Friday, December 9, 2022

Friday Flash: Thurston Does Well on KCBS News Fill-In Anchor Gig; Julie Haener's Curious Fashion Taste -A KTVU Surprise; Frank Somerville Asks If There's Interest? "Nope"


I WAITED a few days before grading Pat Thurston doing fill-in anchoring on KCBS this week (2-7 PM). I wanted to give her a few days to get her feet wet before a critique.

I was not surprised she's very good, almost too good at times but overall very solid.

As good as she's been doing on PM drive, there were times I wasn't happy when she detoured from the broadcast, especially on interviews during a phono with a guest, when she got a little too giddy and personal. It wasn't a kill-all by any means but it detracted from the broadcast. Don't get me wrong, Thurston was a solid B but she ocasionally went off-script and minor as it was, it was notable.

Overall, had you didn't know Thurston was a talk-show veteran --from KGO days, (and early KPIX Radio stint in mid 90's), you'd have thunk she'd been a news anchor several years. She obviously prepared for the gig and took the time to know the nuances and board operation.

She was also very good tossing to traffic and sports updates. Her cadence was spot on and timing almost perfect. She clearly grasped the 740 AM/106.9 FM business model --although these days, that could be a tenuous proposition. In either case, Thurston pulled it off and deserves high praise.

*Thurston will be able to handle the transition, (duh!) to the talk format that will be part of the tweak at night KCBS and its Audacy stations (news) plan to implement sometime next year, possibly Jan.

Thurston took the job at KCBS to get her foot in the door after the latest KGO mini-massacre. But she also knows she'll be front and center when KCBS employs its talk model in the PM, which isn't exactly known yet but will surface soon.

The shows won't all be local; I can see some syndicated programs eminating from the east but a local, nightly show will be news-oriented and it will be repeated on the weekend, industry sources tell me.

*Julie Haener, apparently, has been using a lot of holiday time off the KTVU airwaves, good for her because I don't think she's as tucked in, (so to speak) as she makes it out to be. Clearly, Haener's Q rating is not as high as in earlier years--The Firm knows that too.

Oh, recently, Haener bought a blouse from the local Danville fashion store--I'm not sure Julie saw the fine print on the blouse, at least I hope she didn't, take a close look.

*Making the KTVU rounds recently: Frank Somerville supposedly contacted the powers-that-be in Oakland saying, in so many words, let's bury the bad news, let's all be a happy family and welcome me back. To which the bosses told Frank, "uh, no, we're good", but thanks Frank, anyway.


  1. That Julie Haener blouse is hilarious!! How could she not notice that? Or anyone on the crew for that matter. But then again this is the 'Wi Too Low' network. They probably saw it and laughed internally. Or Jules is just trolling us all. Or sending a signal to Mark Ibanez. Either way, I'm not offended.

    Shout out to Rick James featured prominently on Ibanez' album wall....'Blew my mind...69 times...' lol

    1. Hopefully she never did "Little 5'6" Marky"

  2. For those unaware, the "fine print" on that blouse is the Gucci logo. She wore it on the air and nobody at KTVU noticed? Wow.

    1. that's a knockoff Gucci logo at best. Gucci rarely uses that design, and when they do they're not curly. Theres a right angle at the part going back into the 'C' to make the "G"


      Not even CLOSE.

    3. Who knew Lieberman readers were also students of the intricacies of the goochie logo? WGAS?

  3. Looks like KTVU does not want Frank back huh? Anyway as you and many folks pointed out it is a louzy station with no direction of things.

    Did he try KPIX, KRON, or KNTV? Wish I would see Frank pair up with Goodrich, Liz or even Brian Hackney.

    1. Frank and Brian the new Van and Jerry

    2. Frank is too much of a PR liability, an insurance liability, even potentially a legal liability. (What if he drives home drunk from his shift and kills someone, and it turns out the producers and writers knew he was drunk while he was at the station?) His career is finished, simply for reasons of overhead. He would not only cost a lot but he would add to the legal costs of doing business.

    3. I know what you’re saying here and that is possible but he should have approached in a better way.

      Frank and Brian would be good

  4. Haener's blouse can be what ever you wish to imagine it is. I see a 6 and a 9 which are inverted and opposite. Is it two 6's or two 9's. Me thinks two 9's. Why? Her son Jake was #9 at Fresno State. Frank is a dry drunk (supposedly) and has not come to terms with his disease and the negative effects it has had on others. He needs to make amends to those in a personal apology.Begging for his job back just shows his insincerity. Time does not heal all wounds.

  5. Tell Frank he needs to keep himself away from dirty garbage, woman issues, drinking and negative embarrassment on television.

    1. 12:08 Where's the fun in that? Might as well buy a robe and become a Monk.

    2. Adrian? Touching all the parking meters as he walks down the street?

  6. Is the blouse a hint?

  7. Frank was talking himself up on Facebook the other day.

  8. What cums after 69...
    70 !
    (call me-text me Jull's)

  9. The "shit show" on KCBS is going "Ape shit" over rain.
    The new "ape shit" segment.
    Only on KCBS

  10. KCBS was having a real flub fest in the early afternoon today. The announcer said the segment was sponsored by one car dealership, then corrected to say it was another dealership. Following this was a segment on San Jose homelessness that suddenly got switched to a CBS segment on some other topic, then a correction was announced and the original San Jose segment came back.

    On top of this they wasted good air time with an lengthy interview with a Texas left-wing think tank lady, moaning about the “constitutional sheriff” movement, with no tie-in to the Bay Area or indeed no specific examples of such sheriffs anywhere that I heard. Isn’t there enough real breaking news in their market to keep this “News” station occupied?

  11. Rich, I don't believe you waited a couple days to see how Thurston was doing. You've been her main (only?) cheerleader for a long time. Since I know her biases (she hates Trump, loves socialism), it's hard to listen to her. She's not an objective journalist. She doesn't even try to her bias. So KCBS loses listeners like me.

    1. As a talk show host she was not supposed to be objective. She has stated more than once she believes in capitalism, although she imbraces certain social programs, as do most American's even conservatives, such as Social Security and Medicare. Rich is not her only cheerleader, many liked her and listened to her talk show. Her new role on KCBS is different, she should be more objective when reporting on the news. How objective are you? You have already made up your mind to not listen, are you boycotting the station based on one reporter?

  12. I saw Julie once at a restaurant in the east bay and talked to an employee after she left. apparently she’s goes there often and is known for flirting with rich men.

  13. Sara Donchey—WORST ANCHOR EVER. SHE’S A SOPHOMORIC EMBARRASSMENT. I can’t believe PIX allows her free reign.

    1. I actually think Sara is pretty smooth on her own, a little clunky on the banter, but overall pretty good. It's the clothing choices I wonder about, she doesn't flatter herself with the designs she chooses.

    2. I'm generally good, watching Sara Donchey. I usually turn off or change the channel once any of the "banter" to fill-in for lack of news/material/timing kicks in.

  14. 11:37 AM = Mr. Serious

  15. I am not a Pat Thurston fan. Hate her politics and her talk show style but she is really good on KCBS, a total pro. Hope she does not go back to her old ways but so far I give her an A.

    1. LMA0! Thurston's screechy whiny voice is not fit for a news anchor.
