Sunday, October 30, 2022

Late Sunday Headline: Another Crisis at KCBS

AT KCBS, critical mass..and it's just the tip of the iceberg.

The latest crisis commenced a short time ago: with the retirement of overnight anchor, John Evans, KCBS is minus another significant anchor --the rumored replacement? Alisa Clancy, she of the giggle-voice embarrassment zone--is being met with fierce unhappiness by the few vets at 740 AM, and (106.9 FM) who give a damn.

Clancy is a JOKE, even by the newbies at the all-news outlet. Her laugh-infected delivery and goofy display is plain pathetic and ridiculous --even giving her the fulltime gig in the wee hours of the morning is adding ammo to those at KCBS who refer to ND's Jennifer Seelig's "shit show."

But that's the least of it.

KCBS has personality-zero and boring anchor, Melissa Culross in AM drive and still hasn't made a permanent call on retired Stan Bunger --who split over a year and a half ago. Nobody can figure out why but Seelig seems content to "kill the morning", as a veteran staffer calls it.

There's more idiocy at KCBS: the middday chaos! Holly Quan was thought to be the permamnet 10-2 anchor but, as the 'whack-a-mole" anchor policy continues unabated, Quan is once again MIA and her status is up in the air--what else is new?

The afternoon drive team of Patti Reising and Bret, "wow", Burkhart, is in the WRONG slot; it should be in the morning but again, Seelig is the blind leading the blind.


  1. Does anyone even listen to KCBS anymore? It could go off the air tomorrow and no one would notice, trust me.

    1. So you don't look at ratings, 5:14, but ask to be
      "trusted"? Plenty of people listen to KCBS.

  2. Meanwhile, thoughts and prayers to Cartman Low I Kiew on the high probability she’ll have to rely on Paw Paw more as job cuts on her underpaid Twitter gig is looming

  3. That's what happens when you bring in a woman to do a man's job.

    John Evans was a man that discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel tower out of metal...and brawn. That's what kind of man he was. She's just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science.

    1. 5:47..woman boss...great ratings. Bit of a disconnect for you.

  4. Maybe KCBS can do us all a favor and take the CBS Radio Network feed 24/7. It's better than the garbage that's on the air now. At least Lisa "The Realtor" Chan wasn't on the air this morning. Now that's a blessing. Eric Thomas is way better than her, and that's saying something about the state of affairs at KCBS.

  5. But does Alisa Clancy buy fake Instagram followers like Jessica Burch?

  6. Larry Charoni to return?

  7. I liked Evans a lot, a very easy and almost comforting voice. I agree that Reising and Burkhardt should do AM, more of an easier-listening morning-drive kind of sound. I like Kim Vestal too, have since she was pretty much the main voices of pop San Jose radio lo these many years.

  8. Sometimes Bloomberg 960 does some business-related updates that are professional on KCBS so not all national information they use is bad. I really like 960's cut-ins.

    1. Buying news from outside outlets is common. I really like IN DEPTH on Kcbs Sunday's. They had a guy on today talking about semi-conductors and with his book, CHIP WARS. Excellent, and although it was not 960, it sounded like them.

  9. Where's Lisa Chan?

  10. I thought Clancy retired after 35 years at the jazz station?

  11. Check out the host list on KCBS webpage. There are a lot of familiar faces that are no longer there.

  12. I don't get all the hate for KCBS. I've been out of the TV news biz for years now...and never had/do not currently have any ties to it. But I still listen to it at the top and bottom of the hour--and it still does a good job of giving me the news...and traffic reports. I just need to know what's going on in the Bay Area. For my national and world news, I just go to my Galaxy S22 (GREAT phone, BTW!) and check the various national and international media.

  13. None of this will matter after Tuesday. MSM will be waving the white flag.

  14. Your comments about Pat Thurston, John Rothmann, and KGO radio were right on the mark. With all that is going on - the Pelosi attack, the upcoming elections - there is nowhere to have input and hear what others in the Bay area think. And, even though I didn't always agree with Pat and John's opinions, they were intelligent and entertaining. Qualities lacking in so many media people.

  15. KCBS had sports updates for over 50 years but Audacy decided that Spirts updates should NOT be heard on a news station anymore so they got rid of all of their sports reporters. Now they have traffic guys doing quick morning updates and then leave it to the anchors to do quick scores later in the day. . No highlights, no live reports, no sound bytes, zilch. Brilliant programming. Public service….What’s that? Audacy knows ZERO about serving the public with reliable news programs.
    Their goal? Get the cheapest talent and make more $$$ to keep their shareholders and repugnant CEO David Fields happy..
