Saturday, December 10, 2022

NBC O and O's Getting Cut --in LA (KNBC), Bay Area on Hit List; Yes, It's Raining and Windy; Marin/Santa Cruz Live Shots Beckoning on Pouring Saturday

NBC is so flush with cash it's already begun a directive to shed bodies and make cuts --more cuts --it's already happening in LA and its Bay Area O and O is also on the hit list.

Of course the Peacock won't refer to its actions as cuts, they'll tell some staff, particularly tenured folks--anchors, reporters, included--to take a buyout and/or "retire" and go away and if you refuse? We'll force you out.

An aside: That's why I can't stand the word "retire" because, yes, there's legit retirement and then there's fake retirement and several of the folks in media are being forced out and basically told to LEAVE and go home. Be wary of these moves and take retirement with a grain of salt.

This type of BS is talking place at KNBC --and it will hit NBC Bay Area, just a matter of who and when but I'm sure you'll notice soon.

Want to know why several media people are leaving the business to look for PR jobs? You just found out why.

*Yes, it's Pouring Rain and great, we need it and feels like drought-buster conditios --but there's pushback, from a TV News end here: the inevitable floods in Marin and Santa Cruz Mountains Live Shot in front of the house with neighbors being asked, "Did you plan for this?"

Meanwhile, yeah, it's raining. It tends to happen every now and then in the winter. But the news crews have, finally, something to talk about.

Get out the coffee.


  1. I can hear them now. "It's rainmageddon!" while showing a shot of some boob in a low car who got stuck trying to travers an underpass that's flooded with 3' of water in a Prius, in spite of "Caution Flooded"" signs all over.

    1. The same type of people that get stranded at the Manzanita Park N Ride in Mill Valley during a King Tide. No, it's not global warming

    2. but the boob knew how to spell "traverse"

  2. I'm surprised you're not commenting on the utter end of news at KPIX lately. I know all stations are cutting back and filling their time with fluff. But KPIX has made even KTVU look good. I feel like I'm watching something of a cross between a PR wire service and TMZ when I watch Sara Donkey anymore. Her "banter" with the others in the last segment is embarrassing. She's got the IQ of a catfish and it shows.

    1. Funny you mentioned that. I was going to post that Donchey would fit in well at TMZ. And Darren Peck could replace Pat Sajak, on Wheel of Fortune.

    2. Donchey is magnificent. I love her.

    3. Who's the next local station to cut their sports department? Once KTVU does it, the others will be quick to follow. Probably ABC (KGO) won't because they have the Saturday Night NBA games on and the playoffs. It's getting bad!

  3. And as you bash Donchey - she creeps to the head of the pack at 11. Check the ratings. She may not be your cup of whatever you are drinking - but others clearly don’t feel the same way. I’m growing to like her style of presentation more and more. She makes KTVU look like its stuck in neutral in the early 70’s. And if that’s what you like, it’s a fine program to watch. It appears Donchey doesn’t need you anyhow!

    1. @12:28. I agree 100%. I record Colbert every night and it has the end of the KPIX news. I like Sara Donchey’s style. She has fun with Vern and Paul at the end of the show. She can’t win with the crowd on this blog that’s for sure.

    2. > she creeps to the head of the pack at 11.
      > Check the ratings.

      Actually I work at PIX and I just did. You're fullofvit.

      She was at the "head of the pack at 11" one night so far out of a month. Wow.

    3. Look again 9:33 - number 1 in overall viewers for November. Something is going on!

  4. Hey Rich, I just wanted to let you know it's raining. Just in case you havn't watched or listened to the news

    These news stations need to get a life, or maybe life support.

  5. I used to hear "gullywasher" on some forecasts in Los Angeles. But not so much here in Frisco (just to irritate you).

  6. Guess they’re not cutting back on the weather department at NBC 11. This morning they had the usual meteorologist and a new gal next to her hyping the radar technology of the station and trading off weather info with the regular forecaster. It was the oddest thing. Usually in a big weather day , they might have two weather people on duty but one would be outside not next to the other one. Double forescasters double teaming the map and the same exact first 5 news stories about 25 minutes into the weekend morning news.....guess they could cut some waste.

  7. I feel all the stations have gone downhill. It’s the same stories over and over. Yes, it rains in the Bay Area and we have fires in the hills. Not everything is global warming.

    1. It's not just the Bay Area. It's nationwide--even at the bigger markets.

  8. We should help Rich purchase KSCO so he could be on the air and say "Breaking News - it's wet outside." Then go on with a talk show!

  9. At KNBC, at least Chuck Henry will always be safe!!!
    El Sobrante

    1. Chuck Henry is on the cut list from KNBC...

  10. Regarding our comment, Rich, about getting into PR:
    If you can move to Sacramento and land a state PIO/communications director job, that would be the way to go. I did many moons ago. Not only do you get to leave the office at 5pm, I get weekends off and all federal/state holidays off. Plus, the health insurance is way better. Plus, you have to commit murder before any kind of move to fire is even considered. And the best part: The pension I'll be getting when I retire is light years better than any 401K I had when working in Bay Area TV.
