Saturday, October 29, 2022

Paul Pelosi SF Attack: Grim Story Elicits Grim Local Coverage

The Pelosi (Paul) attack story was a huge news story on Friday generating national and local coverage alike.

As it should have.

The cable outlets were all over it and the networks too. Again, as they should have been.

Locally, a very poor showing. The obligatory live shots from the scene and post-incident accounts but that was it. The background? Nothing. The story of the attacker was non-existent and any back story, if at all, was nowhere to be seen. It was abysmal and I'm being kind.

Radio? KCBS tried to bring you sidebars but was tragically asleep at the wheel.

Not a good day but are you shocked? I'm not.


  1. You don't have to be Houdini to figure out what was going on there.

    1. so tell us..You mean that a crazed conspiracy theorist terrorist didn't try to kill the spouse of one of the nation's top political leaders?

    2. What does Houdini have to do with it? You’re so stupid your analogy doesn’t even make sense.

    3. Too stupid to figure it out for yourself huh?

    4. "Too stupid to figure it out for yourself huh?"

      We're not all stable geniuses like you and Trump.

  2. I’m tired of hearing about it. I’d rather hear a repeat of when Kibbles the KTVU Cat wee wee’d on the studio floor and Kyla slipped on it on air. That was awesome.

    KTVU Morning Intern

    1. That moment lives forever in my head rent free 😆

  3. That press conference by the police chief was hard to listen to. Aside from providing no information the delivery was halting, awkward and unprofessionally filled with emotion.

    1. Yeah, had the same thought. But I don’t think much of either him or Oaktown’s police chief.

  4. Well, initially, there was virtually no information about this incident...the news outlets can't expand on an incident if they don't have information. Seems they provided additional information as it became available - and I think they were also mindful of the family's requests about what they may or may not have wanted to be published.....

    1. "the news outlets can't expand on an incident if they don't have information."

      Have you not watched anything broadcast on CNN or MSNBC the last 5-10 years? Hyperbole, speculation, and the made-up is what they specialize in.

    2. All kinds of up to the minute coverage outside the blue bubble..

    3. “All kinds of up to the minute coverage outside the blue bubble.”

      What?!? This is the same stuff the “Blue Bubble” has been reporting. Some of it is even just cut-and-paste from “lamestream” sources, without attribution. Typical……

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. If there were only a local news/talk station where this would be covered and discussed…

    1. I can just hear the cackling and "outrage" now.

  7. Questions the media SHOULD be asking.

    1. Why was this guy in his underwear? It wasn't warm that night.

    2. Look at the photo of the back glass doors, the glass looks blown out from the inside.

    3. Who was the "unknown person" who let the cops in?
    "Officers arrived at the house, knocked on the front door and were let inside by an unknown person."

    1. And who was the figure in the grassy knoll? And did you know both bigfoot and the Loch Ness Chupacabra were seen nearby?

      The scary thing is idiots like you get one vote, just like I do. Then they wonder why democracy doesn’t work.

    2. "Why was this guy in his underwear? It wasn't warm that night."

      There you go. It must be warm for you to be in your underwear.

      "Look at the photo of the back glass doors, the glass looks blown out from the inside."

      Google Newton's Third Law of Motion

      "Who was the "unknown person" who let the cops in?"

      Probably slopping wording in the rush to get the story out. The writer probably didn't know who the person was at the time. So they say "unknown person."

      Do you find something fishy with every story that has incomplete info like that? Go back to the original stories on everything from the Moon landing to Nixon's resignation and you'll find gaps like that. BFD.

    3. "Why was this guy in his underwear? It wasn't warm that night."

      Um, he was sleeping, dummy?

  8. I thought Paul Pelosi enjoyed being hammered...
    "Stop!...Hammer Time!"

  9. I can already hear Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Kellyanne Conway and Matt Gaetz, screaming “ANTIFA !!”
    I am shocked one of the local stations hasn’t labeled the miscreant as such. But I will wager it is being bandied about by the last bastion of “fair and decent” reporting of Tucky Carlson.

  10. Ya know Rich, watching all the local evening newscasts, it seemed more of a mixed bag than a poor showing. KTVU got a pass, because they carried game 1 of the World Series (which turned out to be a good one despite lack of local interest!). Resource challenged KRON seemed to rely mostly on Dan Kerman, who seemed to go on and on for a very long time. KNTV did a decent job on the attack, but then turned its attention to the dentist murder with a suicide twist, which is an interesting sensational local story. ABC7 appeared to put a lot of resources against the Pelosi story, bringing in its investigative team along with many other angles. And KPIX had a ton of reporters on the story and Juliette Goodrich anchored her shows live from the hospital. Outstanding coverage? Maybe not. But poor showing? I know going negative helps drive clicks and comments, but in this case I’m not sure it was quite as bad as suggested.

  11. Who cares! I want to watch another story yesterday and thanks to this, that expected news story was reported for 3 minutes.

  12. I'm thinking there is a lot more to this story...

    1. You mean the third person there that they won't expound on or why Pelosi called the intruder his 'friend'? We all know this is the classic coverup, that's why the cops spoke so carefully and deliberate. To think otherwise is just naive. Let's have another drink.

    2. Twitter.Look it up.

    3. What specific evidence or information is there, that "there is a lot more to this story"?

    4. "why Pelosi called the intruder his 'friend'?"

      Could you cite this please? From a PRIMARY SOURCE, not your friend's friend's friend's friend on a barstool. I haven't seen it anywhere.

    5. It was on the released tape of the 911 call

  13. Did Paulie P. have a mistress with him? Seems like maybe.

    1. Based on what evidence?

    2. big houses have, brace yourself, housekeepers

    3. Ah, that does it. So everyone with a big house has a mistress. [eyeroll]

  14. I'd rather hear about the fight between Robin Winston and Anny Hong


  15. Maybe the attacker was following Paul Pelosi's stock picks for years (regularly outperforming the S&P oddly enough. It's almost like he had inside information. Almost.) and was upset over the whole NVIDIA debacle where they lost tons of money?

    He is singlehandedly the reason why legislation was just passed to stop politicians and their spouses and immediate family from being able to buy stocks. Too little, too late. Nancy and him have already made their hundreds of millions off of our backs.

  16. As expected, KTVU’s ‘coverage’ was abysmal. The first flub came in the first few moments when they said Pelosi called 911 “shortly before 3:30 this morning.”
    By no means was I glued to my tv following this story minute-by-minute but even I knew the 911 call occurred shortly before 2:30am - not 3:30. I knew this because every story I heard included that detail.
    So what’s your excuse now KTVU? Sure, it’s nothing like Sum Ting Wong or running a story from Danville, VIRGINIA claiming it’s Danville, CA but still. Even if a news writer made a typo where’s the producer who has oversight? What about the anchor responsible for reviewing show scripts prior to going on air?
    Any attention to detail and pride that once existed in the ktvu newsroom has gone done the toilet along with their shitty ratings.

  17. Crack Bay Area journalists at it again

  18. Half my neighbors have closed circuit cameras in and outside their homes, others have alarms, some with private security response, and the remaining few lock their doors.
    Why wasn't the Pelosi household secured similarly? Especially for an elderly 82 year old senior presumably home alone, the apparent lack of security seems incongruous and careless.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. The perp broke into the house. Please read.

    3. Clearly they don't have much of a security system and why doesn't he have a bodyguard when Nancy is back in DC? He can certainly well afford it.

  19. Just as I figures all these post would reflect. The state of this country and the dias amongst the right wing, Republicans, neo-nazis, pro communist anti democracy and just plain stupid retarded idiots who still believe their imbecile leader Trump; a Putin pee-pee lover would say. I won the election! You didn't win shit, now go and put yourself out of our misery and take your followers with you.

  20. The real story is the right wing media pretending the assailant is not a full blown Trumptard with social
    Media postings that are pro January 6 insurrectionist

  21. "Nancy and him(sic)" ????

  22. KTVU Retraction...

  23. The guy lives in a huge mansion with multiple rooms and he chooses to charge his cellphone where... in the bathroom.? The entire story sounds fishy.

    1. Absolutely. It's the same people who invented Covid. And numerous school shootings. And New Coke. Uh-huh. Keep up the sharp reporting for us. You and Trump are saving us from the fake news media. And make sure you remember to charge your tin foil hat.

  24. If you were out there what would you have done differently. There was very little information. I can’t speculate. I could try to find someone to talk to about whether politicians are being targeted…. And that’s what I would have tried to do. I’d ask whether this has gone from anger on social media to people actually carrying out attacks. Honestly it’s frightening. But it’s easy to criticize. You’re under deadline. You have almost no information. So rich you’re the reporter. What would YOU do.

  25. So the police stated that an unknown person opened the door when they arrived. Who was that person? Also, first they said they were both wearing panties and now KTVU is walking it back? Something smells fishy…

    1. Check out any other breaking news story in history and you'll discover lots of reporting that later changes. BTW, police didn't state an unknown person opened the door, the media did and police today corrected it.

  26. Everyone on the left screams for body cam footage when they accuse the cops of malfeasance, let's see it. And how 'bout home security footage while we're at it, Nancy???

  27. All you idiots on here I ask you one question. What the fuck would you have done. I’ve worked in the business for 30 years. It’s easy to criticize. So no you’re the reporter. Tell me what the fuck you would do. And remember you’re under deadline. The clock is ticking. So tell me. Who would you interview. What would you say. What specific questions would you ask. It’s not as easy as you think Is it.

  28. Private citizens do not have to camera's they police is paid for by our tax dollars, though we have right to know how the handle situations. By the way l support the police, they have a tough job, body cams in most instances, most likely show they acted properly.

  29. I'm just here for the comments.
