Saturday, December 17, 2022

Quake Hits Bay Area on Saturday But Biggest Jolt was KCBS and Alisa Clancy's Inadequacy --More "Shit Show" Overnight and Seelig's Fingerprints Cause Embarrassment

IT WAS A SMALL QUAKE --I felt it early Satuday morning.

But it was a big THUD at KCBS where giggle-voice supreme was anchoring and my god, what a real disaster!

Alisa Clancy continues to embarrass herself. She's a nighly comedy show only nothing's funny after awhile --even if she's comically awful on KCBS, speaking of embarrassments. The legacy all-news radio station that once was legit which is now a skeleton of itself was and now a woeful 50-thousand-watt nothing burger.

Clancy is useless. I have no idea why she was schleped off waivers after being tossed by KCSM, (that news hotbed)--she's terrible, she can't perform the most basic duties and is woefully inadequate.

If there's any breaking news, overnight, and Clancy is anchoring, we're all in trouble. KCBS is lucky this morning's quake was not a big jolt because Clancy and her insufferable giggle laugh is, well, insufferable.

She was so bad on Saturday morn, traffic anchor, Frank Munich, twice, had to update listeners about the epicenter of the quake, the magnitude, etc. Clancy chose to giggle and interupt. That's her best asset, as I said, she's useless.

Jennifer Seelig, the alleged ND of KCBS hired Clancy--that alone should be grounds for Seelig's departure.

People at KCBS, a good majority, can't stand Seelig. She's no Ed Cavagnaro, the former ND; she's no Todd Smoot, (a KCBS assignment editor that left)--It's all downhill from now on at "The Shit Show" on 855 Battery.

Meanwhile, Clancy is a total abomination.


  1. Rich, I agree 100% KCBShitShow

  2. Yeah - she's bad. Fortunately, I'm asleep through most of her shit - er, I mean SHIFT! When she first comes on the air, there's some hesitation....kind of like "let's see.....where am I???". She makes Eric Thomas sound good (and he HAS improved...)

    1. You say you are mostly asleep during her broadcasts, but then talk about the intro, like, you know, like?

  3. The girls' gotta pay the bills !!

    It's a "shit-show" or "no-show"
    Laughing at that endless merry-go-round of outdated news stolen from the KPIX website.
    Plus those kars-for-kids PSA's sound bad.
    They would NEVER play kars-for-kids PSA's on KCSM the jazz station.

    1. OMG, those kars-for-kids aren't PSA's are they?

    2. No, absolutely not PSAs. Paid-for spots, just paid for at very "off-peak" rates. They probably get a lot of bang for their buck with the way they buy ad time. And while everybody hates the KARS-4-KIDS spots, everybody also remembers them, so in a sense they do work.

  4. I was thoroughly disappointed at 0341 this morning. I felt it here in Richmond- not far from the epicenter and I immediately told Alexa to, "play KCBS"... having tuned in anytime there was a middle of the night quake since I was 8 on my little wood grain RCA clock radio. It is very comforting to hear callers call in and talk about the shaker. Yes it is mundane but it builds a sense of community (disaster psychology) and calms people and allows folks to feel informed. Clancy didn't even mention the quake for about 7 minutes until the next traffic break. They finally took ONE call from Holly Quan. To whomever is in charge, people go to KCBS for news and info. Taking a few calls has always been a staple of 740- allowing us to know we can count on KCBS.

    1. Man, how pathetic that the Bay Area will have NOTHING of worth on radio when the Big One hits. It does make you wonder what you will listen to. I will not turn on the TV. For some reason, TV seems all wrong for me for emergencies; it has got to be radio.

      So we have nothing on radio to go to when there is an earthquake emergency. Very frightening to think about.
      Big One hits and you turn on KGO and it will be some sports betting show.

      Wow. So sad... Where is Christine? Would like to know what she will tune into.

    2. It was a quakelet that caused no damage.

  5. Also... I'm a fan of Jake from State Farm... cool guy but the online Audacy plays 3 of commercials back to back to back ad nausea all morning SMH. Way Too Much Jake

    1. Fake Jake or the original good Jake?

  6. The "Big One" hits the Bay Area, last damn thing I'm doing is tuning into KCBS. I'll opt for the spanish radio stations. This pendeja guera will be losing her shit and sobbing hysterically and probably end up a casualty anyway.

  7. The ex-sports guy Raj "I'm a serious journalist" Matthai bungled the names of two prominent sports figures the same newscast!

    First he mangled Giannis Antetokounmpo's name. Yeah ok...that last name is a toughie but he actually mangled his first name worse. How do you mangle "Giannis"?

    Then he mangled Megan Rapinoe's last name...and it was so bad it came out like a totally different word. It wasn't close. That's like mangling a name like Biden or can you do that?

    And all this from the ex-sports guy...

  8. Quake? What quake? And I live right on the fault.

  9. And this is what you get when these clueless mega-media companies such as Cumulus or Entercom or Audacy or whenever other name they’ve ‘branded,’ themselves with take over. The higher ups wouldn’t know how to manage a corner market in some rundown part of the city. They have fired or forced out veteran broadcast journalists and mostly hired a bunch of kids and newbies, practically off the street. They can pay peanuts to these eager Beavers and get away with it because unions have little power anymore, and the public is clueless as to what’s going on. And as far as radio and TV serving the public? Isn’t that what they’re supposed to be doing? Not today. It doesn’t help that most young people and a sizable number of those over 30, pay no attention to radio or even TV anymore. They’re mindlessly hypnotized by the noise and nonsense of social media, which is a catch-all for mostly gossip, wild opinion and other vapid nonsense. The fact that they get most, it not all of their information off of it is a reason why our nation has become so dumbed down. . Many of the people who now work in the traditional media would not have gotten any further than Modesto in years past.
