Thursday, November 10, 2022

Sara Donchey "Versatility" at KPIX; Rod Brooks Reinvents Himself on 49ers' Post-Game NBC Sports Bay Area; KRON Parent El Cheapo; Darya Playing Old Card Again; ABC7 (KGO) Issues Start With Trixie; Internal Strife; Ashley "Offer" Mulling; Larry Beil No Zone; Jessica Aguirre Is Just Profoundly Gorgeous; Joe Fonzi Nudging Out of Bounds at KTVU; Applebaum Bet; My Giants Gut on Aaron Judge; Thursday Extravaganza

IF, as my spies at KPIX suggest, Sara Donchey is showing off her, uh, versatility, then she might be compromising her journalistic integrity --assuming she has such gravitas.

Donchey has fought long and hard to ward off her "too LA look", as my readers and critics suggest; she can help herself by 86ing the bizarro outfits like last night's god-awful fashion fusion!

*CREDIT DUE: I've been a Rod Brooks (ex-KNBR) critic; I've long thought he was way too irritable on radio but Brooks has reinvented himself; Brooks has grown on me TV wise. His post-game commentary on the 49ers/NBC Sports Bay Area post-game show is a good watch and Brooks actually is cool and effective. Moreover, he makes salient points and moves the show in a forward direction and that's pretty cool.

Brooks' TV passion could be something far more compelling if he's given more freedom to talk and expand his NFL and Niners' weekly performances.

*On the other hand, Carlos Ramirez is just plain out of place.

*KRON's inner sanctum issues with its parent Nexstar present a newfound problem that may (or may not) bode ill for the 900 Front independent; KRON continues to vastly improve on its woeful image with new talent and robust (for KRON) anchors but if notoriously cheapie Nexstar nixes more cash to buy much-needed equipment, then KRON will revert back to its dubious roots. It's still a mild train wreck as it is but a new GM who has begun to make internal changes and wipe the place clean has enough on his plate already--he doesn't need more drama.

*Just when I thought Darya Folsom was improving up her act, she begins doing the breathless act in the morning on KRON's AM teapot.

Darya, be pragmatic. Don't try to reinvent the wheel, for gawd's sake, you are what you are. The sex-kitten look was cool --about twenty years ago! You can be quite attractive, Dar, by reading the news and showing a more regal presence, yes, Dar, it's far more sexy and alluring. Think a sales term, Countess Folsom: don't sell the steak, sell the sizzle.

*Everyone is stress--has stress, common deal right? But at ABC 7 the people behind the scenes are entirely WORN OUT and tired of the usual show at the Embarcadero mouse house. They complain of an overall lack of communication by the bosses and big time malaise and fatigue. The woman boss who's been running the show for years now is at the center of the storm and she knows it. Which is why the Trixie has been sending out resumes en masse to stations here and the East coast.

Of course Disney knows it has a shit show in SF and looks the other way --what else could they do, fire her? No, because in their mind, (hers too) she knows where all the bodies are buried.

*If Dan Ashley wants to (and he can) sign a long overdue extension, he can accept ABC's offer (unofficial) of three years and about $1.5M --a good deal in these murky times but so far, the ASH man is mulliing and weighing all things--Dan loves his ultra-freedom at 900 Front and relative easy load. He's been there over three decades and they don't mess with him. And he loves Walnut Creek and his newish wife too, what a good deal, right? I'd say.

*Larry Beil, the old, selfish, mean tonsil ass at KGO is quietly looking around here to split ABC because he knows the pecking order doesn't have him in place, with authority!

*One place, mark my words, Beil will never be considerd? NBC Bay Area. Why? Jessica Aguirre would never allow it. There's a little history between Jess and Larry and it's, un, sort of a wide open issue.

*By the way, I love Jess. She is the Hispanic Sylvia Chase (in her prime) with a stunning appearence, a gravitas for news delivery and PRESENCE with a capital P. Of course I'll be accused of being something I'm not but what the hell, it's a free country.

*I'll bet you a diet Pepsi Jason Applebaum takes over the lead sports gig at KTVU --Joe Fonzi looks tired and the way The Firm is paying sports guys these days, Joe probably is destined for a few more workouts at the Danville YMCA.

*Fonzi is way, way too serious for my taste--hey Joe, sometimnes you look like you just had a double colonoscopy, Jesus Christ, lighten up, Joe!.

*That new sports guy on KCBS with the Elmer Fudd voice is proof positive: you get what you pay for. Personified.

*If the Giants get Aaron Judge from the Yankees (longshot), remember my post here that Judge, according to my real estate bud in Danville, was looking for a house in the CoCo Walnut Creek/Diablo region near Blackhawk --if Judge nixes the Giants, then forget all this but guess what? I'm an Insider!


  1. A Realtor would never lie or make something up. Just like how Don Johnson Moved to Pacifica during Nash Bridges.

  2. When did KPIX hired a bar girl as main anchor? We all saw her tattoo on her right legs.

    1. How many does she have?

    2. Her tattoo is a work of art. They are all on her IG page. Please send her back to LA.... We miss her!

    3. I would be happy if she goes back to LA!

  3. That’s one thing I hate about Donchey; her god awful fashion sense for a newscast. No other woman anchor (to my knowledge) has worn bizarre outfits. It’s okay if she is there at 5pm and maybe noon but 11 is what really pisses me off. What ticked me off
    more yesterday was at the end about some nightclub story. I think no one else has covered this much what’s KPIX thinking? Get back Nakano or anyone else at 11 who is more professional in every way.

    Sure I can always change the channel but just wanted to see how far it goes.

    1. I love Donchey.

    2. “No other woman anchor (to my knowledge) has worn bizarre outfits.”

      Two words: Julie Haener

    3. Haener is miles better than Donchey as an anchor. Maybe I might be missing something but she does not provactively dress like Sara. If there’s any date you find that Haener provactively dressed on the newscast, tell me the date and I’ll look it up on and confirm.

      If you are talking about her dressing on social media, I am not going to get further than that; social media & work are 2 different things; if what she does on both (in terms of dressing) are different and projecting herself (when she does work) on the job, then we should not be bothered about her social life outside of the news.

  4. What happened to Larry Beil going to Hawaii??

  5. Donchey is a bad ass. She's a fitness nut and one of those indoor rock climbers. Most of the commenters here have enough trouble getting out their lay-z-boys. Yes, she marches to a different drummer. She has a lot of tats, not just the leg one. So what? As long as they aren't on her face who cares.

    I've never understood the whole "LA" thing as an argument. She went to college here. She spent her early years in Houston TV. I still don't get that LA vibe from her like I do from Starrantino.

    Yeah, that nightclub story at the end last night was a bit of a train wreck. But was Sara supposed to do...come out advocating for sweat filled smelly heat for energy recycling? Any anchor worth their salt is going to have a WTF? reaction.

    In any case, that story falls on the news director for running it in the first place. It wasn't Donchey's call to make.

  6. Brooks AND Ramirez? I think I'll pass. Both are terrible.

  7. "There's a little history between Jess and Larry and it's, un, sort of a wide open issue"

    "Wide open"...did Larry hit it and quit it?

  8. Dan Ashley, it seems to me, should not worry too much about signing a new contract or extension. The thing is, everyone knows he isn't going anywhere, and as long as he doesn't sign a new contract, when his current one runs out, he will just continue working WITHOUT A CONTRACT at the same pay rate. So it actually behooves him to NOT sign anything for a while!
    And as always, regarding Sara Donkey, I would, like, totally bang her, as I have also said, she still looks like she came off of the cover of one of my old VHS adult videos! Its either than, or she looks like one of those blowup dolls! Wait a minute, THAT'S IT! Thank goodness I know where it was I saw her before; it was in the video store at the display for those dolls! Thanks Rich! Once again, you are THE MAN!

  9. "By the way, I love Jess (Aguirre). She is the Hispanic Sylvia Chase (in her prime) with a stunning appearence, a gravitas for news delivery and PRESENCE with a capital P. Of course I'll be accused of being something I'm not but what the hell, it's a free country."

    I never knew she was a psychic. Does she do readings?

    1. I loved that episode of 'That's Incredible' where she talked to the ghost at Toys R Us.

    2. Sylvia Chase was a great investigative reporter, thanks in part to a legendary producer, but she was never, intentionally, or otherwise, a "looker".

  10. You are such a vile, ugly, nothing of a man, aren't you.

    1. You, on the other hand, come across as a wonderful human being.

  11. KCBS sports segment absolutely sucks. You get a few live segments here and there and then rerun after rerun after rerun. What really gets me is that the anchor on the air gives the local sports scores and then off to the sports desk with week old reruns...did I mention reruns...

  12. Darya is putting the bolt-ons back on display in the mornings?

    1. She still auditioning for a new sugar daddy? Never found out why she sounds like a chain smoker

    2. Most skinny women are.

  13. I turned KCBS on while driving, then forgot it was even on. The brain has the ability to turn off the schizz.

  14. Oh no, do you think KPIX will alienate the crusty old white man demographic?

    1. Please, like that has even been a concern for the last 10 years or so.

  15. I don't understand your obsession with the Botox queen Jessica Aguirre and her bulbous lips. She looks like an attractive but aging woman trying desperately to look young. The sort of thing you seem to detest.

    1. Right? Her lips are over inflated by 10 lbs. they may explode if she goes to a high altitude. No Lake Tahoe for her.

    2. She's like version 1.0 over there. The former 49er chick with the way too big bolt-ons is version 2.0.

    3. J.A.looks like a drag queen. Audrey Asistio. Is the MILF

  16. “The sex-kitten look was cool --about twenty years ago!”

    No it wasn’t. I worked there then and we referred to her as the Taco Bell Chihuahua.

    1. @5:47pm Interesting! Did she know the staff had a nickname for her? I heard Darya was/still is fairly promiscous as well. Up there with good ol' Gary Radnich. Any truth?

    2. Well, she banged Pero. Don't know if you consider that "promiscuous" or "in need of an optometrist appointment." No, she didn't know what we called her. She was too in love with herself to even entertain the thought.

  17. Good grief. You think Sara is dressing provocatively but don’t say a word about Betty Yu’s scantily clad Instagram posts. Unfortunately Betty Yu will never be taken seriously by her colleagues that think she’s an Instagram attention grabber.

    1. What Betty Yu does in her personal life is different as long as it does not affect how she is projecting in her job on the news.

      On social media she is not harming anyone and that is her personal decision. When it comes to a work, she dresses based on the work standards, nothing more nothing less.

    2. On the other hand, Sara not only provactively dresses but sounds very unprofessional especially towards the end of the newscasts often.

  18. Betty Yu is awesome.

    1. In which way? Not reporting wise. Eye candy showing a lot of skin on Instragram aw some then yes I agree with you. She needs to start acting her age.

    2. Thanks Betty. Maybe spend more time covering the news instead of spending time at Nordstrom.

    3. I don’t understand why you are basing an anchor by what they do in their personal life and their social media. She is a good reporter and when anchoring (sometimes) does a great job. She dresses professionally enough when she has to work. Why not put Betty Yu on the 11pm anchor desk? On social media she is not harming anyone and none of her posts are harmful. She has a fashion sense, so what?

      Besides, I liked it when Sara was doing field reporting and having others take over the 11pm anchor desk.

  19. Just got done watching the 11PM news and towards the end of the newscast where they talked about a music artist having a kid, she was like “I don’t know who wrote this”. And really acted unprofessional towards Paul Heggen, I don’t think he took any of that nonsense.

    I know I can always change the channel but wanted to see how far she goes. Sara is too much.

  20. Watched Sara tonight. Boy does she suck. If she's not reading from a script she sounds like a 6th grader. If she is reading from a script she sounds like a 9th grader.

    1. I was okay when she reported from the field, personally she was better there. Nakano was definitely solid on the weeknight 11pm anchor desk as well as Choi. I would be okay if someone like Devin Fehely or Max Darrow or Da Lin or Betty Yu were on the 11pm anchor desk, they certainly can read the script very well.

  21. Betty Yu, I have said it before, has something going on, clearly, in her contract, as she is always the one who does the upscale stories, such as covering exotic cars, private jets, mega-million dollar mansions for sale, and more. Who did KPIX send down to cover the Academy Awards? Betty Yu. I don't know who pays for her wardrobe in this instances, but the lady has some of the most insane outfits around. And while I totally love her "duck lips", her big feet and her only negative.

    1. What Betty wears is irrelevant. She has chops and she is smart.

    2. 7:50pm - 💯 percent agree. It is not affecting how she projects herself at work. And it does not harm anybody. Social media is what she chooses to do and project herself in her personal life. On the news she is great.

  22. Betty Yu has always looked so Cantonese to me. Does anyone know her background? Her bio seems to start with her first broadcast job.

  23. The other evening I noticed that Donchey was wearing a black outfit with some kind of shiny medallions going down the pant leg. "LA" was not my first thought. I did notice she had a trim figure tho.

  24. Aguirre is hot and Donchey too what???? You need new glasses bro.

  25. I haven't yet seen Donchey. Apparently she's back from where ever she was. I don't know when she's on KPIX but somebody mentioned 11 o'clock (I think that's 11 pm). I do find her hair too black and believe a dark brown would look better on her.
    Someone else also mentioned Starrantino. I did get a glimpse of her on tv during a rare-for-me earlier morning broadcast. I thought she was great and looked very good.
    I'm all for seeing folks on Instagram (whether "scantily clad" or not). Since TV is a visual medium, I like to see what the folks look like and I don't watch the local news enough to see who this blog is talking about.

  26. Whenever I watch Jessica Aguirre, I just can't get out of my mind, years ago, her yelling out her window at morning tree trimmers... Too much noise ...Can't sleep...

    1. That was Terrilyn "The Terrible" Joe, not Jessica Aguirre!

    2. Sara Donchey is sultry.
      Jessica Aguirre is a MILF.
      Audrey Asistio is really hot. 🔥

    3. Mea Culpa on tree trimming...I stand corrected...jf

  27. Didnt have enough balls to post my other comment... too bad

  28. Andrea is solo anchoring today as Brian Hackney is off this evening. It was good seeing her at 11 tonight. Great anchor as always, but don’t know why weekends? But maybe Betty Yu would be suited either as a weekend evening anchor (like she has a few times) or put her at 11pm on the weeknight solo anchoring desk.

  29. JA's lips creep me out. Sometimes she is hard to understand. Gross

  30. I stopped watching the 11pm news when they made Donchey the anchor. I wish they’d put someone else in that slot. I’m glad Andrea is on during the weekends.
