Monday, October 31, 2022

Yo KCBS: Just The Facts; All-News Bay Area Radio Station Deep in "Shit Show" Status; More Vacancies Left Unfilled; "People Can't Wait To Leave The Building"

JUST THE FACTS, KCBS and Ms. Jennifer Seelig, under your watch:

Larry Chiaroni,nightime anchor, retired, May 2019: position still not filled.

Morning co-anchor, Susan Leigh Taylor, retired, 2019, position still not filled.

Morning anchor, Stan Bunger, retired, 2021, position still not filled.

Morning sports anchor, Steve Bitker, retired, 2021, position still not filled.

And of course in August, both sporrts (PM drive) anchor, Kevin Radich and midday anchor, Rececca Corral were let go in a cost-cutting move by Audacy/Entercom (KCBS owners). Both positions have yet to be filled.

The inability to hire a permanent replacement for a vast majority of KCBS's air talent is inexcusable under the best of circumstances; Seelig's lack of direction and leadership is most remarkable when you consider KCBS is virtually a monopoly.

Seelig's amen corner will point out KCBS still has good ratings and they do but their margin of listeners has shrunk too at an alarming rate. Were this taking place in any other market, someone, say Seelig, who loves her PD/VP position and takes pride in her considerable power around the office, would have been shown the door. A long time ago.

But Seelig gets a pass regularly and her bosses seem fearful of kicking her out the door. I wonder why.

All this news comes at a time the KCBS workplace is a scene of chaos, a "shit show" as the rank and file people call it. And it's only getting worse.

There used to be a time when tenured people put off retirement; at least the good ones; anchors and reporters alike; they staved off retirement at a radio station that garnered both local and national prestige for its solid and awesome ability to deliver both news content and breaking news in the Bay Area and beyond.

Now, KCBS anchors and reporters can't wait to run for the door. The latest: John Evans, the overnight anchor who retired last week after 13 years of service. Evans was still at the top of his game but he left and speculation was that he had enough of the shit show himself. Evans isn't alone and it's not just anchors that are departing, editors and producers can't wait to leave the premises.

KCBS is a muddled, deeply flawed radio station that only exists because it it has zero competition and is allowed to crater and despair in front of its dwindling Bay Area listeners most of whom use it now to check out local traffic conditions and even there, KCBS has lost its mark.

The shit show seems to have taken on a double feature with no intermission.


  1. Word from within is that Pappy C wants to work with us. Hell, why not.

    Peter Felch

  2. But is the super commuter still there?

  3. They miss the mark in the traffic reporting.
    Always "missing" traffic incidents & reports because the time allotted is not enough.
    They break away with jingles & weather plus a shitload of commercials.
    A true shit show

  4. Check out the host list on KCBS webpage. There are a lot of familiar faces that are no longer there.

  5. Not surprised what KCBS is going through. But hopefully it will not turn into KGO.

    Luckily, Bloomberg 960 is still a good station to listen to.

  6. Rich, stop complaining. There’s no station where you can hear more about vaccines, day and night. Pharma companies aren’t helping to underwrite KCBS, are they?

    1. Pfizer is a huge sponsor of Audacy programming...they make no secret about it. It is mentioned at least twice per hour.

  7. They should go to a 24 hour per day traffic only format. That's the only reason anyone listens to them. They could cut down to 3 reporters (3 x 8 hour shifts).

    1. But once they got rid of the traffic planes, their traffic coverage is no different than Waze and looking at the CHP's website:

    2. What traffic planes? Last traffic plane in this market was flown by Hap Harper (just before he retired and started selling lots in the Sierra foothills).

    3. I remember this well, Jose Jiminez served as Harper's co-pilot and gave the traffic reports. This was an act that would NEVER fly today...

  8. They can't fill the positions because young people aren't getting into radio any longer. TV still seems to be a good draw, but at my station we're all old farts and there is no longer a line at the door 20 deep of people who will do the job cheaper.

  9. The recent bizarre format change at KGO 810 would seem to yield an excellent opportunity for KCBS to increase market share, and considerably. I wonder if the management has any plans in place to take advantage of this gift? Here's what the Bard said: "There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures." .... Will KCBS gain fortune, or misery?

  10. I heard the financial fella on KGO yesterday talking about his annuities and the market. Format switch already?

  11. I’m not arguing that it’s a mess (it is), but look at Audacy stations in other major markets. Scott Shannon announced his “retirement” from CBS-FM in NY last week. They’ll get someone to push buttons for a fraction of the price. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn KCBS is under orders to save money by using as many freelancers as possible, preferably at the lower end of the SAG-AFTRA scale.

  12. Rich...when Kevin "the Rat" Radich was there for years, all you could do was attack him. Now he's gone and you suddenly think it's awful?

  13. @12:30, I forgot they used to have traffic planes!! WOW!! I am old and forgot about those. My Waze has been as reliable as Tristan Thompson. Bring back the planes! Does anyone know what year they got rid of them?

    1. I want to say 2016, maybe sooner

  14. Much credit goes to Eric Thomas, he's working all kinds of OT to cover all the open time slots.

  15. KCBS is FUBAR under the new owners. I am waiting for the KNX simulcasts with local sports and weather by KPIX.

  16. Sad when the only “personalities” on KCBS are the two traffic ladies with the first name Kim. As long as I commute, I’ll keep listening in the morning and evening, though I miss Susan and Stan. Along with Steve and Kim W, they all had a nice rapport together.

  17. I left this shitshow three years ago and listen to commercial free KDFC 24/7. AM radio is kaput.

  18. 2:59 nailed it. It's not a KCBS-thing. It's a nationwide audacy thing. And why pile on the ND & GM--they're simply following orders. What do you want them to do--defy the corporate bosses??? I've been to Chicago and NYC this past year...and can report that WBBM and WCBS have also experienced massive cuts/retirements. The product isn't the same compared to ten-years ago.

  19. I know John Evans and he told me over a year ago that he could not wait to get out of that place. Jennifer Seelig is typical of the kind of dweebish nitwits who pass for management types in radio today. She was a marginal producer who somehow managed through extraordinary circumstances to ascend to the news director position. The woman is obviously in over her head. Morale at that place has sunk to an all time low.
