Thursday, December 8, 2022

Old KGO/ABC Boss, Mickey Luckoff Tried To Make New KGO But Couldn't/Can't; Old KFRC Longshot; Jim Gabbert Still Cheap; KRON Malaise; Pam Moore Looks Tired Again; KCBS Overnight Disaster and Sports Schlubs; Bay Area Broadcast Legend, Jack Kulp, Calls It a Career


The ex-KGO Radio and ABC exec, Mickey Luckoff, multiple times, tried to put together a consortium of Bay Area broadcast people; PDs, money asset folks; broadcast figures themselves; --with a purpose: buy a local broadcast frequency, AM/FM, and create a new KGO-type station. He couldn't get it done.

Grumpy Luckoff had the personal clout to make a deal but he was unable to secure the money that was needed for such a project. Luckoff, for all his old KGO marvels, ultimately got cold stares, not only from banks, but from the local media gulch people who have the ability, both financial and logistical to make things happen.

After Cumulus finally pulled the plug on KGO in October, once again, rumors abound that Luckoff, even in his mid-80's, would try to create a new venture. I've heard the old KFRC (610 AM) frequency is a possibility --it is now owned and operated by religion broadcaster Family Radio, but the odds are extremely low.

CBS owns the call letters, which were, and still are to some degree, iconic, But Family Radio has the property, the frequency, and getting through its vast bureaucratic org. is a Mt. Everest-worthy process. Even deep pockets people would have to have a mass amount of patience to get a deal done.

Luckoff knows Jim Gabbert, who has a ton of money and has Bay Area roots, personal and professional, but Gabbert doesn't like spending money and is notoriously cheap; ask the people who used to work at the old TV20 and K-101.

*It's happening again, for the umpteenth time at KRON: a major disillusionment with staff, especially those who've worked there thick and thin, of a place with, yes, NO DIRECTION.

After a year's worth of a honeymoon, GM Jim Rose, the feeling goes, isn't doing anything bold, for one. Inaction too. KRON has been doing better than average in the local news wars but it continues to meander and not move forward in its news platforms. Rose, to his defense, has been battling meddling from KRON's annoying corporate owner, Nexstar, which nixed a request from KRON for badly-needed new equipment.

And KRON still has no direction for the path forward. The anchor reshuffle is a crapshoot. And bland too. And Pam Moore, really, is no longer the prized asset and looks really tired and should retire.

The reporters at KRON still look like they just graduated from college and it shows. If KRON is to be taken seriously, Rose and his ilk need to step it up.

Don't hold your breath.

*KCBS is not only a disaster during the day but in the overhight, an outright laughingstock. Frequent technical glitches, bad, horrible traffic anchors, anchors routinely flubbing their lines and it gets worse by the night.

No wonder, again, John Evans, couldn't wait to retire and work part time at KQED Radio.

*The KCBS sports schlubs sound like remnents from the Daly City YMCA, with one new guy who talks like Elmer Fudd.

*Jack Kulp, the veteran Bay Area radio guy, (K101, KOIT and now "The Breeze") is retiring next year and yet again, we lose a great radio voice but Jack wants to travel the world and sip wine and relax and he's earned it.


  1. re: Pam Moore...Guess what?If you don't die, you get older. If a male anchor has some facial imperfections, or looks "tired"or shows the signs of aging, that's supposedly okay. Dare a woman with age, experiences, sources and the wisdom that comes with all that looks a little "tired", you say she has to quit. That's gobbledegook. Most of the world's major leaders are far older than Pam Moore.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. She's there for 1 reason only and everyone knows what it is

  2. Reading news copy is not like an actor reading "lines".

  3. One of the biggest problems with KRON is they have talent that looks like it has to be wheeled in and propped up (Heenan, Moore) or has to be home before curfew (most of their street reporters). Only Ken Wayne, Vicki Liviakis and a couple others fall into that happy middle.

    1. So true re: the street reporters. I watch KRON specifically for the LIVE shots because the sadistic side of me enjoys seeing
      how they are butchered. The sad thing is that none of them are getting any better. Camila Barco is as bad today as her first day in SF. To a lesser degree, the same can be said about
      Sara Stinson. I have yet to see Amanda Hari attempt a LIVE shot, but she has to know that you're nothing in the business
      until you can perform LIVE. I miss Amy Hollyfield on KGO.
      She was the best in the business in the field.

  4. Don't get the Gabbart hammering. He can do as he pleases with his money. What business model that mimics the old KGO (which I loved) would give him the ROI he deserves. He's not a charity

    1. I think it's perfectly fine to call Gabby notoriously cheap if he has been that way to employees.
      Stop defending the rich brownnoser.

  5. The fake propaganda machine can sink into Hell. The JCPA was going to their life support system. No more. You'll get nothing and like it!

  6. Heenan and Moore both should go. Both are just doing 4 day work weeks now; Moore M-Th, Heenan T-Fr. It contributes to the lack of consistency that has plagued the station since Pero was dumped. That is not an endorsement of Pero but the end of his KRON career marked the start of KRON's backsliding...eroding most of the progress it had made in the past few years. I do not find that a freak coincidence either.

    1. Oh hell no. Pero was a 10 year backslide. Way better newsroom now. Just a few bitter Betty's and Barneys from the past still here and hopefully gone soon. KRON is on the move up. Best thing they ever did was dump Pero. Until that happened no decent talent would take a gig at KRON. Totally different story now.

  7. Only FM has a shot these days. Streaming makes more sense than AM.

  8. Rich, please remove the 1:20 comment. It is simply red hate, has nothing to do with your column

  9. Re KCBS' downward spiral, yes, the newbies are total lightweights with barely-there interview skills, and zero conversation skills. And the so-called In-Depth program has become worthless. The host sounds like he's reading a 7th grade book report to set up his questions, asks no follow-up questions to truly go in-depth, and leaves this - now former - listener feeling less, rather than more informed at the end of an interview segment.

  10. Jack Kulp is a Bay Area treasure. His retirement announcement should be your top story, not some crap about a radio station that hasn’t been relevant for more than a decade.

  11. Mickey Luckoff can fuck off.

    1. He knew how to run a radio station.

  12. KCBS PM Drive with Bret and Pat is a little odd to me. Pat sounds like a little kid next to Bret. I think Pat would be better off solo during the day or night.

    1. It was awful today with those two. Childish and juvenile. I hope it improves.

      Darrin C
      Rohnert Park

    2. It’s called fill-in for a reason. One employee is on vacation and the other is available to cover. She’s doing a great job for someone who doesn’t have prior experience navigating the rhythm of a news clock.

    3. I know she is filling in, it's just that Bret's voice over powers Pat. She does do a great job.

  13. If 610 were to be sold to another new owner and lets say the new ownership switches to all talk format...Talk610 has a nice ring to it! Probably a dream but hey who knows...

  14. Gabbert donated his money to the land trust and is living off a yearly disbursement.

  15. Must be really difficult to write this blog nowadays w all the no names in Bay Area news. A bunch of irrelevant hacks where today's best couldn't compete with yesteryear's worst.

  16. Congratulations Jack Kulp

  17. KCBS made it quite clear they are we’re going to downsize sports when they got rid of the weekend and weeknight sports and then cut loose. Kevin Radich. They used to have reasoned pros such as Bitker, Radich, Salvadore and
    McGowan. Each of those guys had over 30 years experience in the Bay Area.
