Monday, November 14, 2022

The Truth

I KNOW this is a popular site which is why I'm hoping soneone/somebody will come through. Or not. I have a ton of expenses writing this blog--internet, computer, connection, cell-phone, etc --that costs money and time. I have to live too. I'm not asking for a lot. But I need to pay my bills just as much as you all do.

Some of you have donated multiple times to the blog, I can't thank you enough. But some of you that come here regularly have not contributed. You have a computer, you have a phone, you have an Internet connection --that costs at least a couple hundred per month, maybe more.

So if you have the means to read me and enjoy the site, then you have the means to contribute to my blog, 415 Media.

Of the many thousands of you that read me every day, if just a small percentage of you were to contribute, then I'd be, (and the blog) sustainable.

THIS is no threat, it's a fact: I can't continue writing unless I'm able to cover at least my expenses --and maybe extra so I can eat and sip some coffee, not asking too much I would think.

I NEED YOUR HELP NOW --it's not a huge burden but enough to have to write this. There's NO BLOG without reader SUPPORT --and I know many of you enjoy reading me and looking forward to coming here every day and giving you what you depend on every day.

I DO NOT want to cease writing this blog. I love doing it and I want to continue --and I'll say it a million times, I don't want to put up a Pay Wall--but I'm at the end here and running on fumes --I cannot continue without your $UPPORT.

THIS is NO THREAT, just the truth and only the truth.

TO DONATE: go to the "Pay Pal" donate button on the right side of blog and click and follow prompters--it's fast, easy and secure.

*No comments posted on this post, thanks.

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