Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Election Coverage National Centric For Me; KCBS Just Plain Amateur Hour; Clancy-Finch Doo Doo; Culross-Thomas Yawn in AM Drive; Rollin Post/KRON Plug; Chronicle Sports Writers Factoid; Silver Still a Jerk But $ Good; Killion-Ostler Peeved; Starkey's Termites $peil? Yikes!; Wednesday Media Pulse


TRY AS I MIGHT, I begged off watching in detail local coverage of the election. I pretty much channel-surfed CNN, Fox News, CBS and MsNBC. I wanted to see trends and analysis and I knew I wasn't gonna get that on local TV and radio.

I tried to listen to KCBS --political reporter, Doug Sovern, was fairly decent but that was about it. KCBS tried to play analysis game but seriously, when you place Alisa Clancy and Peter Finch into the mix during the night when returns are coming in, you LOSE me.

What a joke. KCBS is just plain rubbish now with dorky, mediocre reporters who offer nothing and so-called anchors who have no political repertoire whatsoever. If KCBS were smart, they'd have had Larry Gerston (the politics professor and NBC analyst) on the air throughout and not some feeble morons acting as reporters.

Clancy is a mess--her giggly act is cringe-worthy and Finch with his irritating "degrees" verbal assault is instant dial vacate.

*I MISS Rollin Post --he used to be old KRON's great political analyst and his analysis was so detailed and worthy.

*While the national networks and cablers and pundits were calling the election results an "anti-Trump" move by the voters (it was), KCBS stuck to doing ad-nauseum minutes on the San Jose mayoral race. Like on and on and on...they gave scant attention to the Oakland mayoral race and they basically ran rerun stories about the ballot propositions when it was clear most f them went down to defeat.

KCBS made a big deal about predicting Gavin Newsom's reelection --how insightful.

*The Melissa Culross--Eric Thomas anchor pairing is simply dreck-personified. It's a NO PERSONALITY, robotic, benign, antiseptic hodgepodge of DEAD AIR and it stinks! The only reason why KCBS uses Culross and Thomas is to, well, you know, be PC and check all the boxes. That's it.

Culross has NO personality and in morning drive, you need one. She's also a terrible interviewer. She lacks the drive to ask basic, insightful questions and instead just relies on garden-variety queries--worse, she lets guests drone on and on and on, like she did this morning with Congresswoman Barbara Lee. It was truly amateur hour.

Thomas adds ZERO and is a complete nothing and adds nothing.

*KQED Radio is obviously a hit with the Berkeley/wine/alfalfa crowd but it's pretty much boring and white bread.

*If today you didn't know the Chronicle sports writers not named Michael Silver, were angry and royally pissed off, you know now.

*Silver is making close to $300G and everyone else was asked to take BUYOUT OFFERS from Hearst. So the next time you read the sports, imagine.

*Ann Killion and Scott Ostler alike are FUMING--they're having to do on a measly $200K.

*Killion doesn't do San Francisco sports-talk shows because she wants to get paid --nothing wrong there, only Killion's "ya-knows" on radio are killer and why nobody wants her on the air let alone, paying her.

*Silver, (pictured) were he not such a contrived, egotistical jerk, would be a far more compelling NFL writer for the Chron, but that's life.

*Joe Starkey's termite ads are funny enough but when you ad in his $50G he gets over the year, that's not so funny, that's, YIKES!, pretty damn good dough.


  1. Did KRON have their political "expert" Michael "Lackey" Yaki on? I said it before, they should have brought in John Rothmann.

    1. Senior advisor to Pelosi. SF Board of Supervisors. I'm sure his takes are 100% unbiased! No doubt there.

  2. Last night Vicki Liviakis was nowhere to be found on KRON's election coverage. She was MIA after her 5-6pm shift. Traditionally KRON hasn't used her much on election coverage but they've never blanked her out entirely before.

    Instead they featured Justine Waldman a lot, including pairing her with her hubby for an hour from 7-8pm.

    Liviakis' profile seems to be lowering at KRON and last week Waldman posted a cryptic Instagram post about something good happening in the near future, apparently in regards to her anchoring. I wonder if there's a connection...

    1. I still fondly remember that evening this past year where I turned on KRON and there was Vicki in all of her glass cutting glory. Someone yanked the AC up that day. The are true American heroes.

    2. What Vicki knows about politics could fit on the tip of my thumb.

  3. silver is uber talented, the others can just quit and drive for uber

  4. Who asks to be paid for radio hits? Ya know, it’s Killion, who doesn’t go to Niner games. Leave the coverage to Silver and the beat writer. Ya know?

  5. The really funny part about Joe Starkey is he names all his termites and Steve "the tax killer" Moskovitz actually smiled once!!!

  6. Killion is horrible and should be put out with the trash. Who would bother to listen to her on the air.

  7. Every time he's on the air, you can hear him bumbling, trying to make it through his shift. It's as if when he was hired, he was told "Don't worry, there's nothing to it; you'll figure it out." or else they tried to help him get started, and he said "Naw, there's nothing to it, I'll figure it out." He hasn't figured it out.

  8. Last night KCBS Doug Sovern was very good but Alisa Clancy not good at all.

  9. The election coverage this morning on KTVU was abysmal. I watched for almost an hour before they finally shared the results for the propositions. No info on local elections either. I gave up and went straight to the Contra Costa county elections website which had thorough data on every ballot race—not just county.

    1. KTVU's Dave Clark is a complete clown

    2. I didn’t even get as far as you. As soon as I saw Frank Mallicoat was their ‘election reporter’ I immediately turned the station.

  10. I can't figure out quite why you attack Melissa Culross endlessly. What is your point? She is a;well-suited radio reporter and voice. You've likely never even met her, but claim she "has no personality". She has a personality. It's just not a prick tease personality

    1. You know why she’s being attacked. Bristow and Rich are right.

    2. why is she being attacked? What is the reason? What is the alliance between Bristow and Rich? Rich attacked Bristow many times as a set of arrogant tonsils. Explain.

  11. "KCBS is just plain rubbish now with dorky, mediocre reporters who offer nothing and so-called anchors who have no political repertoire whatsoever."

    It wasn't much better at the national level. I watched Nora O'Donnell and Gayle King prove they were better as morning yappers than serious journalists. Oh, bring back the old days when I couldn't decide between Brinkley, Rather or Jennings. Those were real reporters.

  12. Sports betting lost. Will KGO go back to talk radio or will they keep the drek they do now?

    1. Yes. Bring back Tim Montemayor and his "M-O-N-T-Y...THE MONTY SHOW!". Also, that critical thinker Karel. And don't forget Kevin "DreX" Buchar, Last but not least the most critical thinker of them all....Nikki Medoro!

    2. Why would they? They have NOBODY to pay now...

    3. Tim Montemayor and Drex were terrible, especially Drex he didn't take calls and talked about nothing. Perhaps if Cumulus had installed good hosts with ratings they would have survived. Oh, wait that was the old KGO, they didn't have the foresight to keep a winning team, that were making money. Got greedy and wanted to save money, so they thought an all news station, save for week ends and Ronn's 3 hour show would be the answer, of course it was not. By the time the saw the light there had been too many changes and bad hosts, that listerners had deserted them, and then the failed to spend money to promote the hosts and them going back to all talks again. The old KGO had morning news, midday and afternoon news, they could have kept a combination of that.

  13. Killion is too busy posting on Twitter to actually bother to go to games anymore

  14. Hi Rich, considering the R’s only barely won does mean according to your “Democracy Gone” post that democracy is only partially gone.

  15. Rollin Post....sadly there are very few journalists left like him. I'll never forget his verbal judo session he did with Bob Dylan during that 1965 KQED Ralph J. Gleason-hosted press conference (the entire video of this PConf. has been uploaded onto youtube). Rollin gave no quarter- he didn't throw Dylan any softball questions- he went right at Dylan as Rollin was a formidable interviewer. I read where later apologized to Dylan and the two actually became good friends.

    Rollin Post is sorely missed.

    1. Bob Dylan was probably surprised that Rollin Post thought he was a politician.

  16. I was wondering where in the heck is "eye candy" pretty Vicki Liviakis? Did KRON tell her to take the night off during election...

  17. Killion is such a repulsive character and a bully. If she were to quit today, few would notice or care. Same thing happened after she left the Merc.

  18. Like your local coverage though tough living in the belly of the beast

  19. Here’s News director Jennifer Seelig in the KCBS newsroom:
    “ Gosh, I hired some great talent! Melissa Colross deserves to be our top anchor and how about that Megan Goldsby? What a voice! And let’s not forget our sports anchor Joe Hughes. He’s network quality!” Guess what Jennifer? No one listens or cares about KCBS anymore because almost all of the solid on-air reporters and anchors at your place were either thrown out like yesterday’s garbage, forced to retire or quit in disgust.
