Friday, November 11, 2022

Former MSNBC Host, Tiffany Cross Has Bay Area Roots; KPIX Improves But Not Much; Goodrich is MVP But Needs Tweaking; CBS Treats 855 Battery With Kid Gloves; KTVU Rendon and Holmes Factoids; Friday Stuff

IF Tiffany Cross, the recently ousted MsNBC hostess wants to come to the Bay Area, I'm IN--of course I am.

For whatever reason(s) the cable crew in Jersey told Ms. Cross to take a hike--I have my own reasons; in any event, Cross has a home here in the Oakland/Berkeley region and it would be down to have her doing whatever she wants in my book. She rocked the boat at NBC.

*Friday stuff... *The internal numbers at KPIX show a modest gain--nothing to feel worthy; the Sweeps numbers haven't been measured yet; these are CBS data write-ups so they don't count but the feedback is there: nobody has moved the needle at 855 Battery. Juliette Goodrich solo at 6 and 6: 30 shows promise. I like Jules news work too, even the standing. I'd like less gimmicks and MORE news. Goodrich is easily PIX's most versatile anchor (I've said for years) so hey Scott Warren, let her report, let her project and do old-fashioned TV News biz: read the teleprompter and let the Bay Area see your MVP, standing O!

*The problem, (among many) at PIX is the utter lack of accountability --from its local bosses to its direct CBS parent in NY--you would think Black Rock would be more sensitive about its Bsy Area O and O but for years, CBS has treated KPIX as a trivial property. It shows. 855 Battery has gone from the penthouse to the outhouse. CBS seems to not give a damn instead just making sure the buttons click and the cash machine flows --and it does. If PIX were an independent, it'd be chaos. You could say that for all other stations too but you'd be wrong. PIX has a lot on its plate, mercy.

*KTVU anchor, Cristina Rendon doesn't shout, "hey look at me!", she just does her job and she does it with grace and beauty, not to mention possessing exceptional news chops. Rendon is nearing a decision at Fox2. Does she stay and wait for her eventual placement, (permenent) at 10 PM or does she consider the numerous offers from Bay Area and outside market suitors? For now, she's chosen Bay Area vibes. She loves it here, has a family and a kid. Going to another market would be heavy lifting for Rendon --it's a shame The Firm didn't act pragmatic and sign Cristina longterm; they should have and they may ultimately pay the price.

*Heather Holmes, the most OVERRATED anchor in town, is once again whining in and outside the Jack London Square studios where Channel 2 flails away: she's pissed off that her 10 PM aspirations have once agin been stalled, one reason being Ms Rendon herself. Holmes pedigree is not big enough to where she can pick and choose her next firm spot on the news desk. Some of it has to do with timing and some, (most) has to do with the fact that she's simply not as great as she (and others/viewers) thinks she is.


  1. For whatever reasons? You can't be serious...she has no business being on anything claiming to be a news channel. Someone get rid of Joy Reid next please.

    1. Tiffany Cross was a clown. I'm surprised you were into that Rich.

    2. I never watched Tiffany's show but every comment I've read pretty much everywhere on her dismissal was good riddance to bad rubbish. Ratings were in the toilet. Every show was blaming white people for everything that was wrong with her life.

    3. Second the Joy Reid comment. She is part of the problem.


    4. "Someone get rid of Joy Reid, please"..So she bothers you so much that you watch her? If you want to get rid of her, don't watch.

    5. 2:25 You say you've never watched Tiffany's show, but then go on to say that "every show was blaming white people". How would you know?

    6. 3:12--Did you miss the part where they say "every comment I've read pretty much everywhere..." etc.? I guess reading comprehension is not a strength of yours.

    7. 3:12 did you even read the comment? He said its what he READ.

    8. 4:10 Yes, he/she got his/her ideas from the internet and then asserted that those comments were facts which he/she believed. When he/she asserts that he/she never watched the show, I don't believe her/him.

    9. Rich : for whatever reason... LMFAO

    10. 5:02 you're trying too hard.

  2. Pardon my ignorance Rich, but how does KPIX still bring in alot of cash? Does CBS corp pay for their lights and coffee makers? Or do local companies ,besides tax guy, pay top $$ for commercials? Looks like same drek. How is that making any money? Thanks Rich for all you do.

    1. Hard to sell microscopic demos. Local stations survive on retransmission fees and political ads. If they go bye-bye, its lights out.

  3. The Bay Area news is so bad I feel like moving to Bakersfield.

  4. Holmes is better that Mibach

    1. > Holmes is better that Mibach

      Which is kind of like saying Country is better than Rap.

  5. With respect, Rendon is a nothingburger. In a world where the prime skill has become reading a prompter, yeah, she can do that. But charisma wise, she simply doesn't move the needle. At all.

    1. Agreed. Don't get Rich's interest in her. She's as exciting as one of those Fresno cosmetics clerks.

  6. Cristina Rendon is ready for the big time. She has the professionalism and look to be a network reporter/anchor.

  7. > For whatever reason(s) ...

    Are you *kidding,* Rich. She did everything but put up a chyron that said "I HATE WHITE PEOPLE." She is a racist, plain and simple.

  8. Betty Yu can take a page out of Cristina Rendon’s playbook. Betty Yu has way too many “look at me” skin showing shots on Instagram. From my understanding she isn’t taken seriously at KPIX.

    1. Who cares about that about Betty Yu? Thats her personal & social life, she is not harming anybody.

    2. “From my understanding she isn’t taken seriously at KPIX.”

      I work there. Your understanding is wrong.

    3. I saw a lot of Betty Yu during the Asian American and city crime crisis. She was always poised and professional.

    4. I LOVE Betty Yu.

    5. 7:11
      Whatchutalkin'boutWillis? I work here at PIX. She's really good at what she does...and she's a pretty cool chick.

  9. Killion should move from sports to the opinion page. Her political bent is fine, but please don’t bring it to every sports column.

  10. Correction: please don’t force feed it in every sport’s column. Ya know!

  11. It's Christina Rendon's time to shine. Heather Holmes was never a #1 anchor at 10pm. She needs to go to another station or head down to Texas. She loves to tell her social media followers when she heads down to the deep heart of Texas. Oh and she doesn't like people to know she's a huge Dallas Cowboys fan. Another reason for the Bay Area to dislike her

  12. I’ll watch Juliette Goodrich anytime, anywhere. Even with the sound turned down! Juliette is the ultimate TV ‘hottie,’ don’t you think Rich?

  13. My wife and I met Betty Yu at a gala she was emceeing. She was kind, gracious and entertaining. I remember looking up her bio and she went to Columbia Univ. It shows in her speaking engagements and etiquette. She is very classy.

  14. Ladies (Heather H., Betty Y., Juliette G., and Christina R.), if any you are even reading this, you're all fine news-folk and do a great job. Best of luck to where you want to go in your careers. Stay, leave, change employers, move on to other career-paths as others have done. I believe you'll all be successful in whatever you choose as you're all already successful at present.

  15. The first time I saw Tiffany Cross brought up for discussion, three things popped into my mind:

    A..CRT/ BLM style She is a Race Baiter
    B. She is very articulate. C. She's attractive and dresses herself nicely ....So what we have is the same old Louis Farrakahn bitter Whine, but in a brand new, sparklely, colorful and stylishly tapered and contoured bottle. I'm thinking, the product will sell for a while, due to it's novelty and pretty packaging, then interest will quickly wane, once the consumer realizes they have tasted this before.
    ..Meet the New Race Card Player, Same as the Old Race Card Player....Poor Girl, she cannot really change at this point unless she's willing to be pilloried on Twitter. The ultimate inferno!

  16. There is nothing wrong with Joy Reid or Tiffany Cross. She has the right to speak her truth especially when other anchors come for her.

  17. I just don't see the hatred for Heather Holmes. She does the best interviews in local TV, looks good and reads the news well. She shows up for work where ever they ask her to and is totally low-maintenance. Someone else said she is FOX material and I agree. She could be national if someone there saw her here.

  18. “Cable crew in Jersey”? Dude, MSNBC has been in 39 Rock for at least a decade. Pay attention.
