Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Julie Haener Out of KTVU Chinese New Year's Parade Coverage


Julie Haener has been a co-host for the annual SF Chinese New Year's Parade on Fox2-this year, she will not be.

And the veteran KTVU anchor was caught off guard a few weeks back when the station suits told her she wouldn't be on board. Call it The Firm moving in advance off the inevitable day when Haener either calls it quits at KTVU and/or leaves the Oakland Fox O/O.

Even with all that, I was told Haener's reaction when she found out she was GONNO from the parace--a high profile TV side gig--would be, instead the property of morning news anchor, Claudine Wong.

Haener's snub/exit, whatever you want to call it, is all but certain to accelerate her soon/any day now exit from KTVU. Could The Firm be showing her (Haener) a sort of professional payback? I would say, pronto.

PHOTO: Haener with Ben Fong-Torres


  1. Nothing wrong, Claudine Wong is Asian and no more Ben Fong Torres also Asian and either they put Julie in kick Claudine out or find an Asian male anchor, Henry Lee or the big guy who fills in on Friday or Saturday, don’t know his name but he looks like a big built football player.

  2. Claudine Wong? That has excitement written all over it. Not.

  3. Haener sees the writing on the wall. She was synonymous with the Parade for ages, so ktvu unceremoniously dropping her like a bad habit wasn’t merely an oversight. It’s the same kind of stuff they did to Mark Ibanez before they let him go the first chance they got.
    The Firm will let Haener walk out the door the minute they’re no longer obligated to keep her and her wasteful salary. And I’m assuming she’ll be perfectly fine with it based on her excessive absences and dramatic behavior.
    Haener had a good run. Now it’s time for her to start her new life with Mark Ibanez.

  4. At least they’re not having Mike Mibach anchor the Chinese New Year parade. That’d be beyond pathetic and the ultimate slap in the face to Julie Haener.

    1. ummmmm....mibach will be anchoring the parade, while haener sits on the couch eating bon bons.

  5. Wow, that’s some scoop.

  6. Tonight, during the 10 o’clock broadcast, they put up a promo graphic and there was an awkward pause before Mike jumped in to read it. Tee-hee

    1. LOL! I love how they're now just rubbing it in her face.

  7. Saturday, Chinese New Year's parade, is Julie H's normal day off anyway. Enjoy the time off. If she was to work that Saturday, I suspect it'd mean she might take a regularly scheduled day off, instead. This would mean scheduling-in someone else into the evening slot for whichever day Julie H. would choose to take off. I have no idea if there is some kind of overtime or comp-time deal at KTVU and how it might work. Maybe somebody on the inside could anonymously comment as to how, in general, overtime might be handled at the anchor positions.

  8. Some Jake H. (Julie H's son) football talk. One source puts Jake H. in the top 5 from the college quarterback picks. Guessing Jake H. gets picked up by one of the NFL teams, I then suspect Julie H. will want to attend every single game where Jake H.'s future team will play, no matter where it'll be in the country/world, whether Jake H. gets to play or not, which will be up to the Head Coach of that team.
