Monday, November 7, 2022

Andria Borba Still MIA at KPIX; 855 Battery Chaos; November Sweeps; Circle7 Meh in The Morning; "Building a Better Nothing"; KRON Wants New Equipment; Nada From Nexstar; More Disney BS; Ashley Mum; Cibrowski/Sze Too; Election Night '22 Factoid; Monday Pulse


Maybe it's in the handbook at KPIX: be a notable on-air talent; have a crisis; don't tell anyone; disappear. Her own friends and fellow staff at 855 Battery have no idea why Andria Borba, PIX star reporter, has been MIA since almost a month. My own contacts at PIX say Borba is on some "personal leave"--another prominent contact said it was a medical issue.

PIX suits, as their natural MO don't say a thing --even to their own personnel who don't have a clue!

Borba's mystery status comes at the beginning of November Sweeps, as they say, good timing.

*PIX could do a feature for Sweeps: place a camera in its newsroom and say,,"see us?" All you need.

MORE PIX: more and more, CBS has acknowledged that Ryan Yamamoto is a complete nothing and waste, someting I've said since he's arrived. Yamamoto has NO PRESENCE, no news chops and he's been shifted all over the place. Yamamoto has about as much buzz as a SF public toilet stall.

*Circle7 AM Lightweights: The chaos that is ABC7's morning sophomoric nothing show is obvious: nobody watches, nobody cares, the entire proceeding is an utter WASTE of time and energy. The fact Mike Nicco left and took his family to that oasis, (wink), Kansas City should tell you the obvious, or I will: with clown Reggie Aqui and his enablers, Disney and fellow Circle7 bufoons parading, Nicco split. Sure, they told him he was not wanted but Nikko chose to vacate the abyss. As long as Aqui is allowed to stay, then MORE PEOPLE will SPLIT KGO-YV (ABC7).

*The DISNEY BS: there's nothing wrong with the idea of multi-race, multi-gender, multi-sexual orientation hiring protocol only Disney takes it to the extreme: ask its SF personnel at 900 Front. The entire operation is a newsroom that is not qualified-job centric but an office that checks all the boxes, racially, gender, orientation and the like. Talent? News edge? Never mind that.

*Dear Dan Ashley, you're the leader, unofficially in the ABC7 newsroom, right? Your ardent support and defense of the BS, "Building a Better Bay Area" is SHAMEFUL. Yeah, you don't haver to bite the hand that feeds you, but you could quietly tell the rank and file that BS campaigns that tarnish otherwise good news operations should NEVER be tolerated.

*Adding insult to injury: No, Ashley still hasn't signed an extension. Still working on his old deal but clearly content to stay at KGO.

*The other day, Kristen Sze went to visit with the GM, Tom Cibowski--in his office--talk about the blind leading the blind.

*Sze, one of the greatest petition organizers in the world. News anchor? Please.

*Cibrowski got a new coffee mug to show his eager staff thereby building a better news staff.

*THE IDEA that Nicco was thought of as a "good guy" (which he probably was) tells you all you need to know about what constitutes quality people at Circle7. The entire newsroom is a wasteland of neanderthals and sweet nothings., That's a Disney speciality. There is NO edge, no lightning rod, just a benign landscape with robots and PC addicts that spew out alleged news and corporate BS campaigns.

*HEY Cibrowski: I'll say it again: you're a complete ZERO. Your own staff there knows it 100%. ABC and the Mouse company will know in time.

*KRON has been in contact with Nexstar for MORE MONEY to hire more reporters and rebuild old equipment --something that you would think corporate would OK but Nexstar apparently only allows new weather boards and college-aged weekend anchors from Lodi.

*I would tell you to watch Election Night coverage locally but I'd be more of a damn fool than I already am --there's nothing to offer and therefore, I'll stick to channel-shuffling between CNN and MSNBC.

*MY ELECTION NIGHT analysis: Dems lose, GOP wins, democracy gone. Simple enough.


  1. Rich parroting DNC hyperbole...disappointing. Democracy is on the ballot!!! Spare me.

    1. When Republicans are saying they will not accept results if Democrats win, period, which many have, then yes, Democracy literally is on the ballot. If you can’t see that you are uneducated and part of the very problem they got us here.

  2. Yes everyone before you light your hair on fire"Democracy will remain after the ballot"

    1. Exactly. I just wrote this. Every screaming Karen on Twitter (and Meathead aka Rob Reiner) "Save our democracy! Vote Democrat(ic)! It's the end of our democracy if you don't vote Democrat(ic)!".

  3. Even Yamamoto can’t do well as a sports anchor either. So what does this then mean for him? He’s getting canned eventually? In January it’s going to mark 1 year since he arrived. Looks like things are not going so well for him.

  4. "Democracy gone". Oh god Rich. Don't drink the kool-aid. Every election is "The most important election in the history of our Democray!". The last one was. The one before that. The one before that. The one before that. Go back decades.

    To channel my inner Rothmann going into the Alton B. Parker vs. Theodore Roosevelt election in 1904, "This is the most important election in the history of our democracy! Vote for the Democrat or the country is lost!".

  5. I'm not your target audience because I don't object to anyone on your lengthy hate list (Aqui, Sze, Yamamoto, etc). But there is one person who really gets on my nerves: Channel 7 morning show's Lena Howland. She constantly gasps for air between words, so that I always expect her to turn blue and collapse before finishing a sentence. And she mispronounces badly -- she said that the recent San Jose earthquake was in the "aLUM rock" area -- today, she quoted Marin County Fire Battalion Chief Bret McTigue and called him "MacTeegyoo". She must be related to the fool in charge of hiring at Channel 7, or else she's blackmailing him/her.

  6. After former Bay Area anchor like Princess Natasha and VDLC disappear without info, more anchors are following the same trick either personal, medical or neither. Dennis O Donnell, I want to know he is still with KPIX or any cut ties with the station and why he disappear. Now, Andrea…my guess is she is on maternity leave. For Princess and VDLC, they both look fine

  7. Well, she was silent on Twitter for two months, but retreated the Pelosi story a week ago.

  8. Andria Borba: a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

  9. Two things I wish to address: Firstly: it isn't hyperbolic to say "democracy is on the ballot". Regrettably, our country is circling the drain. If you folks on the right will not admit that it's become "win at all costs, even by cheating", then nothing I say will convince you otherwise. So enjoy your new government. It won't be a democracy, however.

    The second issue pertains to Andria Borba's whereabouts. When I worked at KPIX years ago, Andria was candid with some of us about her chronic health issues. While I'm no longer in contact with her, it seems likely she's had a recurrance of the condition, which is why she's on leave. It isn't likely a contract thing or anything like that. I wish her all the best and hope she gets better soon.

    1. A while back, on Twitter, Andria briefly/vaguely mentioned that she was experiencing a chronic health problem. There have been times, on-air, when it has appeared that she has struggled (with some form of impairment; more often, during her earlier years at PIX). Your post offers some insight, to an unfortunate situation. I, too, wish better days ahead for her.

  10. “Building a Better Bay Area, moving forward, finding solutions,”…..STINK and…. Disney STINKS.

    1. "Building a Better Bay Area" should be renamed "Building a Better Bowel Movement".

  11. KGO TV in the morning is unwatchable; I suspect that's what helps keep KTVU in the morning afloat. And yes, Reggie Aqui is just that bad...

  12. How would democracy be gone? It is an election. Seems like that is democracy to me.

    1. My you're naive. Hitler was elected too.

    2. @10:44. Yes. Her husband was just attacked too.

    3. Ummm have you heard about January 6th? Democracy could have gone down that day. The National Guard should have been on the Capitol steps that day with water cannons and the tear gas. First shower those hillbillies would have had in years.

  13. Rich, remember about 20 years ago when a box full of ballots was found floating off Berkeley Marina? If Democracy could survive that fishy episode, I’m sure it’ll last past the latest election — even without John Rothmann on the air to be outraged at the Trump supporters he begs to call in.

  14. I love watching Sara Donchey on KPIX. She looks like a porn star!

  15. Will Tran is arguably the biggest hack reporter on the planet. If he wasn't at KRON he wouldn't have a job in TV news

    1. Will is a hack, but not as bad as Camila Barco and Sara Stinson. KRON is seriously lacking in talented LIVE field reporters. The jury is still out on Amanda Hari. Will we ever
      see her report LIVE, or are we stuck with her canned pieces?

  16. Tracey Cibrowski is so hot!

  17. Andria is a great person and journalist. If she felt like sharing her personal stuff she would. So please take the hint and let her have her privacy.

  18. I'm gay and I still can't stand Reggie in the mornings. He's so Nelly it's obnoxious. It embarrasses me as a gay person.
