Friday, October 28, 2022

Today Is Friday: Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING YOUR TV/RADIO Bay Area media questions...I'll be here a few hours and please, name and town.


  1. Rich, now that Jon Evans has retired from KCBS, the anchors in the main weekday time slots have now either retired or were laid off, and Audacy doesn't seem interested in replacing them with dedicated anchors. It doesn't seem like a coincidence to me -- was it the excess of commercials? Were they all too expensive? I know you used to complain about Susan Leigh-Taylor and Stan Bunger's chit-chat but I feel the personality of the station is gone now.

    Thanks, Scott K. in San Jose

    1. Scott, your dead -on in your assessment KCBS is a long horse in the killing fields that is AM radio and it's only gonna get worse.

    2. I listen to KCBS a lot and have for decades. I don't understand these odd attacks on perfectly capable anchors and reporters. Rich attacks Melissa Culross endlessly. She has clear voice, no screech, no breaking the vu-meter..very upbeat and good writing and content. What, she doesn't shop at the right department stores for you?

    3. Melissa Culross is clearly capable, never said she wasn't, just not a drivetime personality and you do have to have some semblance of that, my opinion and a good many others.

    4. I am waiting for KNX to simulcast on KCBS with weather, traffic & sports.

    5. I'm not complaining about the anchors or reporters -- my complaint is that the excess of commercials has made it such that there's no opportunity to hear any of their personality anymore. Business reports seem like they're barely a minute long, sports segments barely cover all of SF sports, and I can keep going. It's no wonder why everybody is leaving. I've lived here 15 years now and I can definitely tell it's not the same station it was when I moved here.

  2. Hi,
    KSFO does not seem to have much better ratings then KGO did. Is it use of what appears to be all syndicated programing what makes it viable?

    1. That literally no one is in the studio and it makes money --that's orgasmic for cheapie Cumulus.

    2. I thought your taste ran more to Jennifer Hudson.

  3. Rich, What about Bob Fitzgerald don't you like? He works for the Warriors so, yes, he does wear his allegiance on his sleeve. Is that a bad thing? He knows the game really well and his "partner" Klenna and he work well together. Al

    1. Bob Fitzgerald is a smarmy asshole with NO cred and a Napoleon syndrome who ordered the NBC Sports cameras to NOT show Draymond/Jordan Poole --a total journalistic sports STOOGE. No cred whatsoever.

    2. More than nailed it on the head.

    3. I noticed during the season opener NBC Sports never showed Draymond and Poole together unless they were on the court during live play. I kept waiting to see how they were acting around each other as it was our first chance to see them together after Green decked him.
      NBC Sports would cut to a different camera or angle the shot so that the two weren’t visible together, such as during timeouts or walking off the court. After two full quarters of this it was obvious it was intentional especially given the story line, they knew everyone wanted to see them together.
      I’m guessing Bob Shitzgerald didn’t want to show them together unless they were holding hands and singing kumbaya.

    4. "Bob Shitzgerald"


    5. How does Fitzgerald rate having camera direction? ... BTW, caught part of the Miami game on the radio and was reminded of how good Tim Roye is especially when Tolbert is there to provide a little jock-chat.

  4. Who wins the World Series?
    Carlos in Piedmont

  5. Is Teresa Estacio still the most beautiful and talented reporter in local media? She flies way below the radar.

    1. No, not even close but she's decent, by KRON standards.

    2. She's a real pill to work with and is not liked by those behind the scenes. As a reporter she's...adequate.

  6. Why didn’t every single local TV station cover the (lame) press conference of the attack on Paul Pelosi? Running infomercials was shameful.

    1. KRON has to pay the bills and that's been MO for years now--even the Pelosi attack (and it's a big story) doesn't change the business model.

    2. KPIX did but mainly during their newscasts. Some newscasts weather got

  7. Do you see Julie Haener being as cold and uncaring as I do?

    1. Yeah, and I've said as much if you read this blog.

    2. have you ever met or had a conversation with Ms. Haener?

  8. Rich, thank you for answering our questions, I appreciate you giving us updates on the local media scene. 🙏
    What is your criteria for what makes a good newscaster? Judging by the folks commenting here, all the women newscasters should be either Playboy Playmates or Raiderettes, and all the male newscasters should be thin stern ol white guys with all the personality of a beige rug.
    It is obvious to even the most casual observer that few write their stories, worse yet, few have read it beforehand.
    Do PDs seek out new talent or do applicants shop their resumés? Is this like the NFL where the young guys get cheap contracts and if they last 5 years, they get traded for being too costly?
    “I’ll take my answer off the air.”

    1. Just be yourself and give us the news; no gimmicks, no disingenuous humor, no fakeness, read the news and be as genuine as possible--you'll get my vote.

    2. So, do I so agree about the fakeness. To see a cushy anchor like Nora O'Donnell or any of our local well-paid line readers pretend to be upset by the rising cost of living or the plight of a homeless family while their driver is keeping their Maybach revved and ready so they can depart the studio immediately in a warm car (seriously, it's in O'Donnell's contract) makes me turn off ALL news. Which I've pretty much done. There's only a couple anchors on TV who are worth my time, and they're all on weekend or off-shift time slots, such as Brian Hackney.

  9. Rich, I watched the "press conference" by Police Chief Bill Scott this a.m. Is this a thing for law enforcement? Provide little to no information with reporters as props?

    1. Same story --it's been like that for years now, I'm not surprised, neither should you.

    2. It was a press conference. Law enforcement is not required to tell you more than it did in the middle of an investigation. any reporter knows this. No doubt, they are likely serving warrants and examining the suspect's associates. See if you can figure out why.

    3. Knowing SF, the loon who beat up Pelosi will be out on bail by this evening.

    4. Pretty funny that it's one of her hometown constituents. Online earlier it was all Trump! Republicans! The right!...
      Then it turns out to be a hippie from Berkeley.

    5. There is nothing funny about the attack on Paul Pelosi, does not matter what political affliations he has, I heard someone saying he is a member of the green party, and believes in several conspiracies, Obviously he is very disturbed, and needs to be send away for many years. Often people that believe in conspiracies are not necessarily loyal to any party, but have it in for anyone in an establisment position.

    6. Anyone else notice how it seemed the SFPD PIO was trying to get Chief Scott to exit quickly -- probably with the DA behind him poking him to get Scott away before anything that gets in the way of a prosecution was said.

  10. Hay Rice do you have any idea what happend (or what she doing) to Rosie Allen of the old KGO? Just wondering. thanks Jeff Petaluma

    1. Living the calm and cushy retired life in the Oakland hills, Jeff.

  11. Lisa on Peninsula, Jessica and Amanda changed hair color. Thats not helping their reporting skills. Any word on them leaving? What about Justin? Is he one foot out tbe door?

    1. God, Lisa, hair color? I mean, I haven't been paying that much attention.

      Amanda was on vacation --the "LT" needed rest.
      Justin? haven't a clue.

    2. Either Burch was on her Northeast vacation or on her National guard training days. It paid a price on Heggen working last Saturday morning. Because Burch is back, Peck should be back this entire weekend to his regular schedule (morning & evening as scheduled).

      Where did you hear that Justin is 1 foot out the door? He’s good as a reporter on the field, not sure anchor-wise. Len was better.

    3. I can confirm Burch's extended time off had nothing to do with the National Guard.

      She had a pre-planned vacation to the Northeast that she chose to further extend, almost entirely to escape the awkward and uncomfortable work environment that began to take form when the station and all her colleagues found out Burch had been involved in a prolonged campaign of buying fake social media followers and fake likes. This all came to light shortly before her Northeast vacation.

      This may sound juvenile but in the broadcast media work this has real implications. Social media performance is a key job responsibility, and one that station management uses to measure individual performance. Every local station utilizes third-party data analytic firms that measure individual social media performance. Like success in any other aspect of the job, performing exceptionally well on social media leads to increased opportunities, more exposure, better time slots, and attention from other stations, whether it be locally or nationally.
      Birch's attempt to 'game the system' directly impacts the rest of her colleagues who don't engage in this practice, as it puts them at an unfair disadvantage. Birch's campaign of buying fake social media followers began almost immediately when she began working at KPIX, and she took it to an extreme. The numbers became so inflated and clearly artificial that it began to draw scrutiny, from viewers and colleagues, which ultimately led to the exposure of what she had been doing.

      As expected, she has ceased buying fake followers and likes.

      So when she requested to extended time off, it was her hope that things would simmer down and she would return to a workplace that had gotten over the initial anger, eye-rolling, and gossiping.

      -KPIX employee with firsthand knowledge of this particular situation and the workplace culture

    4. You are an idiot. Burch was out sick. Period. No Social issue. No trip back East. No extended guard training. It’s amazing what passes as “first hand knowledge” in these comments.

    5. “Burch was out sick”

      10:36pm, Is that the talking point she’s using now? lol Sorry, but no amount of spin, phony denials, or attempts at rewriting history change the facts as stated by 10:53am. Not to mention, Burch openly discussed her upcoming trip, and her sad social media practices are now widely-known by viewers and those at KPIX and all other local stations. Facts.
      Now take your delusional self back to your keyboard and take your spin elsewhere.

    6. 3:10 you are truly clueless. Your bluster only proves you know you are serving up Bull****. Find another theory to ramp up. This one is just plain wrong and you know it. It’s comments like yours that really gives this blog a lack of credibility.

    7. 6:48 pm, Just stop already. Burch’s reputation precedes her, and your impassioned pleas and faux outrage would be comical if they weren’t so pathetic. You are lying through your teeth and your ridiculous spin is only being mocked.
      She wasn’t sick and you know it, and so do ALL of her colleagues.
      You can’t fool viewers. There are countless comments on this very topic over the past few weeks.
      Now go back to your mom’s basement.

  12. I use to work for NixonOctober 28, 2022 at 1:11 PM

    KRON lost Taylor Bisacky who I thought looked good on camera and was a good reporter. I never hear you mention Will Tran on KRON. I think he is both a great reporter and news reader. He is a natural and doesn't sound like he is just reading off a teleprompter.

    1. Will Tran? Don' get me started.

      "Google" Will Tran, Daria Folsom and bananas KRON"
      Answer in search.

    2. Come on, Rich. One event with bananas years ago. Let it rest. I am sure you have done things looking back on that you wish you didn't do. Don't let one event ruin everything, especially something so trivial. Will Tran is genuinely pretty decent. He comes off authentic and relaxed. He's great off script and does solid live reporting. He's not an authoritative anchor, but as a live, breaking news reporter, he's pretty solid. Don't take this the wrong way, I am not watching KRON because of him. KRON is a shambles...all local TV stations are. Really cannot see the reason to watch them. I got all I need to know about the Pelosi incident online without having to sit and watch anything.

  13. What is Ronnn Owenns up to now?

  14. John Evans was one of the last true radio journalists on KCBS. Glad he was able to retire on his terms.

  15. Hey Rich

    How many announcers, live and local, actually man radio station microphones late at night in the SF Bay Area? I'm guessing very few, as most programming at that time is sourced from elsewhere. Does it seem to you there's adequate manpower-at-the-mic in the event of an earthquake or other major emergency?

    George in San Jose

    1. If not zero, a few, maybe one like a board op.
      Yes, natural disasters be damned.

  16. TK from MV
    What is your opinion of Brittnay Begley, the fill in meteorologist on KRON?

  17. Had the distinct displeasure of hearing Smurf and Sack on KNBR this morning, playing some lame ass music/city game - “which is better?” I thought to myself, have these clowns gone completely off the rails? They were discussing Boys2Men tunes. Was this just a put on, like an April Fools Day joke, or are these guys suffering from syphillis? Your opinion please Rich!
    Keith in Mill Valley

    1. Keith, I've suffered enough today, you had to mention those yahoos.

  18. Here's one
    Do you see any improvement from carlos Ramirez since he started hosting the 49er shows?
    I dont at all, I still dont know why hes there and who at nbc is madly in love with him

    1. They're not "in love" with him, they're checking all the boxes--to hell with talent--and he fulfills their MO to viewers, that's all.

    2. I am a big fan........of totally avoiding him on the air. It's working out very well and is effortless now that Joe Staley is out of that pre-crap and post-crap shows. Viva el differrrence!

  19. Are the plus size newscasters in the Bay Area being discriminated against because they seem to be doing all of the dirty work and getting no respect? I'm thinking Noel Bellow, Anne Makovec, Gianna Franco, etc. I've seen them work days, nights, weekdays and weekends.

    Joe from San Francisco

    1. Joe, it's me with the weight problem.

    2. Add KGO’s morning reporter Lena Howland to the list

    3. Wow, if those women are considered plus size, good thing the average woman over 45 isnt on tv. Most arent swimsuit or playboy models. So odd men dont have the pressure to look hot. Eric Thomas( I know he is not on tv currently) Brian Hackney are 2 examples of men without hot bodies.

  20. Rich, any chance Elon Musk might buy KGO 810?

    1. Yeah sure, about as likely as me dating Kate Hudson.
      Zero chance.
      Thanks for the joke.

  21. What happened to Holly Kwon?

  22. Hi Rich Tom from the North Bay. Fantasy local news lineup of current staffs from any times. I’d say Dan Ashley lead anchor, Juliette Goodrich second anchor, Lyanne Melendez reporter, Paul Heggen weather and cheating on the last one Raj Mathai sports (can’t stand any sportscaster especially since Ibanez is gone and 2 will probably get rid of Fonzi). Keep up the good work.

    1. Some disagreements:

      Goodrich and Hackney. Sanctimonious Ashley can provide bumper music and guitar licks. Sub Peck for Heggen and add Kyla Grogan. Don't care about sports. I know you have issues with him, Rich, but if anything I kinda like Vern Glenn. And Frank Somerville can do a revival of People Behaving Badly: "See that Porsche smashing into that pole? That's me. I was behaving badly.

    2. I’m tired of Kyla I thought she was good but she is just better than most at Kron

  23. Is Grant Lodes the absolute worst person at KRON to be hosting a Bay Area Backroads reboot or is Grant Lodes the absolute WORST person at KRON to be hosting a Bay Area Backroads reboot? Reyna Harvey would KILL as host.

    1. He’s more of an Evening Magazine vibe.

      Why is he wearing a sport coat for Backroads?

      Who has the aged hippie vibe at KRON?

    2. Yes, the reboot is the worst and Grant is terrible. Grant is personable, but a bit too swarmy for me. Agree, he's more suited for some evening magazine show. Reyna Harvey?! No way. She is terrible. I would think Ken Wayne would have been nice for it. Not as young as Grant, but more down to earth.

    3. This backroads reboot sucks! They will NEVER bring OLD KRON back

  24. Once again I missed this. Eventually I'll be around for one of your rounds.

  25. Not a question to ask you but just a comment: Christina Rendon is doing sports tonight on KTVU (don't ask me why!) and she says the Astros are up 2-0 when the bases are loaded and Kyle Tucker hits a home run, making the score 5-0. Okay, Christine, do the math: They were up 2-0 and after this homer they're up 5-0, three more runs. So the bases could not have been loaded.

    Sheesh! I don't watch sports, didn't even see the game, and I know that's wrong because *I can count.*

    1. In fairness to Christina, at least she didn't refer to baseball runs as 'points,' as Jessie Gary did when they inexplicably assigned him to do sports.

    2. But the funny thing is, baseball people call it points. I remember when Mike Scioscia was manager he always called runs, points

  26. Don't recall you ever mentioning Doug McConnell of Back roads. Has to be well in his 80's. 90's. Does someone pull a string behind him when he pops that huge grin after every question?

    David, San Jose

  27. I personally like Melissa's friendly, folksy approach to the morning news. If we can't have Bunger or Susan Leigh Taylor, I think she's about the best one they have. Though I have no problem with Holly either. I sure do wish they'd get rid of Burch on weekdays and replace her with The Pecker.
