Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday Short Schmooze; The Lack of Ad-Libbing Art; My Early "NewsScene"-Circle7 Observance; Betty Yu's Images Fine With Me

MORE YUCK THESE DAYS: the basic, relatively easy (for most) art of ad-libbing --it seems to have become a specialty today and that's a shame but reality bites.

Even worse, those "live" shots you all watch on TV News are anything but; most are actually taped and purported to be live because quite frankly the reporter on scene can't do an ad-lib, how embarrassing is that?

I know many anchors --here and elsewhere--who only know how to read off the teleprompter and can't ad-lib whatsoever. They'd be rather ridiculous if they had to read off notes and ask pretty much standard questions in a breaking news situation.

Which is why some NDs are fearful of various anchors having to work without a teleprompter and even there, it's scary.

*THINK TWO various news stories recently: the serial killer in Stockton who allegedly murdered five people ---and the recent spate of tech layoffs --and you know very little about both. Sure, you were given the initial news but hardly any follow-up and any detailed investigation, especially on the case of the man who is charged with multiple murders in Stockton.

And the tech layoffs here are major news yet there's no analysis as to why it's taking place even with a booming economy. I'd like some follow-up but I guess I'm dreaming.

*That tiny studio at 277 Gollden Gate Ave was on my radar back in 1977 when I was given a tour of the "NewsScene" set by KGO reporter (then) Art Cribbs. Circle7 was in its splendor and Art gave this cheery-eyed kid from Oakland a glimpse into the set and studio. I still remember a small space and a cool, ornate desk and a simple weather screen with lots of dark floor space. And it was cold as heck! David Letterman would have been proud.

*Betty Yu is an attractive and stunning woman TV News reporter and she knows it. She has paid her dues and works hard at her craft. Therefore I give her a pass on her social media pictures. She chooses to flaunt; OK, so be it, and why not? I have no issues. At least Yu has earned her cred and streetside reporter reputation--she's solid there and so she shows her physical worth, good for her --as opposed to those who who have no such standing and use pictures of themself on social media without any care about journalistic girth.


  1. You think that KGO studio on GG was a dump, you shoulda seen the newsroom in the basement. Ah, but good times.

  2. "I have no issues"

    Oh yeah you do...

  3. "why it's taking place even with a booming economy."

    Advertisers are starting to realize there's all this ad fraud, and 99% of their ad buys are never seen on the media it's intended. Plus Apple is doubling down on tracking and privacy with its latest iPhone releases, forcing Suckerface—err, Zuckerberg—to pivot from stealing your data for advertisers to creating this barren virtual universe no one wants. Hence the layoffs. As for Twitter, it was never profitable to begin with and it was only a matter of time before someone realized they have to wake up from the delusional party. So when that idiot from South Africa impulsively offered to buy it they saw a great way to off-load their folly, and a moment later so did he, which is why he fought for the next six months to can the deal. But he couldn't, so now Twitter has to face reality like everyone else.

  4. Thank you for shining the right kind of spotlight on Betty Yu and understanding what she does both on social media & personal life are 2 different things. She is an amazing reporter. You indicated she was underutilized but has sometimes anchored on the weekends.

    1. Agree. What she does on her own time is her business and has nothing to do with her job. I think she is awesome.

    2. Yu and Asisto ... 2 reasons to watch local news

    3. @1:39. Why do you think she’s “underutilized”? There has to be a reason.

    4. I like Andrea Nakano and Betty Yu, both versatile and have the chops.

    5. My take is probably because she is more on the field reporting and less (but not zero) on the anchor desk anchoring. She does have the talent to do both things and I see she should have some balance on doing both things like say, Devin Fehely (who works weekend mornings, sometimes though rarely fills in on weekday mornings and does field reporting 3 days a week in his native in the South Bay/San Jose). Nakano has an equal balance even though she works weekend evenings now with Hackney but reports from the field a few other days a week.

      That’s why I feel Betty should be on anchoring probably the 11pm news instead of Sara.

  5. Yea, that newsroom in the basement was something else! Cigarette butt burns all over the yellow carpet.
    There was an editing booth in the back referred to as the "meat locker" because it was so cold. I heard comedian Ted Knight (Ted Baxter), who did a live appearance from the newsroom camera, remark about the surroundings.
    The studio itself was on the 4th or 5th floor, and there was only one small passenger elevator to service the building. So if there was a breaking news story or late script to rush to Van or Jerry, a writer or PA would have to run it up five flights of stairs, because that elevator would be delayed by other office personnel heading home during the 5 and 6 o'clock news.

    1. "a writer or PA would have to run it up five flights of stairs, because that elevator would be delayed by other office personnel heading home during the 5 and 6 o'clock news."

      Today that would be a great ploy to force people to work unpaid overtime. "Sorry, you can't leave; there might be a breaking story and we need the elevator."

  6. I give Betty Yu credit. She’s probably making a lot more from her Instagram
    presence than her KPIX gig.

  7. Damn spellcheck . It’s Warnock.

  8. Stunning? Hardly. Betty Yu is reasonably attractive, but "stunning" she is not. Let's not get carried away here.

  9. Betty Yu should move to the LA market. Seems like only in the Bay Area being skinny and stylish becomes a liability. She should work for entertainment tonight.

  10. Here’s my take on Betty Yu. She’s a decent field reporter with no ambitions for the anchor desk. It would cramp her social media lifestyle. She couldn’t jet off to her soirĂ©es in Vegas and Eutope at the drop of hat. She’s much more suited for an LA evening magazine gig and I wouldn’t be surprised if she decides to head south to LA in the next year or two.

  11. I agree with Rich Lieberman. PIX is a joke. The suits at CBS should move Betty Yu to Entertainment Tonight. She has the good looks and the chops.

  12. Watching the 11PM news now and here we go again with Sara dressing in those green pants. Oh boy. On the other hand, Betty Yu was also next to her on another anchor desk and I think she is a great anchor, too. Moreover, she dresses more professionally and more suited for being at the anchor desk. I still think Betty Yu should take over the 11PM anchor desk, and Sara should go back to field reporting or she should leave KPIX altogether and go back to LA.

    Betty Yu professionally interacts with others, too, like with Darren Peck (back in June I think) making the transition from one thing to another smooth without any fuss from Darren's end.

    1. @11:16. Betty Yu doesn’t want an anchor gig. It would teether get to a desk and she would not have the freedom to live her social media lifestyle.

  13. Betty Yu mostly posts crime stories and serious subjects in SF. It looks like she goes to charity events on her own time.

  14. Didn’t know you had an economics degree. Maybe instead of talking trash on journalists you should try investigating! First thing… we’re hittin a recession. Which is a necessity to deal with inflation. Come on baby, you got this.
