Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Bay Area Snow Forecast Highly Misinformed --Check 1976 ; Starrantino Fills in For Cook at PIX --Donchey/Disco Plans; Sweeps Bad News for KTVU; Finch/Burns KCBS Early Morn Doo-Doo (Again)

YOUR LOCAL MEDIA mutts-mostly, out-of-towners and who don't know the geography are forecasting "real snow here around the peaks."

They weren't here in 1976, obviously when it snowed at sea level. Up to five inches of snow fell on Twin Peaks. Across the bay in Oakland, Lake Merritt on Lakeshore Ave was hard to navigate because of nearly three inches of snow. The Marin headlands were a winter wonderland, (see photo). The entire Bay Area --at sea level--might as well been Stateline, Nevada.

Which only makes this snow warning "at the highest peaks" even more premature and frankly, misinformed.

Hey , it could snow and I'd love to be wrong, but more likely it'll be a snow event on Mt. Diablo and Mt. Tam. That doesn' compare to 1976 when you saw it in Downtown SF and Oakland and Marin proper and San Jose. But why let facts get in the way of a good story.

*Amanda Starrantino will be filling in for Liz Cook on KPIX's weeknight news --this week. Good for her and the Instagram crowd, "woo-hoo"

*Starrantino will work with Sara Donchey, that's cool too: after 11, they can party at the disco and dance the night away.

*PIX, (CBS News Bay Area), had a better-than-expected Feb Sweeps --especially at 5 and 6 but when you're down and out the only way you go is up.

*KTVU did good in the mornings --they always do but with little competition, so what--but KTVU got KILLED at night --especially 10 and 11. The Firm ain't happy, trust me, folks.

*KRON? Flatlined. But that's OK in their world.

*Peter Finch and traffic anchor, Carolyn Burns, had a forgetable early WED. morning on KCBS--flubbed lines and wacky, weird laughter by Finch --and comical "uh's" and "that's" by Burns, who may be smoking extra packs of cigarettes.

At any other radio station it would be quite an embarrassing night but at KCBS, just another day at the office.


  1. If an asteroid is about to hit us...or a nuke is on it's way. I would rather hear it from Amanda and Sara first. I don't need to learn about the end of the world from those frumps at those other stations.
    And right after that "End of the world" PIX newscast...
    Me and those 2 babes will head off to the disco , and party like it's the end of the world.

  2. Good lord, how many pounds of makeup does Starrantino use to go from what she looks like in the picture to what she looks like on TV each morning? She looks awful there lol

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. To each his/her own. I think she looks great.

    3. 16mm Film At Eleven...February 22, 2023 at 3:48 PM

      How much makeup do the other much older "legacy" anchors and reporters use? TONS
      HDTV shows all those flaws in much greater detail than the old NTSC tv picture did.
      Think about this...
      One of those 60yo+ anchors on a 60"(diagonal) Hi-res oled-super-plasma screens in your bedroom with you wife in the room. (no names please)
      Oh the humanity!

  3. I remember the snow in 1976. Lived in the Hayward hills at the time and we got a few inches. Built a small snowman with a cousin! Fun times.

  4. Man KCBS went off a cliff at some point! The sad thing is with the correct talent they could be a big money powerhouse, if it would get it's shit together and hire people who knew how to report news and current events! So often their traffic reports are stale or just flat out wrong!

    1. The fake news station KCBS is talking snow !
      Every 5 minutes, 10 times per hour. I got so excited. Snow!!
      Reality....3 minutes of hail.
      No snow ! So 😔
      The "shit show" continues...

  5. KRON is a mess. The newscasts are rudderless. KRON's longtime primetime director retired and it's showing. I hate saying it but things were better under least for those of watching the newscasts.

    1. Hi Aron Pero. NOBODY misses you.

  6. Starrantino at 23:00 news? ewww

  7. In the words of the late, great Luke Perry, “Donna Martin graduates! Donna Martin graduates!”

  8. 860 - The Answer went off air early last night and is still off air. Not sure if this is an equipment problem or if Salem just decided to pull the plug...

    1. Salem is very profitable, and KTRB 860 is owned by Salem.
      Probably just getting a winter tune-up.

  9. Starrantino and Donchey don't bother me. They are young and don't have a ton of time behind the news desk which is like everyone when they start out. I'd much rather watch them than all those bozos on kgo 7 with their building a better bay area joke. Kgo 7 is an embarrassment to journalism.

  10. "The Late News with Sara Donchey" sounds like what a newscast would have been called in the 1950s, like, just before the Steve Allen show maybe. I assume it's supposed to be the lead into Colbert's "The Late Show." Although Paul Heggen actually wore matching suit jacket and trousers tonight (maybe he reads the blog) KPIX anchors follow the "come as you are" style of dress.

  11. Ktvu has been in a nosedive ever since Frank and then mark left. It’s my understanding that somerville has dealt with his issues and is back to what he used to be. Too bad for ktvu. Somerville. And to a certain degree Ibanez were the glue that kept everything together. And now you are seein first hand the result of losing them. As for me I haven’t watched ktvu since. They’re just not the same. They used to be trend setters Now they just follow the pack. What a freakin shame.

  12. I take a good picture, don’t I?

    Peter Felch

  13. Boy, wtf is Sara Donchey wearing? Very provocative again, what she is wearing on the newscast would very well fit at a club, and you can visibly see her legs and tattoos.

    Btw - When I first saw Donchey, part of me really thought she looked like Michael Jackson (when his skin color became white because of vitiligo).

  14. Well, as much as I still think that Sara Donchey looks like she just stepped off of the cover of an adult DVD box, I have to say that on most but not all of the days over the past two weeks, she has improved her wardrobe a great deal, although there were some days she regressed. On Tuesday and Wednesday, she was HOT! Tuesday she wore some high heels and we were able to see "DONCHEY TOES"! I mean, YUMM! Then, the next night, she wore a black leather miniskirt and you could see her legs, and man, they were just SO MILKY! Wow! But on last night's show [Wednesday Feb 22], she wore what would have been, a really nice outfit, but it was totally ruined by this MASSIVE Leg Tattoo on her right thigh! She wore another short skirt, which this time, allowed this huge tattoo to be revealed. Too bad that it ruined the whole look. All this being said, I have actually started watching KPIX news at 11pm instead of "building a better bay area over at KGO. I am tired of seeing Dan Ashley's fake smile and at the same time, seeing Ama Dietz who looks like she just got out of bed, 4 nights out of 5, with the one night she wears full makeup and looks decent.
    Regarding Amanda Starrantino, well, just look at her this morning, Thursday Feb 23, as she is wearing tight fitting pants that show off her nice figure from the waist down. I only wish she would turn around for the camera, so we could see her best "asset"... Thanks Rich, for all you do!

  15. Now that you mention it, KPIX could get their ratings out of the toilet by making Starrantino and Donchey a permanent pairing. Setting aside journalism, it could be our own version of Primer Impacto, which is one of the highest rated Hispanic shows in the world. For obvious reasons. At least they'd get the male demographic.

  16. It's all fake and lies. Save your money.

  17. I’ve been watching KRON a lot more since I discovered Live in the Bay! and it’s luscious host Olivia Horton. Yesterday I enjoyed Pam Moore and Ken Wayne at 8pm followed by Vicki Liviakis and the ageless Catherine Heenan. I thought it was solid. I do NOT like Michael Thomas for some reason. Is it the voice? The eyebrows?


  18. Sara Donchey has the ability to be a good news anchor but she prefers to dress like she's anchoring the naked news. Great for eye candy but bad for taking her seriously

    1. Sara Donchey is the reason I quit watching ABC7. She is a good anchor and does not misread the teleprompter.

  19. On KTVU, an anchor was like “unfortunately no one was hurt”. That can’t be right. She should have said fortunately no one was hurt.

    Taken on tonight’s 10PM news on 2/24

    1. This is par for the course at KTVU. It happens all day throughout the day, from 4am until 11:30pm.
      They have incompetent writers (if you can even call them that), zero copy editing, zero grammatical checks, and anchors don't even bother to read their scripts before the show (which they are expected to do).

  20. Why any self respecting radio announcer stays on KCBS is a mystery. That place is like the Titanic or the Lusitania. Going down for the count. Embarrassing!
