Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Emma Goss Intrigue (Sort Of) at KTVU; Roberta Gonzales Gets More "Me, Me, Meeish" During Fox2- Storm Live Shot; Jenny Seelig Tries to Reinvent Eric Thomas on KCBS; Meh; KRON Worried About Vicki Liviakis; Walters' Passing and Circle7 Dumbing Down; Dan Ashley Mum As 2023 Debuts; Ronn Owens Update; Missing Old K-101 Buddy, Chris Edwards; Tuesday Rundown

AT KTVU they are wondering aloud, what's the deal with Emma Goss? The voice, the bizarre disposition, the entire package.

Is it real or is this woman crying out for help.

I have watched Goss and can't figure it out yet just like I can't figure out KTVU the past few years. Help me.

Goss Extra: rumor mill: she may be headed, (or already has) gone to a new station in Bay Area.

One thing for sure: at least Countess Goss isn't Roberta Gonzales. That alone should be a positive for Goss.

*SPEAKING of Roberta: I don't know what's worse. Her shouting during a live shot in the rain the other night or KTVU's desperate attempt to justify her phony shtick on Twitter. Talk about two entities in dire need of a reality check.

*Jenny Seelig, the amateur ND at cratering KCBS has doubled down on Eric Thomas. Now she's trying to reinvent him, style wise.

Jenny is attempting to inject Eric with a personality, problem is, he has none. You can't make something that doesn't exist. Thomas is an average radio anchor, at best. He'd be perfectly fine on a Saturday from 4-7 PM but Morning Drive? Are you kidding me?

Seelig is doing everything possible to see Thomas was worth the effort --even though he's terrible as an AM radio driver, about as interesting as a Dublin Arbys. Everyone at KCBS knows this except Jenny Seelig who obviousy didn't get the memo.

Thomas's co-anchor, Margie Shafer, doesn't help matters because she too isn't a morning personality but what else is new at the alleged all-news radio depot? MORE COMMERCIALS

Jenny still hasn't replaced Stan Bunger, Susan Leigh Taylor, Steve Bitker, Larry Charoni, John Evans --in fact, the only person that KCBS hasn't trotted out to fill in is Gumby.

I HARP on KCBS because I cannot fathom how something so sacred, so profound, so once dynamic has settled into the laughingstock of irrelevency its become. Who is responsible for this? Jenny Seelig is and Audacy doesn't give a damn which might explain its penny stock status.

*KRON suits are supposedly worried about the longevity of one of their most beloved and respected anchors, Bay Area veteran and gorgeous Vicki Liviakis. To which I say to KRON, you're about to screw up anpother hidden gem. Vicki is superb, a TOTAL PRO, an elegant retro news reader who is at the TOP of her game. She doesn't scream and yell and she's polished. Her 60's status? Who the hell cares, only you, KRON. *ADD Liviakis: yeah, I said she's gorgeous. She is and she's getting more beauful by the year. You gotta problem with that? Sue me.

*My rip job of KGO (ABC7) over the Barbara Walters passing had to do with on-air spontaneous tributes, or in Cirrcle7's case, the lack of such. I don't count Twitter/Instagram postings --KGO is an ABC O and O, the network that Walters spent almost her entire career and define its legacy. Sorry, but social media postings don't count in my book. KGO's women anchors, even its weather anchors could have acknowledged Walters passing the old-fashioned way: with an on-air salute. Dignified and entirely classy and appropriate, I guess a foreign concept at 900 Front.

*Dan Ashley could END all this speculation once and for all by leveling with a certain media guy, locally, about his future at ABC7 but Ashley seems to think his contract status is none of your (Bay Area) business. But it is. When you read the news and are invited inside everyone's home for 30 years, you become defacto family. It's not the gospel but it has teeth. Ashley doesn't like to talk about his personal business but in a sense, it's our business too. We have a right to care and we do, Danno.

*While I had my differences over the years in the manner in which he comported hiumself and Cumulus affairs, no one wishes anyone ill health and pain and suffering, including me--I bring this up as I hear former KGO Radio great, Ronn Owens, is having a tough time and feeling the effects of old age. Owens is spending retirement life in Arizona.

*The other day/night, on New Years Eve., I was thinkingh of the greatr Chris Edwards, a K-101 radio legend (who passed a decade ago) --he had me on his oldies show and he did a special NYE live broadcast in 1984 and I also guested. Chris Edwards was a super pro and an utter delight, a real SF character and beloved guy with a heart of gold and just cool to be around. Miss him dearly.


  1. I used to work for NixonJanuary 3, 2023 at 10:50 AM

    Yeah, Emma Goss's voice is weird. It is like she is talking while pinching her nose. Maybe it is a medical thing.

    1. Emma Goss, Ann Rubin (KTVU) and Lena Howland (KGO) imagine sitting at the table with all 3 of them and hearing them speak.

    2. Emma is weird. Lena’s name is awkward. I can’t imagine having to say that on air. Lena is a good reporter though. Emma.., not.

  2. Face the ugly truth Rich. Legacy media is dead. What you have now is next gen Kentucky Fried movie.

  3. You’ve got a great appreciation for the history of our Bay Area Radio. It’s so sad how a once great radio industry, an important part of the bay area’s heart and soul has been gutted by the suits at Cumulus, Audacy, I-heart and the rest of these scummy mega-companies. They have NO interest in public service, NO interest in the people who work for them and most importantly, NO business running radio. No wonder their stock prices are in the toilet.

    1. So far, best comment of 2023!!! Happy New Years and pray for a media miracle.

  4. Poor Jen Seelig. Overworked, underpaid and unqualified to be a news director. She’s like Lee Hammer who ran the Cumulus ‘cluster’ across the street for many years. Like Jen, he was another former news producer who found out that working in management means you have to lose some of your soul.

  5. I think Vicki Liviakis is gorgeous and charismatic. I don't care how old she is. She is my favorite Bay Area anchor, by far.

    1. Is Vicki in her sixties? She is hot!

  6. Dion Lim, of Disney fame, fancies herself as a champion for women, yet she hasn't said a word about Walters. It's been crickets. Yet another example of how disingenuous and phony Dion is.

    1. It may not be her choice. You can’t say something on Air just because you want to. Frank Somerville found that out.

  7. Emma's voice is really strange. It wasn't anything like this when she began at KTVU. She was off the air for several months and her nails on a chalkboard voice seems to have coincided with her return. I'm wondering if she had some sort of medical or cosmetic procedure while she was out that impacted her voice.

    In any event, when she comes on I either mute the tv (sometimes) or completely turn the channel (usually).

    1. "when she comes on I either mute the tv (sometimes) or completely turn the channel (usually)."

      My wife and I do the same thing.

    2. “It wasn't anything like this when she began at KTVU.“

      Yes, it totally was.

  8. Hey these TV weather people are starting to make threats like terrorists. KGO keeps saying LEVEL 5 STORM coming. Rich, do you have your bug-out bag packed? Time to head for higher ground, but probably not the Sierras.

    1. Right. They're really hyping this one over at ABC 7. Been waiting for a Level 5 for awhile now. This is a first time they've gone full tilt 5 on the scale. Hope I'm not disappointed. Have to admit last weeks flooding was a little more damaging than I expected. NBC Bay Area really had the best coverage. But i'll cut the others some slack as it was a holiday weekend.

      Everyone stay safe. And turn around don't drown!!! Perhaps those glaciers melting in the arctic last spring really were trying to tell us something. Some of us in low lying areas may soon have to migrate to higher ground, i guess.

    2. Why do you have to "cut some slack" because it was a holiday weekend? The news happens when it happens and woe be onto us when our adversaries learn to plan their nefarious deeds for when Dan Ashley and Anderson Cooper have the day off!

    3. If you are a Californian, you know that it's not "the Sierras". Do you know what it is?

    4. It's currently 11:39am in San Jose and the LEVEL 5 storm has really only been around a 2.

    5. @9:31 Christine just stop.

    6. 11:39, they said it wouldn’t be much till late afternoon/evening.

  9. None of the names you mentioned: Stan Bunger, Susan Leigh Taylor, Steve Bitker, Larry Charoni, John Evans will be replaced. They'll continue to piece it together and further erode the "product"

  10. Sad to hear about Ronn Owens. He’s only 77 years old. Hopefully it’s a temporary setback.

    1. He has Parkinson's disease...that's a permanent and deadly condition.

  11. Emma Goss has a hyponas voice for sure. It’s gone on for far too long and is far too extreme to be the result of a cold or sinusitis. While there are any number of possible causes, the one that immediately comes to mind is a deviated septum.
    Hope she gets to an ENT soon.

  12. The mystery is not Emma Goss, it’s Sara Donchey. She’s been off more than she’s been on and she’s brand new. They even named a show after her and it’s just half an hour and that’s *all* she does while so many others are doing double and triple shifts. What’s with all the time off? They act like she’s a big star when she’s a nothingburger with a side of Jessica Burch.

    1. I've been wondering about Sara Donchey only getting the 11pm-1130pm news, too.
      Otherwise, I haven't noticed a problem with Emma Goss. She looks good to me, but I'll attempt to listen more carefully to her voice if/when I catch one of her reports.

  13. I have always been a Ronn Owens fan , hope he gets better !

    1. Me as well. Wishing him the best.

  14. These days JSeelig spends most of her days skiing in the Sierra. She and hubby have a condo up there.

  15. How about that shouty Mabrisa Rodriguez on KRON4? She's super intense, like she's speaking in ALL CAPS, and I wonder if she even knows what she's saying in her forecast vomit sometimes. Seems like she's on more often than Karnow, who I greatly prefer.

    1. Just an opinion, but I don't mind Mabrisa R. at all. To me, she comes across enthusiastic, but not obnoxious as I find Roberta G. to sometimes be.
      I rely on the weather reports quite a bit, but realize sometimes the weather news may not always predict with 100% accuracy. My iPhone's weather app is also very important to me:)

    2. "Enthusiastic?" How about "scared to death that she might have to take a breath before she throws it back to the anchor?" I hear fear in her delivery, which is full of cringeworthy crutches like "for your Thursday evening" and "for all of you in (choose one from this list of suburbs)." Be sure to take an umbrella! Back to you....

  16. I remember 'Fat Chrissie Edwards' as he used to call himself.

    Side note, Johnny Holliday is still broadcasting at 85 years old. He's the current play-by-play announcer for Univ. of Maryland basketball (39th season).

  17. Oh darn, they didn't say enough about Barbara Walter's... miss protector of Harvey weinstein, and part of epsteins black book.
