Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday Holiday Pulse; Clint Reilly Trying To Sell Examiner; Dan Ashley Could Stave off "BABBA" BS on ABC7; Hokey KCBS Christmas Greetings; Randy Hahn's 2000th Sharks Broadcast; TJ Holmes and Amy Robach? Big Deal; CNN: Go Back To News; Ibanez to KPIX?; KTVU's Utter Fakeness


Clint Reilly is in poor health which might be the key reason why he wants to sell the Examiner. The question is, who reads the Examiner?

*Dan Ashley could put together a few minutes about the "Building a Better Bay Area" BS on his ABC7 "What really matters" segment he does every Friday night. It would neutralize the mostly negative PR that KGO gets every day on Disney's putrid ad campaign it inflicts on each of its O and O stations like Circle7 here. Ashley is the face of ABC7. He has credibility and thus, even a token explanation wouldn't hurt.

*Those KCBS hokey holiday greetings by the various anchors and reporters are even more hokier when you consider half the participants are fed up with the station and can't wait to get out.

*Randy Hahn, great hockey voice of the San Jose Sharks, just celebrated his 2000th broadcast on cable. This is a phrase that gets worn out but it 100% true in the case of Randy: he's a good guy. And a fantastic sports broadcaster. Congrats to Randy.

*TJ Holmes and Amy Robach: Gees, as if all the fuss is such a big deal. I thought some of us had bigger fish to fry.

*Yeah, Holmes has some Bay Area roots, He's good buds with NBC Bay Area's Raj Mathai --birds of a feather...

*CNN continues to crater and the new boss hasn't helped one iota. What they outta do is to go back to what they do best and just stick to news and breaking news. Let Fox and MSNBC kill each other. CNN used to have a niche in covering news. Now they have uninspiring people trying to do opinion shows and nobody gives a damn. Or if they do, they sure as heck aren't watching.

*Scott Warren, the GM at KPIX, used to work at KTVU as a producer so it wouldn't be a nutty deal if somehow, Mark Ibanez, ended up at PIX as a sort of 1A to Vern Glenn.

*Among the many reasons why KTVU is flailing away --and there's PLENTY--is the complete lack of faith and general unease that Bay Area viewers equate with KTVU. Nobody cares anymore about the staff in Oakland. Especially in the morning. You can't fake sincerity, you haver to build it. It doesn't happen overnight. KTVU built up a generation of good will because most of its talent were genuine and real, Sure, they were talented too but they conveyed warmth and caring.

Today's KTVU is a hotbed of amateurs and cold stares. They don't resonate with viewers which is why KTVU is a rudderless ship.

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Happy Holidays.


  1. I met Randy Hahn at Sharkfest 2016. I still remember how kind and gracious he was.
    And someone I know worked for SAP center for a number of years. He told me the same thing about Hahn. Well-liked, genuine, and someone who struck up conversation with everyone (most on a first name basis), whether you were a food service worker, IT staff, or usher.

    1. Randy's ok but the real class act is long time radio play-by-play announcer Dan Rusanowsky

  2. TJ Holmes and Amy Robach, are married, have an affair fine but have enough class to be private about it and nor gush all over each other in public. Ibanez still working at age 67 or 69 = embarrassing. Maybe acquiring "Julie" funds?

    1. I saw an article yesterday that TJ was sticking his Holmes in quite a few different ladies.

    2. One word for you @1255 -- Jackass. What's wrong with working at 67 or 69? You must be one of those tech people who are controlled by what the spreadsheet says and have that dictate your decisions. What do you do all day, pick lint out of your belly button? Age is just a number. If you can do it, why not? And if you're not in that age bracket yet, just wait. Your time will come and let's see how you feel when someone takes you to task for being too old.

  3. Hockey fans in Northern California have been damn lucky to have Randy Hahn as their play-by-play announcer, for 3 decades.

    1. Completely agree. He's been there from the beginning and to this day I'm not aware of a single scandal involving him, no MeToo, no inappropriate comments, no DUI, not a homer, and I don't think I've heard a negative thing said about him, unlike many of other play-by-play dorks here in the Bay.

    2. 3:24, and just how have you reached these lofty character judgements?
      Have you reviewed his employee files? Run an FBI background check? Reviewed his DMV record? Interviewed his neighbors and co-workers?

      Stop idolizing people on tv.
      They’re just actors, paid to perform.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Right, because master performer Randy Hahn is most certainly a psychopathic axe murdering madman during the off-season.


  4. Dude what the hell is wrong with you. So what is may is 67. Which he’s not. He’s 65. But who cares. He’s great at what he does. Why are you so negative. And so pathetic? He’s so much better than every other sportscaster in the Bay Area. But I guess you just have keyboard courage. It’s just so sad to to me. Mark is outstanding to me. And we all known it. Vernon glen??? Really???

  5. Nobody is watching the "News" anymore. When they start reporting on issues that are being glaringly ignored...You might get some viewers? Their ticket has been punched and everyone is reading the same script. Married people cheating? BFD. If I had a dollar for every adulterous marriage, I could hire Elon Musk. Randy Hahn is a treasure. It pains me to see the empty seats at the tank. There are lots of them. Warrior games too. Sign O The times. Even the swells are pinching that buffalo's ass. D.A is not going to mess with the mouses putrid BBBBA campaign. Too smart to dance on a volcano. Especially one that is his piggy bank. Time to wrap gifts and open that jar of Shine!

    1. I'm with you, 1:29, with regard to Hahn. And, all of those the empty seats at The Tank.

    2. I had seats to Sharks games last year. The product on the ice is in rebuild and will be for several years. Who wants to pay $100/seat to watch a losing effort? It gets old after watching them lose 5 of 6 games. But, Randy Hahn is a gracious game caller and it was he who told me “if your team is sub .500 at Thanksgiving, there will be trades and rebuilding”. He was/is 100% correct. I saw the one home win in their Stanley Cup season (2016), the current team is years away from making the playoffs. They had a good run for a long while.

    3. You got that right! They will be contenders again. We've been spoiled with some damn good players. All started with Pat Falloon.

  6. Vermin Glenn is NOT head sportz guy material. Ibanez should be tapped to leap-frog over Vermin and take the top spot.

  7. “Clint Reilly is in poor health which might be the key reason why he wants to sell the Examiner. The question is, who reads the Examiner?”
    I read the Examiner (brand Ex) only to see how far it’s fallen since Dec 2011 when new owners came in and cut off most of the staff. I gave them 23 years. They gave me 6 weeks notice.

    1. The SF Examiner: an example of wasting valuable resources. Like those damn advertising mailers every week.

  8. CNN, MSNBC, FOX are all about talking heads now. They could have someone drop a nuclear bomb on SF and all three would have their talking head shows going.

  9. Why would anyone WANT the Examiner? Is it actually WORTH anything? I wouldn't buy it. It has no value that I can perceive.

  10. 12:55: At 67 or 69, Ibanez isn't ready for assisted living. Some people enjoy their jobs and like to work. There's nothing embarrassing about it. I'm glad you're independently wealthly and don't have to worry about money. Now, stop being a jerk!

  11. I haven't seen anyone mention anywhere that KTVU was dead air for pretty much the entire 4th quarter of the 49ers game last night. Anyone know what happened?

    1. The guys in the control room were probably in the parking lot next door smoking weed during their shift. It wouldn’t be the first time. Or second. Or third.

    2. 3:57, It’s disappointing to hear they’re still doing that, though not surprising.

  12. 1:13 PM..thx Mark!

  13. re: ktvu, what else would you expect when your weekday and weekend morning crew is made up entirely of phonies, incompetents, dunces, old farts, and gossips?
    Dave Clark and Frank Mallicoat are the phoniest of them all. You can tell neither knows or cares about what they read off the prompter. They each botch no fewer than seven dozen reads per newscast. When they try to make chitchat or adlib it's so lame and pathetic.

    1. Dave Clark and Mallicoat come across as car salesmen trying to "sell" you the news. Listen the next time to the ir tone and sing song inflection or Mallicoat stumble bumbles over words.

    2. I’m sure Dave Clark is a great human being but it’s time to move on from his phony delivery and played out corny jokes. It’s not funny or endearing anymore. It’s just annoying.

  14. 2:05 = harsh, just saying let some younger kids kick the tires. If you need to work longer after years of "skirt chasing" I have no sympathy .

    1. @3:37, I agree with you 100% but it’s obvious Ibanez feels he has more skirts to chase. He’s stuck in his glory days of the 1970’s and hasn’t been able to accept the fact he’s got one foot in the grave, one foot on the banana peel.
      Perhaps he’s got his sights set on the new ladies of PIX, Starantino, Donkey and the LT. Or maybe he thinks Juliet Goodrich has a midget fetish. Or perhaps he needs more funds to keep the interest of a gold digger like…
      In any event, it’s sad to see someone who once had so much goodwill with viewers fail to realize people just don’t want to see him anymore.

      Mark: you had your moment. It’s time to ride off into the twilight and let the next generation of sports guys make their mark…or chase their skirts.

    2. I keep hearing Ibanez thinks of himself as something between a giggolo and himbo.

      Isn’t he married?

    3. @4:30, I don’t know about Donchey, Starantino and Goodrich but Marky Mark may have a chance with the LT. It’s becoming widely known amongst her colleagues that she prefer older men.

  15. Ktvu has forgotten tv is a visual medium. They have zero interest in hiring people who are good at their craft AND easy on the eyes. We get neither. Instead we get a bunch of phony, washed up old farts hanging on and phoning it in until their social security kicks in. Many times it looks like they just randomly plucked residents from a local nursing home and threw them behind the desk.

    We’re seeing exactly what happens when you have an insecure witch like Amber Eikel at the helm, the same Amber who can’t stand when other women get attention or look better than her.
    The ‘best’ she’s brought in is Emma Goss who talks like she has a stick wedged up her ass crack.

  16. I agree 100% that CNN should pivot to serious news format and lose the commentary focus.
    BBC or Aljeezera could be the model. News and strong in depth features. Also, don't forget CBS ,NBC and ABC nightly news shows get ratings way above any cable news station.

  17. great stuff. You got it. Made a big donation. Should you keep it going well into the future.

  18. What’s with all the Mark Ibanez hate? He was privileged to work around beautiful women his entire adult like. Do I blame him for “skirt chasing?” Absolutely not.
    Do I think he’s bored of sitting in the vinyl room when there are skirts to be chased in the big city? Absolutely.

    1. > What’s with all the Mark Ibanez hate?

      He's a self-important prick. Anything else?

    2. All you Ibanez-hating trolls can take a long walk off a short pier. Ibanez loves god, loves his family, put his heart into his career every single night, and has done more for the community than any of you ever will.

  19. Building a Better Bay Area….STINKS. So does….What Really Matters.

  20. Good Morning America is smart to keep those two off the air for now. When they return, they must not be allowed to work together.
    Otherwise it will be clear that GMA aids and abetts the soiling of Matrimony!! Oh, and if this was a white man with a black woman, both would have been fired by now. Guranteed!!
    There is currently less penalty in upsetting those two demos vs the first two.

  21. Dan is aging noticing a lot of gray hair and KGO better not put Reggie on Prime Time

  22. During one of the Giants World Series seasons Randy Hahn stopped by the booth and talked to Kruk and Kuiker for an entire inning. It was surreal to see them all together and fascinating to see how much Hahn knew about baseball. Class act.

    1. *Kuiper, not Kuiker
      Also, they’re know as Kruk and Kuip

  23. Amy Rohbach is no saint, but given TJ Holmes history, she is nuts if she thinks Holmes isn't going to be cheating on her in the near future. At least she's too old to be bringing new children into this future mess.

  24. CNN , with the constant commercials and "specials" is becoming a joke. It's the holidays. Time to run a marathon of Anthony Bourdain. And to think we have to pay to get this junk.

  25. I would love if Mark Ibanez would be back on the air. And have you seen his wife? He is not cheating on her.

  26. Ibanez lasted a long time at 2 to his credit, but hardly great at his job.

    1. Agreed. Plus Ibanez had absolutely nothing to add analysis wise. Listening to him on Niners post game shows and it was embarassing. He couldn’t talk X’s and O’s or the game itself. He was unable to give perspective on what the plays or play-calling of player performance, beyond just reading off stats.
      Say what you want about Joe Fonzi but it’s clear he actually knows sports and can provide insightful analysis.
      Ibanez is a nothing burger.

  27. Walker (5), even Radnich (4), were better than Ibanez, who struck me as a used car salesman with clunky cliches.

  28. Fonzi and Glenn are terrible. Fonzi has no personality and is boring. Glenn needs his own sctick. A Radnich clone. I turn them off.
