Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tuesday Flash; Circle7 Bracing for Layoffs; KPIX 11 PM Shit Show; Unintentionally Bizarro; KTVU Fake Show in the Morning; Wong-Mallicoat Present; Sal Don't be Frozen; Could Dan Ashley Be Vulnerable at The SF Mouse House


At 900 Front, they're BRACING for layoffs; Disney/ABC has seen its prime streaming sites such as Disney+ and Hulu have mounting losses. Which in turn has led to speculation that Disney would cut from its ABC O and O stations and KGO is one of its prime targets.

Most of the cuts will be behind-the-scenes personnel, the people who do all the hard work and make sure the lights are on; yeah, Happy Holidays from the Mouse House.

*WERE IT not so unintentionally funny --the 11 PM bizarro newscast on KPIX--it would be serious, seriously. PIX doesn't know how to run a news operation let alone its 11 PM dinner entree. It's a case of throw everything at the wall and hope it sticks --all that and an ever-changing "freak show" in which her majesty at 11 is dressing like she's on her way to an after-hours club each night. My God, what a total abomination.

*KPIX can tell its anchors to not talk to a certain blogger; even a primetime one at that. Word from far-away places reaches the desk here no matter how muddled and disjointed said blogger can be at times. But carry on, PIX, and do what you do best: become the new KRON, circa 2010.

*THE BIGGEST way to ALIENATE viewers--even those diminishing observers that watch KTVU in the morning--is to be FAKE and PHONY--like Frank Mallicoat and Claudine Wong and the fashion diva parading as a weather anchor.

Which is why KTVU is BLEEDING and LOSING viewers across the board but NOW, in the morning too which used to be ots savior. The early Sweeps results do not lie.

Mallicoat is a complete disaster, a no-talent, wimpy, utter disgrace who smiles and giggles out of place like the lapdog he is --Wong, the high priestess of nothingness and who hasn't smiled in sincerity since the last days of the Obama administration, is about as genuine as a four-dollar bill.

Bay Area viewers have seen this fake act before and they've REJECTED it time and time again. The latest proof is POOF on You! KTVU. The Firm needs to do some pruning.

*Sal Castaneda, I worry about you. You are the last virtue of believability at The Firm's Oakland outpost but you're hanging with Countess Wong after the show lately has some peeps worried. The idea of mixing and matching with Wong would be kinda like inviting Woody Allen to a Mia Farrow party.

Sal, go back to business. Get a beer with a friend. Don't keep delaying and BS the mighty one, you'd be surprised at the advice you'd get from him.

*MORE ABC: the money vault at Disney and its lack of love at its O and O's (including KG) might be one of the reasons why Dan Ashley has not seen a formal offer from his network bosses. Moreover, and this is only a rumor I HOPE isn't true: Ashley is nearing his 60th birthday and is a non-minority: he's white, middle-aged and a veteran, something of bad foreign turf from a Disney point of view.

Then again, you would think Ashley would be safe at KGO but in this world now? Never mind.


  1. In most instances, Whomever is reading the prompter doesn't bother me. I'm alright with most. Even Yamamoto. Mallicoat however, is the most mayonnaise of aioli of an anchor. He's stiff and comes off as uncomfortable. meh. I still watch. I don't get your dislike of Wong. She's capable. She reads the news. She even smiles (gasp). She's attractive enough. She's simply a grown woman reading the news. If she were a man, you'd call her focused. If she acted otherwise, you'd call her a giggling, cackling yenta. I'm all for Claudine Wong. She does just fine.

    **I am not Wong or otherwise affiliated with Wong other than I tune in weekend mornings**

  2. Please get rid of Tattoo Donkey on KPIX at 11PM, no passion of delivering the news, any newbie can do better than her.

    1. Watching PIX is entertainment in its own right

      The morning Gal pals Starrantino and the LT
      Yamamoto -- just dumbfounds me this guy got hired
      The blackmail guy at 3pm
      11pm the weird clothes, and the Radnich Tribute act
      Donchey -- I think she is just trolling all of us with those outfits

    2. Reed is pretty good, honestly, I don't care about his past, what he is doing in the industry is more important and I think he's doing a great job anchoring the 3PM news and any required fill-ins (i.e. weekends or even 9AM, Noon). Very stern delivery and to the point. Moreover, he really cares about the community and calls KPIX a community station. Today he was not on the anchor desk during the 3PM newscast, but was in Santa Rosa for "Food for Families" while Yamamoto was anchoring. The only few anchors/meteorologists (there are definitely more I'm sure) to my knowledge are Paul Heggen (he did this for 2 years; from Whole Foods in Oakland last year and around his community in San Ramon) as well as Amanda Starrantino last year (she was doing it with Heggen). They were very happy doing it for their community and encouraging others to do the same.

  3. > her majesty at 11 is dressing like she's on her
    > way to an after-hours club each night.

    I have to disagree. No self-respecting club would let someone dressed like that inside.

  4. News at 11:00, just about the same for all stations. And most of us have already seen it at 5:00 and 6:00.
    So what have we got to satisfy our interests? FASHION
    If you want new, hot, captivating, FASHION, then KPIX is for you.
    Especially if you're tired of "puffy" arms and shoulders 3 nights a week on KTVU.

  5. I can't believe some of these commenters....wistfully hoping that people in this business lose their jobs...Man, that is about as low as a person can get. It must really suck to be you. SMH...

    1. I would prefer Donchey to return to field reporting or another time slot besides 11PM. She was better on the field

  6. Wasn't Malicoat sacked from kpix then came sniffing around ktvu. His phoney newscaster voice and crappy delivery is unbearable and I usually turn off the television when he's anchoring. They should fire him, Mibach and Vacar, Wong, Cook and Orozco, that'd be a good start

    1. I’d love nothing more than to see Mallicoat, Mibach, Cook, Haener and Dave Clark all be sent packing. For good measure give ‘em a swift kick in the ass as they exit the building for the last time.

    2. What’s the problem with Liz Cook? She is a very good & professional anchor who’s been with KPIX at least 10 years. Even at 11pm she was enjoyable to watch with or without Bastida.

      The only reason she probably likely got moved to noon was so she can spend an evening with her kids.

    3. @8:49 PM:
      1:02 and 4:57 were referring to Pam Cook, not Liz Cook. Their comments are about KTVU anchors.

    4. Sorry about that.

  7. Ashley has put on some pounds and has gone gray, sort of falling away from the Disney mainstream image. Perhaps he'll get replaced with someone of ethnic mix, you know the kind of person who you recognize as not white but you can't tell what they are.

    1. Ashley's face is beginning to look bloated like he's throwing back some cold ones with increasing frequency. Hope he doesn't turn into the next Frank Somerville.

  8. KPIX was in last place doing stright news with Griego, Bastida, and Martin. Traditional broadcast and no one was watching.

    Trying something different is not a bad idea. They cant be worse then last? Walking around, non traditional lineup, etc it makes it look and feel different but like any team they are stuck with the players they have.

    The morning is the best they have had in years
    Afternoon they put their worst players there since no one is watching anyway waiting for contracts to expire.
    Evening -- single anchor with Juliette. again it different and fine. i think NBC kind of copied it with Asistio at 430
    11pm -- I like Nakano and Choi during the month they did it over Donchey but they probably told her just be yourself and herself is not Cronkite. The clothes are strange and the ends of the broadcasts are cringeworthy but if you want it tradtional ABC and NBC are there.

    1. Correct about 11PM on KPIX. Tonight Donchey is not dressing that bad; it is professional enough except those pants.

      Choi & Nakano are definitely better to see at 11PM. Rich did indicate at one point Donchey was not ready for 11PM, but when reporting from the field she found that a blessing compared to being in an anchor desk. That’s why I believe she is good on the field not so much in the studio.

  9. I think every local TV station hates you Rich but like a five car pileup, they can't look away either. hahahaha

    1. I’ve been telling Rich that for years

  10. One thing about KTVU and KPIX these days trying to use "sexy" to attract viewers to watch their news. KTVU Rosemary, her appearance is like, ahhh, is her appearance too mature for the news. Same thing with KPIX hiring VDLC and current Sara trying to use sexy clothing to attact viewers

  11. Rich... why do you hate on Rosemary Orozco so much? Who cares if she has a side hustle with her own clothing line? She dresses really nice and is quite attractive. She does a decent weather forecast as well. Better than Scary Roberta and her tight fitting outfits. Gross!

    1. I'm a fan of Gonzalez' but yeah I'd rather use a softer black dye and dress a little more her age. She doesn't have to dress 60ish- maybe a nice professional 40 something. Other than that, I've always enjoyed her weather dispatches.

  12. I agree with some others who have posted here - these broadcasters may not be perfect, but they are trying their best, which is all anyone can and should do. Should they be fired? No, give em some rope and let them run free for awhile. Since I have no option but to watch what is being shown, I will allow the folks paying the salaries decide who stays and who goes. Remember these are huge corporations, they will only tell us what the Corporation wants us to hear. Generally it is “Buy this now !!”

  13. Are you guys all fucking blind. Now that Frank is gone the only true anchor is dan Ashly. Period. I’ve worked in the business for 40 years. As both an anchor can reporter. I know who’s good good and I know who’s just playing anchor. Frank was damn good. Just like Ashly. The rest are garbage. They don’t know what they’re doing. They’re just trying to play anchor. It’s sad. The only people who know how to adlb are dan and Frank. Period. Name another person I dare you. The prr egg poke today are pathetic. I’ll tell you who I like. Heather Holmes cause she cares. Juilette goodrich cause she cares. And that’s about it. How freakin sad is that. Frank and dad are the standard. Frank had his issues. But stations are gutless and stupid not to hire him. He’s a freakin anchoe who is real and who cares.

  14. "he's white, middle-aged and a veteran, something of bad foreign turf from a Disney point of view." What about Bill Ritter at WABC, New York??? Is he in the same boat???

  15. I like Sara Donchey a lot. She doesn't seem to take herself too seriously, and does a good job reporting the news.

    1. I’m a Sara Donchey fan. Sara is good and confident. She is also easy on the eyes.

  16. The best thing about KTVU in the morning is the boats in the window across the estuary.

  17. Daily dose of KTVU patheticness: Recently, they added a QR code in the corner of the screen to promote their One Warm Coat drive. Scanning the QR code is supposed to take you to a page with information about the program and how to donate. This is a wonderful and worthwhile cause that they sponsor each year. We all agree on that.

    Unfortunately, since last Thursday, the QR code was linked to the wrong URL, so scanning it took you to an error page. They fixed it this morning, six days later. It's yet another example there's absolutely no attention to detail over there, and no one even bothers to verify things are working as intended.

    1. Hey idiot, it’s called a typo. We all make them. Big fucking deal.

    2. Probably the same person who wrote up an entire story about a robbery in Danville, Virginia without even the most basic knowledge of local geography.

  18. Gonzalez's "Romper Room" kind of presentation is the worst.

  19. What's everyone cryin' about White males being forced out, and are the "new" minority? PEOPLE--IT'S THE FRIGGIN' BAY AREA! There are a LOT of minorities here. On the flip side, if you venture away from California, you have to wear sunglasses to watch the local news anywhere else in the country. The newscasts are all lily-white...especially in the South and Midwest. Yeah, there are a few token "negroes," "orientals" (women, no men)...and "Meksikins." But there's a whole lotta Whitness out there. And guess what? That's because it's a Whiteout out there, outside of the coasts.

  20. I guess the order (odor) went out. On channel 2 the KTVU Weekend news being replaced by the FOX Sports pregame show that is trying to convince the entire country that 12 noon comes at the same time. Even at 9 AM... Guess we should know better. Just wonder why they did not replace the KTVU weekend sports show. It's nothing less than 49er huddle, With guys that think they know more about the 49ers than the 49ers.

  21. Another 11PM shit show on KPIX; Sara dressed professionally but who on earth would put a story on a club and have nearly naked women dancing while on tv? What is this?

    The good glory days of actual and appropriate news is gone. Just put Sara back on field reporting and bring Nakano or Betty Yu to do the 11PM newscast on weeknights. They at least will show appropriate news.

  22. Weekend shows at 11PM are definitely better than weeknights with Hackney & Nakano, both of whom are professionally dressed & do a great job anchoring as always. Although I can agree Hackney is the smartest guy in both anchoring and weather, I think Peck definitely does a better job in terms of his in-depth explanations like with the atmospheric river, same with what Heggen also does. Peck & Heggen (along with Burch learning things) make a great team in terms of their weather explanations. Peck does have an ego and arrogance but a good part of him has more attention-grabbing personality that excites the viewers.

    Today, Hackney filled in for Peck at 11PM only because Burch called in sick and Darren would need his sleep before the morning show.

    If Burch (Hackney did call her LT. Burch) works during the holiday weeks, I would expect that Peck will be filling in for Heggen every evening (assuming like the last 2 years, when Heggen is on holiday vacation) and likely not Hackney.

    Last year we had too much of the regular weekend anchors fill in during the holidays (one newscast Hackney doing weather while Goodrich solo anchoring at 3PM NYE). Good but it looked very awkward. This Thanksgiving with new anchors like Yamamoto, Donchey, Cowan and Makovec now in the evenings, it seems that they can distribute their fill ins well between these few. All they need is another meteorologist at least and not leave Peck just on the weekend morning & evenings.
