Wednesday, February 1, 2023

"Foggy Bottom" at KTVU; Haener Drama (Again); Liggins Fiery Exit; Overall Chaos at The Firm; "Just Another Day in Paradise" -- Even Major Scoop by Amber Lee Can't Ward Off Grief; Turmoil in Jack London Square; Wednesday Wash



Even when things appear normal, ( yeah, right) at KTVU they really aren't, far from it in fact.

Be it Greg Liggins nasty split from The Firm and Julie Haener's 86 from the Chinese New Years Parade coverage to the morning depression, KTVU once again sees itself in the foggy bottom.

Even a major scoop by Amber Lee--a jailhouse interview with the kooky jackass that hammered Paul Pelosi in the head--hasn't eased the general malaise that is KTVU, (again) these days.

"Just another day in pardise," joked a veteran staffer who told me it's as bad as ever at Jack London Square.

We've been down this road before. I thought it couldn't get any worse (staff morale) but it gets worser!

Haener's got one foot out the door. She might get tempted to leave sooner, (they'll call it a BS retirement at The Firm) but it's just that, complete BS. Haener is fed up with KTVU and they aren't exactly in love with her. "The primetime 'diva" as some refer to her as and it's getting worse by the day.

Not helping matters? Mike Mibach's increasingly diminished status. Mibach has lost the newsroom at KTVU --and viewers too.

Greg Liggins left the building in an uproar. He was generally not liked at the station but even a sour puss like Liggins received some lower-level sympathy because the general concensus was that he was "jacked around" by management. "He's an asshole, but there's bigger assholes!," a newsroom wonk told me.

Either way, Liggins' exit, (he has a new gig, apparently) was a jolt to a newsroom that doesn't need more drama.

Liggins' abrupt departure has made the national trades including NewsBlues, (paywall) --it's no longer a local industry tidbit.

Furthermore, it's created inner havoc in the newsroom because it only further reinforces the major disconnect that continues to rage on at KTVU.

Staff CAN'T STAND ND, Amber Eikel and they really can't stand her now. Nobody at KTVU has any respect for both Eikel and the absentee GM who's never in the building and often away on shopping sprees at the local Nordstrom!

Now that's a good way to rally the troops.

And you thought you had pressure!


  1. So Rich, anything new happening at KTV channel 2 news?

  2. I love to watch people bitch and moan about problems and then make no attempt to implement a solution. If you make a double-decker shit sandwich, you better be prepared to eat it, and eat it alone. KTVU's erosion is a result of weakness, indecision and hubris.

    1. And an incompetent and grossly unqualified ND who makes decisions based on nothing other than her insecurities and resentment of attractive, successful women.

    2. This! No accountability. Feet need to be held to the fire and asses ushered out the door.

    3. “ KTVU's erosion is a result of weakness, indecision and hubris.”

      No, genius, it’s the result of cheap-assed owners (Fox) buying the station after “We Tu Lo.” The people you’re fingering have no control over the direction of the station.

    4. 2:16 Only a male with major inferiority complexes would assume that women in the workplace are all there to resent each other.

    5. gosh you are so confused about mixed-metaphors 3:36..fiery feet and posterior -first departures?

    6. Playing the victimization card Simp? Bad ownership= Bad hires. So tell me which staff members have a gun to their head to stay employed there? Go back to your safe space.

  3. And to add insult to injury, KTVU has ordered Mike Mibach to anchor the parade instead of Julie. Ouch.
    Sayonara, Princess Haener!

  4. While I enjoy watching ktvu implode, it still amazes me that their self-destructive practices have gone on this long with zero attempts to correct course. At this rate, they'll be bottom dwellers on the rating chart with no way to get back up. Are they just ok with this? Are they oblivious?
    What makes the ktvu debacle even more pathetic (and perplexing) is that their incompetence, horrific workplace culture, and defeatism are on full display for the world to see. Yet with each passing day, they only seem to step harder on the gas pedal on their race to the bottom.

  5. Maybe someday Rich can give us a history lesson on former GM Kevin O'Brien,, on his successes and failures. I think KTVU was flying high then. He was a character, sharp, but possibly had a falling out with Elaine Corrall ... according to my sources. He liked to have fun.

  6. Amber Lee interview was a waste like her interview with a triad member in jail when he claimed “I am innocent” when conclusion “guilty for life”. Hearing the attacker, sounds like someone with issues should never been release and nothing to prove when he did what he did and all over the news attack Paul Pelosi.

    1. True to form, it was obvious Amber Eikel couldn’t handle giving Amber Lee credit for landing the interview. It’s painfully obvious that what they’ve always said about Eikel is still true, it bothers her to see women succeed and receive accolades.
      Beginning the day after the interview aired, all on-air references to it were ‘the suspect called into the ktvu newsroom’ .. ‘in an interview with ktvu.’
      The suspect didn’t call into the newsroom. He called Amber Lee’s cell as was described when they first aired the interview. Amber had tried to land an interview with him when he was first arrested so he had her cell from that initial request.
      All other stations will give proper credit to the reporter who lands a big interview, yet Amber E. couldn’t bear the thought of giving Amber Lee the spotlight for a few days.

    2. I worked at ktvu for a number of years and while I didn’t catch Amber lee’s interview, what 2:00 PM shared about Amber Eikel is 100% accurate. Apparently some things never change.

    3. 2pm... You've obviously never worked as part of a news team. The reporter is not the story.

  7. KTVU = Sum Ting Wong

  8. The KTVU derangement syndrome displayed here EVERY day is just down right strange. I thought Liberals were so against bulling and such but it's all I see here. Sad little fucks you are.

    1. Watch out everybody, a keyboard warrior is on the loose.

  9. Julie is "more than welcome" to join our audacy shit-show on KCBS
    An audacy station...... 😂

  10. I wonder if Rosemary’s still being watched because of her paranoia, attitude and the fact that she chased a fellow coworker away.

    1. Pam is watching.

    2. No. Rosemary and her team of photographers is watching.

    3. Correction, “Rosemary and her team of CREEPY photographers.”

      -KTVU anchor who is all too familiar.

  11. Given Haener’s erratic schedule and unreliability, it’s likely ktvu didn’t ask her to cover the parade for fear she might call in sick at the last minute only to see her posting from a $5,000 per night resort with her Botox Betty crew.

  12. Screw two! I prefer watching Sara Donchey at KPIX.

  13. This is where Julie Haener should walk out the door at KTVU and never look back...
