Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thursday PM Talk of the Town; Exclusive: ABC7 Producer Held Mistakenly By SFPD; Released; KGO GM Wants To Milk It; KNBR Hohler Assumes Assistant PD Duties; Giants Continue to Schmooze with Bob Costas


At ABC7, all the chit-chat at the office: a mid-day producer was taken into custody this early Thursday morning by the SFPD --but it was a mistake. The producer, who is black, fit the description of a guy wanted on a series of crimes; robberies, burglaries and the like. The KGO-TV producer was innocent and the cops subsuquently admitted to the mistake.

The producer (I'm keeping his name mum) was released from custody, but now a new development.

KGO-TV GM, Tom Cibrowski, apparently wants to makes waves with the story. And perhaps even milk it. I'm not defending the SFPD, but seems like an honest mistake. We'll watch the developments.

*At KNBR, longtime producer, Mike Hohler, has been promoted by Cumulus to becomne its assistant PD --Hohler, who also produces the 49ers radio broadcasts, is now under the wing of PD, Kevin Graham, a guy who might be updating his resume any day soon because, well, use your own imagination.

*The Giants continue to have discussions with Bob Costas to do 30-40 games next year. It makes sense and it's not out of the ordinary; the Oakland A's used Dick Stockton as their TV guy in the 1991 season.

Costas loves baseball and he also is interested in a gig but it's not known if a deal is imminent. Money, I'm told, isn't an issue.

Stay tuned.


  1. I can tolerate Costas for a 30-40 game package ...

    1. I could as well

    2. I hope the Giants don't sign Bob Costas. He's a terrific in studio host but I find him very difficult to listen to as a play by play announcer. He never stops talking and there's an undertoned arrogance in his delivery that talks down to the viewer. I really hope this doesn't come to pass..

  2. Ken Wilson, who also has a noteworthy resume (including national work), called A's TV games back in the '90s.

  3. And having Costas will boost ratings? When the product on the field is crap, only Vin Scully could boost ratings. Sadly for the fans of the great voice, he's not here.

    1. I don't know why there are so many worshippers at the church of Vin. Best announcer I've ever heard was Ernie Harwell. And there's a lot to be said about an upbeat duo in the broadcast booth: the back and forth can be quite entertaining.

  4. Ken Wilson was a solid announcer. One of the best during his hey day. Unfortunately, he had enough of the business and after he was the TV voice for the St. Louis Blues, he left for Hawai'i.

  5. Given Costas' disdain for Barry Bond's achievements, this would see to be a marriage headed for the rocks very early.

  6. Believe Dick Stockton announced the A's starting in 1993 when they were on KRON 4 for a minute.

  7. I worked for a year with Ken Wilson in Seattle radio when he was Dave Niehaus’s sidekick on the Mariners’ broadcasts. He might have been a solid announcer but he was an insincere, egotistical jerk who loved to insult younger people he worked with at the radio station that carried the M’s games. He was a bully and could pretty much humiliate anyone he wanted to because the GM didn’t care. Knew he was a phony when I first met him.

  8. Costas is a baseball fan. Likely he knows that his addition would be akin to putting lipstick on a pig. The Giants, whom I live and die with each season, will be perennial also rans for 4-5 years. The cleaning will begin when they move on from Kapler. He is no Bochy.

    1. Kapler is a kneeler and a YES man. He will do what ever Morocco Mole tells him to do. Rodon is not coming back because of him. Bochy saw the writing on the wall. The SJW Giants are going nowhere.

    2. 8:31 I'd rather have a kneeler as a coach....than an election-denying most of the other managers in baseball and coaches in the NFL and NCAA football.

  9. Speaking of announcers, I’m a lifelong Warriors fan, season ticket holder for 14 years, and Warriors games are appointment-tv for me - sadly though, Bob Fitzgerald’s worsening homerism is making it more and more difficult to watch games. With their string of championships, more of their games are on TNT and ESPN, so at least I have options where I can listen to actual basketball people, and not a fanboy sissy. But the majority of their games are still only available on NBC Sports Bay Area.
    Yes, he’s a Warriors employee but still. He screams and cheers louder than anyone at the sports bars where I watch the games. He gives no real basketball insights, doesn’t talk about strategy, yet he sure knows how to scream like a teenage girl. His head is so far up the players’ asses that he can practically see out of their mouth.
    I don’t need to listen to a hysterical cheerleader. I want to listen to someone who can talk about the game, the teams, the players, strategy, etc.
    Remember those people who would go crazy, scream, cry, speak in tongues, and faint at the mere sight of Prince or Michael Jackson? Fitzgerald sounds just like that for the entire game.

    1. I agree 100 percent If the Warriors are not on the local station I watch and listen to any one but BOB. I once mentioned this to one of his broadcast partners and he said it wasn’t the first time he had heard that.

  10. Here we go again. Julie Haener is starting in with her missing work thing. You knew it was only a matter of time.

  11. Hey Rich.... It's about 10:50 and I'm watching Roberta Gonzalez do the weather. Any idea why her right hand looks like the Mummy? It looks like two of her fingers are in a splint while the rest of her hand and wrist/lower arm is wrapped in gauze. Did Rosemary knock her over? Whoops!

  12. They'd need a booster seat ofr Bob and a basket for his ego

  13. KGO-TV GM Tom Cibrowski should use his head before going off on the SFPD. I'm no fan, but I know they extend courtesies to reporting crews...letting them park in areas that technically illegal so that they can cover stories and so forth. As anyone who's ever worked in the news biz knows, after a TV station airs an unfavorable story about the department they will suddenly find themselves ticketed for petty things whereas before the cops would just look the other way. But I'll bet Cibrowski has as much experience in the day-to-day operations of a newsroom as my left little toe.

  14. When Kuip is “on assignment,” Bob Costas would be great, however, I prefer Ted Robinson. He is popular with Bay Area listeners with his history at Stanford, 49ers and Giants.

    1. That would be the Home Run! Scoring Ted Robinson to come to the booth as Miller, Kruk and Kuip gracefully exit.

  15. Interesting...a black man was unjustly PROFILED and the most impassioned comments are about sports announcers. Priorities. POSERS, INDEED!

    1. He fit the description. And he was rightfully detained.
      This is the Rich Lieberman Blog, not Democracy Now. Take your filth somewhere else.

      KCBS Employee

    2. Seriously? Because getting the right play-by-play is SOOOOOOOOOOOO important. I give up.

    3. There are several folks I know who do not trust the police force. Their “Blue Code” is akin to omerta, the ways of a gang. Their silence in the face of injustice is common. Perhaps nobody commented because they already know how this story will turn out. “Nothing was seen here folks, avert your gaze.”

    4. People like 7:07 are why San Francisco and liberal cities in general are disfucntional train wrecks. Woke idealogues who are allergic to facts and reality and everything is racist somehow.

  16. Mike "ass" Hohler. is Lee Hammer Jr.

    1. @9:51- Mike Hohler has been a KNBR lifer. I remember when he used to work on Murph and Mac and Gary's show. They just now promoted him to assistant PD?!?

      I think Joe Shasky aka Butcher Boy is now 95.7's assistant PD from what I heard. Didn't take him as long to get this position at 95.7 as it did Mike Hohler for KNBR.

    2. "Ass" Hohler is the perfect Cumulus employee. He's the kind of guy that would fire someone on Christmas Eve.

  17. Why aren't white professionals ever arrested by mistake. A Black film producer leaving an awards ceremony in Beverly Hills was detained by the police in a case of "mistaken idenity." Why doesn't this ever happen to white people? Oh, I know. All Black people look alike and all white people don't.

  18. How many times have you been detained? You would be livid. Get the facts before you put down an innocent black man.
