Aqui and Drew Tuma are the two they should let go ruining the news.

  7. Tuma has talent.
    Aqui is a hemorrhoid.

  8. Maybe its time for KGO folks to check for career opportunities with KRON? There is no safe ship when the seas are stormy.

  9. I don't think ABC really wants to negotiate the NABET-CWA contract for all the OnO's. Everyone still remembers the 1999 lockout.
    That next contract is gonna be bloody for all.

  10. How many times in 2 days can they all report on Bay Area Snow? It's worse than the airport at Thanksgiving. Stop them!

  11. Tip: They’re not the only company looking to drop affiliate in the market. Fox Fire sale coming soon.

    1. I agree. I think that the entire Bay Area is certainly not the place to put your money in traditional broadcast stations. The area likely leads the country on conversion to streaming options due to the presence of Silicon Valley. I absolute love and relish the free fire hose bit/byte bath provided by digital broaddcasting but using an antenna is likely going to follow the landline telephone out the door.

  12. Reggie Aqui is no Van Amburg. He needs to get out of "aqui". Hey Oh!
