Thursday, May 26, 2022

415 Media Exclusive: Veteran Reporter, Amy Hollyfield, Leaving KGO-TV (ABC7) for PR Gig

Veteran KGO-TV (ABC7) GSA reporter, Amy Hollyfield, is leaving ABC7 for, guess what?, a job in PR.

Hollyfield, a 900 Front trooper, is one of KGO's better reporters. She's had a multi-decade run on the beat at KGO. She'll be difficult to replace.

But TV News biz these days is not the joyous undertaking it once was, by any means.

It's fraught with exhausting deadlines, undue pressure, overwhelming egos and, in today's environment, not a whole lot of compensation, given the extraordinary chores involved in the job.

Reporters have figured out that a cushy job in corporate, non-broadcasting media is chock full of extra benefits, limited stress, added security and yeah, pretty decent pay.

*RichLieberman/415 Media EXCLUSIVE


  1. Not sure which will happen faster: SFBait/The Comical stealing your story (again) or ABC7 replacing Amy with some buffoonish, unqualified 20-something more concerned with their silly TikTok videos and Instagram follower count than with covering stories in a city they know nothing about.

  2. Amy is a veteran journalist. She is irreplaceable so the newsroom will suffer a huge loss.

    1. No, the newsroom will pop champagne corks and celebrate. She's a c*nt.

  3. Amy does do a good job with her reporting. That being said though, she wears WAY too much makeup, and that dark lipstick she wears looks awful on her. That, along with the fact that despite being told about it, she continues to be videoed with a camera angle where she is looking directly into the sun, thereby making her SQUINT. When she does, there is this big X across her face, with her eyebrows being the top of the X, and the wrinkles in her face, being the bottom half of the X. I have seen and met her in person, and while she seemed nice, one could see even then, and this was several years ago, that she clearly needed a makeover. Her work though, is good, as you said, Rich.

  4. Mic drop. Shes a pro. She paid her dues. Good for her. Getting up at a regular hour will be weird for her, believe me...

  5. Replies
    1. who? what?'ll never understand it.

  6. I’ve been a fan for years and am sorry to see her leave but am happy for her!

  7. Big loss for ABC7. Amy Hollyfield is simply the best LIVE reporter in the Bay Area.

  8. I always liked Amy. I wish her well on her new gig.

  9. It's my dream now to land a PR/PIO gig. I'm tired of this dog-and-pony show that is local TV news (been doing this for nearly 30-years now). Oh how I long to have M-F 8-5 all federal holidays off...and 3-weeks vacation taken whenever I want. I've missed too many of my two son's games and school events.

  10. Can you imagine what 3:46 looks like.? God forbid that a reporter , at a sunny locale, reporting on some horror du jour, squints while talking. Oh the humanity, who knew that humans who work hard and are no longer ingenues would have "wrinkles". Why that woman should be prosecuted just on her lipstick color alone. Doesn't she know that she should have plastic bazongas, chemical peels, duck lips, botox, and fillers in every expression line? What's the matter with her, daring to be a really stellar reporter? I"ll bet she wears real people shoes too, and not the requisite F-M stilettos. Hmmm, maybe it's because she's the kind of journalist who wants to be able to run to a story and not pose.

  11. Sadly, the news media on all comms channels isn't what it used to be. Instead of getting better, the quality is getting worse. That's why reporters have left to do PR for the VTA, the MTA, OUSD, etc. NDs want you to dispense mindless BS. It's not worth the time. Pretty sad. We could go to work for the Comical and write about where to find the best fried chicken. What a joke.

  12. Good for her. She has done her time. Maybe Ming Sze will be next.

  13. Amy is magnificent. Does her job well, is a good reporter. I wish her good luck at her new PR job. I know…..she will be good at it. Will miss seeing her in the morning.

  14. To Amy's credit, I never found myself switching stations when she had a segment. Will miss solid reporting from the field.

  15. I'm sure the working hours will be much better, too

  16. I’ve watched the news for 20 years with Amy.
    A difficult job but always fair reporting.
    So sad to read these toxic hateful remarks. Why ? Why post here… just scroll on.
    But this hateful narrative IS the Bay Area… Oakland and SF are truly a turd pit. And to have cover these stories???
    Move on Amy get out of here. Good Luck to you …KGO will have a large void.

  17. A few years ago she made a nasty comment about teachers...never swallowed that. Lost respect for her after the comment. Educators are the foundation of society!

  18. Sorry to see that she left ABC 7 good luck to you Miss seeing you
