Thursday, January 26, 2023

Exclusive: Greg Liggins Quits KTVU --Veteran Anchor Wanted Weekend Gig But Bosses Weren't on Board

Greg Liggins assumed he would get a permanent weekend anchor gig at KTVU--he assumed wrong.

Liggins stormed out of KTVU's Jack London Square studios earlier this week.

He quit.

Liggins has had multiple stints at Channel 2 and both were filled with controversy and turbulence, I'm told by several sources close to the situation.

Liggins, who also worked in the field as a GSA reporter, was deemed as a "trouble" employee by KTVU management brass. That element may have worked against him as far as anchor positioning.

"They (management) were flat out scared of him," a source told me. "He could be difficult to work with; as an anchor, he was OK but he had many issues."

Liggins' future is up in the air as far as Bay Area possibilities are concerned but he could land a gig outside the market --my guess? Sacramento, where he's spent time and could use that venue as something more profound, destination-wise, in the future.

But KTVU? Nope. That ship has sailed.


  1. Greg went "all in" and got snap called by KTVU/Fox management. Shouldn't bluff with Aces and 8's Greg! Maybe you can ask Brian Copeland what to do next?

    1. I worked with Greg at KTVU. Solid reporter. Nice guy. Super easy to work with. He just got a better job. People trade up sometimes. You kinda see this a lot at KTVU. No one really wants to work there anymore.

    2. KTVU is FOX owned Rupert Murdoch garbage. Good for him for getting out. Their loss. I'm sure he'll be replaced by someone awful like every time someone leaves KTVU. Race to the bottom of the bay at that place.

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  3. How could I describe Greg? Diva. Narcissist. Race card player. A certain morning anchor with the initials GM couldn’t stand him and would walk out of the newsroom whenever Greg walked in.

    KTVU Newsroom worker

    1. Does that morning anchor's name rhyme with Masia Gikaelian? LOL

  4. Why would you need Greg Liggins anchoring when you have Roberta Gonzalez? No joke, RG’s name has recently been floated as a weekend anchor option for mornings on 2 or Friday or Saturday night.

    1. My god. The thought of turning on the tv on a weekend morning and seeing Roberta Gonzalez and Frank Shallowdope anchoring is absolutely terrifying.

    2. My TV screen would crack.

    3. Roberta and Frank M: what could possibly go wrong?

      That having been said, I fully expect to see Roberta anchoring sooner rather than later, given ktvu’s dismal inability to make personnel decisions that make even the slightest bit of sense.

  5. No lose another non descripr reporter a dime a dozen out their.

  6. Good riddance. Addition by subtraction.

  7. 'GSA reporter'? What does that mean? General Services Administration? Game Spy Arcade? I don't get it...

  8. Rich, I'm not sure where you get your information, but I think you have a bad source at KTVU. I worked with him personally and never got any such impression. And he pretty much only worked weekends when managers are never around, so he couldn't have much interaction with them. I'm sure he wanted the weekend anchor gig. Plenty of people in the building did. When we left he just told us he has another gig lined up, but didn't say where. Oh, and the comment about a morning anchor walking out of the room. How could that happen when he never worked mornings?

    1. My information is good and solid, as solid as you are "anonymous."

    2. Fwiw, I worked at ktvu for several years and Greg’s reputation, generally speaking, was not a good one. He wasn’t hated or despised, but he was widely known as difficult to work with, easily stressed (which made others stressed), and not friendly or comfortable to be around.
      I think most still there are either indifferent about his departure or relieved. Very few will regard this as a loss for the station and he won’t be missed.

    3. 1:23pm, Greg Liggins has anchored morning shows as a fill-in.

    4. I think the comment at 1:23 is correct. He was working most recently as a freelancer on weekend dayside, partly because he's been living in the Central Valley for the last few years. They couldn't really hire him for much during the week because he wasn't really all that available. Did he want the Friday/Saturday PM anchor job vacated by Andre Senior? Absolutely. Were they ever going to give it to him? Probably not. They eventually gave it to Greg Lee, but then realized Lee is so good on politics, and Cristina's doing great solo on Saturdays that they've left it at that. I'd heard comments that Liggins was maybe a little tough to work with in the 90s. I didn't think that was the case most recently, though he always wanted to do the softer stories and didn't really want to do much hard news lately.

  9. They'll replace him with a complete incompetent who will stick around for a few months before they come to their senses and jump ship.

  10. Thanks for the info. As merely a viewer, I would have never heard of the inside issues/politics/personnel matters without this blog. A month or so later, I'd probably merely wonder "what ever happened to (insert name)", and then proceed to forget the name, such as, I now forgot her name, but I recall she was reporting on the "Ghost Ship" fire back then.

  11. Greg "...wanted a permanent weekend gig..."

    Yeah, and people in hell want ice water.

  12. Management owns this. Didn't bother to look up the Carfax history on his past employment and potential red flags? Lazy, they name is KTVU.

  13. As to his on-air work, he was a big nothingburger. In fact he seemed tentative at times, which couldn't have been a selling point in his job hunt...

    1. Yeah, one of the DULLEST reporters out there, period.

  14. He just got a new job and he was happy about it. Stop trying to make him look bad. He was fine at KTVU.

  15. He was a freelancer - learn what means

    1. ‘He was a freelancer.’

      Aka, he was lazy as hell and couldn’t handle the responsibility of a full time job like a grown adult.

    2. He had a full-time job on top of being a freelancer - learn what that means

  16. It's TV news. Faces come and go. Big deal. But I chalk this one up to KTVUs loss. I liked his work.

  17. He’s a finance and online whiz probably losing out on other opps so if no more satisfying gig maybe he has the royal flush in the bank to walk away. it was a freelance gig anyway so he prob wanted nothing to do with a 5 day a week gig there

  18. I liked him and KTVU has a bunch of on air people who have no talent. Frank Mallicoat could go tomorrow. he always looks constipated. Mike Mibach is horrible too.

    1. Mallijoke is just that, a joke. If I didn’t know any better I’d think him and Dave Clark are in a competition for the Worst Anchor award.
      And to me Mibach is actually the one who looks like he desperately needs to drop a massive load.

  19. So a mediocre jackass who can’t even handle a full time job (oooops, I mean a freelancer) believes he deserves a permanent anchor gig? LOL
    Either he’s insanely entitled or just insane. Regardless, hopefully he finds his dream job where he can work 6 hours a week and be showered with praise and promotions.

  20. Greg Lee is great teamed with Christina Rendon on Friday and Saturday night. However, Jesse Gary is a cluster fuck reporting sports.

    1. Greg Lee is awful. And rotund. And awful.

  21. Most BA "fFreelancers /Per-diem" are strung along in local newsrooms with the promises of Full-Time work.

    The local labor unions rules make it very difficult for those freelancers to get full-time. Freelancers get jerked around on all levels in local news..mostly it's the tech people that get the crappy hours and all the other BS. because the union folks get all the cushy perks and the obscene pay scales.

  22. Who cares! I watch Andre more than this calm dude

  23. As someone said above, Liggins was/is a big fat nothingburger so his departure will have no impact on anyone there.
    That brings up the bigger issue of ktvu’s approach to staffing. They don’t try to improve their team and build a strong bench by bringing in talented people and needle-movers from the outside. No, instead they play musical chairs as they shuffle the chairs on the deck of the Titanic. Essentially the ‘any warm body’ approach, putting the same worn up, washed up has-beens and incompetents on any which show, at any which time, doing any which job whether it be weather, sports, traffic, anchoring, etc

  24. I’m old enough to remember when you had to actually work hard to earn a promotion.

    1. Yeah, now you work hard and you still don't earn a promotion. They lay you off and hire someone cheaper on a Visa instead.

  25. This is where if KPIX were smart...they would go and try to get Greg Liggins to come and join KPIX weekend team...

  26. Man oh Man, lots of negativity. These folks are working stiffs just like the rest of us. They are not bad, not terrible, not lousy. They show up on time and try their best. Many of us did not get the promotion we hoped for - the world did not end and the resentment faded.
    If a news anchor upsets you - change the channel. “Vote with your remote !” Reduced viewership speaks volumes.
    The negativity surprises me - how can anyone be upset about a lousy tv show or a reporter they don’t like??? These are trivial compared to the actual news we are hearing and seeing

  27. There are enough comments here and the jury hath spoken, Greg “Mr. Lazy Butt” Liggins sucks ass.

    1. Where he landed for his latest job…that description still pretty much applies. Never worked with ANYONE who feels like he is above everyone else. I could go on, but I will leave it there.

  28. With all the recent talk about Mr. Irrelevant I thought they were referring to Greg Liggins.

  29. I will just say that the descriptions here are very accurate and he brought it all to his new position at his latest station.

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  33. KTVU can have him back
