Monday, October 31, 2022

Monday Midday Happy Hour; Not So Tricky Halloween By Local Media Treaters; Lt. Jess Burch Riles PIXers; Johnny "Love" Metheny Hottest Ticket in Town

BY NOW we're resigned to it: the lazy, cheap trick employed by national and local news anchors, (others too) to show their Halloween schtick. I'm not a Debbie downer but all this has got to go. It's getting out of hand.

This morning on KRON's news, business reporter, Rob Black was dressed up as Elton John with the big hair and sun glasses --Black is ostensibly there, even at KRON, to report on business matters and not act like a bufoon and moron. He's lost all credibility.

It's news people's duties to report the news, not act like little kids at the neighborhood ghost party. Obvioulsy, Black didn't get the memo. He wasn't alone.


*At KPIX, the newsroom has been schmoozing about weather anchor and military LT, Jessica Burch, she who has been AWOL for a good three weeks (she's since returned); the latest? Staff has acknowledged her "vacation" was a bit curious, timing wise, (before November Sweeps, really?) --any how, Burch has some 'splaining to do at her PIX abode otherwise the staff is gonna turn, baby, turn.

*HOTTEST ticket in town: Johnny "Love" Metheny's new, soon-to-be opened hot spot across the street from his "Blue Light" club on Union Street. Gwyneth Paltrow is already an A-lister celeb with a table in the back and that's just the beginning.

Go, go, go Johnny go!


  1. Burch is green. She’s made rookie mistakes. She chose to immediately do things that would naturally tick off her co-workers, including buying an excessive number of social media followers and likes, and taking extended time off. Both have led to a significant amount of gossip, resentment, and eye-rolling at pix. Also, while everyone respects her national guard reservist duties, there’s a general sense around the building that Burch believes she’s superior to others simply because her military rank was displayed for several month on chyrons.
    She’s also known by her colleagues as highly sensitive and extremely defensive leading colleagues to treat her with kid gloves and walk on eggshells around her.

    1. "She chose to immediately do things that would naturally tick off her co-workers, including buying an excessive number of social media followers and likes..."

      There's that accusation again without any evidence. Could we have some please?

    2. So I hear Brian dressed up as a Lawn Jockey today. Oh wait, that’s his work uniform.

    3. Treat her with kid gloves, WTF. She's in a very competitive, egotistical business, put your "big boy" panties on girl, (camouflage or your choice). You are not a LT. You are a 2nd LT., or 1st LT., thank you for your service. KPIX, and you need to get it right, or drop it. Many of us have served this country and sacrificed, so KPIX, get a clue, your "cute" promotional BS is a joke

    4. Jessica Burch is a 2ND LT. If you see the promos that feature her in her uniform in and around a helicopter, right there, you see her full frontal with a gold bar right there on the front of her uniform. That means she is an O-1 or, a 2nd Lt, which is the very bottom of the officer corps. One would think that by now, and considering she is a pilot, she should at the very least, be a 1st Lt by now!

  2. Re Jessica Burch…why are you always suggesting a conspiracy or some dark undertone? It’s like you’re always looking for trouble where there is none, and often in the process, besmirching someone’s character. Get some help. You need it.

  3. Honestly it’s good to have her back. Just the other day (Thurs) I was out taking some lab work & listened to KCBS 740AM on Audacy in breaks between tests and listened to Burch, she is a little too fast but I still could understand everything she said.

    But it’s also good because Darren had a deserved 2 day break before coming back over the weekend & today (filling in for Heggen, otherwise would have been Hackney, who is great but there are some things he doesn’t show in the same comprehensive way like Peck).

    Rich, any word from KPIX on their weather anchor AM/Noon posting? It’s closed but wonder if anyone new has joined.

  4. Rich, could you either clarify or debunk the comments I see here about how "the lieutenant" is buying half her Instagram followers. Who said this, and how would they know? I'm sure she's not advertising it.

    1. This is a fact. You can see it for yourself. As many here have pointed out, look through her follower list and you will see inauthentic/fake/bot accounts. You may or may not know how to spot a fake account, but for those that do it’s as clear as day. People began to scrutinize this when her rate of growth on social media was completely unrealistic and artificial.
      Since her behavior came to light on this blog, she has completely stopped growing on Instagram, after growing at a rate of ~1,000 followers per day.
      These are all indisputable facts.

  5. Some of the LT's co-anchors have noticed she's easily triggered by comments about her on social media and the web. Her natural reaction is to get angry and fight back against less-than-positive comments using anonymous accounts. She's been talked to about the importance of developing a thick skin, which begins with ignoring the chatter and focusing on doing her job and doing it well.

  6. I'm surprised that the 'LT' is as thin skinned as reported? W

  7. None of the people who comment here know shit about Jessica. She’s the most honest, humble, gracious, loyal patriotic person you will ever meet. She has a large friend group and her all of her KPIX colleagues speak highly of her.
    Yes, she did buy followers but only because she felt pressured to do so. But so what? She spent her own money and didn’t hurt anyone.
    Those here who claim to have “inside knowledge” or who spew negativity for no reason other than to stir shit up really need to get the mental health assistance they clearly need.

    1. It's Halloween. You've had too much sugar today, my friend.

    2. Hi Jessica LOL. Put the phone down kiddo.

    3. Exactly. And Rich censors any comments pro-LT.

  8. I don't mind Jessica, I just didn't like seeing her LT on her graphic and thankfully KPIX got rid of it

  9. Rich,
    I saw Andrea Nakano co-anchoring the KPIX evening weekend news.
    She is a natural at the anchor at the news and sports desk. I hope this assignment is permanent and the suits recognize her talent,

    1. Andrea is great, I wish she was back at 11PM on weeknights and put Donchey as a fill in or weekend anchor

    2. My guess is that Sara Donchey is paid a high salary when she transferred from CBS Los Angeles to CBS Bay Area. While Andrea is a far superior anchor, news & sports reporter, management determined she was not their choice for 11:00 pm. She was excellent paired with Brian Hackney this past weekend. I hope she stays there.

    3. The other reason I don’t like Sara is because she isn’t professionally dressed compared to say Liz, Amanda, Gianna, etc. She was anyway filling in also at 5pm with Reed but wish they brought another coanchor at 11pm or Nakano back.

  10. KGO had its 7am show dress up as Good Morning America and of course Reggie had a wig and lipstick and read the news in it.

    1. Yes, Regie was dressing as Ginger Zee... of GMA

  11. Burch definitely is inexperienced and should have gone to Fresno to learn her craft before coming to KPIX. She jumped from 130th tv market to 6th largest in the nation. Sacramento. Fresno is the 55th largest market in the nation. What do you think?

    1. Didn’t Kate Supple (Kelly) jump from Redding to SF in one move?

    2. I stand corrected Kate went to Austin for a few years

    3. According to her linkedin, she only has about 4 years of weather experience. And the posting they put out for a weather anchor (weekday morning & noon) is a senior level, requiring 5-10 years experience. Is it possible they want to get someone else onboard as a backup but help guide Jessica when needed? That is beneficial if she wants to obtain an AMS certification and ofc getting her work reviewed by senior/chief meteorologists.

    4. AMS certification doesn't mean diddly.. I daresay a helicopter pilot has a lot better understanding of weather than anyone with a little AMS sticker.

  12. She’s young. She’ll eventually learn to ignore social media comments. If she doesn’t, she won’t last very long in the industry.

  13. It's unusual, but not unheard of to jump from a small market to a top 10 market. 6:23 is right that the next logical step should have been to go to a mid size market.
    One thing that might help Jessica is to go through the process to receive an AMS certification. My understanding is that as part of the process, she would have to submit videos of some of her weathercasts. I would think she would want her best work to be considered. That would encourage her to ask her colleagues to review her work and give her suggestions that she can follow in order to perfect her weathercasts not only for the viewers but also for the AMS broadcast certification panel.

    1. She can always check and get it reviewed with Paul Heggen & Darren Peck, both of which are AMS Certified and ofc any in other stations like maybe John Shrable, Rob Mayeda, Jeff Raineri (all are legitimately AMS certified). Paul Deanno (the guy who left before Heggen took his place) is also AMS certified. I feel Jessica Burch has a lot of potential. Don’t worry about her personal life and social media followers. She has the potential to excel in her career.

      Also speaking of AMS Certified, I had a question…KPIX often displays AMS sign next to the meteorologists. But is Brian Hackney or Mary Lee AMS Certified? I checked the list and they are NOT as far as I know. Emily Turner is NOT AMS certified for sure because as most people have said she wasn’t really a “true” meteorologist but only followed the notes that others left at their desk. But yet they still display AMS next to her name. Not so with Jessica Burch.

      Is KPIX just displaying AMS for the heck of it despite some of their metrorologists not AMS certified? Just a curious question, I found it a little annoying with Brian Hackney, Mary Lee, and Emily Turner. Anyone have an idea?

    2. Brian Hackney and Mary Lee are both certified meteorologists. Brian is highly qualified and probably knows more about weather than just about anybody. His problem is that he KNOWS HOW SMART HE IS.

    3. Great to know. I figured but just wanted to confirm. But Emily Turner (former) is not AMS certified, yet when she did do the weather there was an AMS sticker next to her name.

      KPIX sometimes just puts it for the heck of it. I can be wrong though.

  14. "Encourage her to ask her colleagues to review her work and give her suggestions"??? Are you for real? First of all, none of her colleagues have a clue, let alone management. Most of the on-air talent belong in Dump Truck, West Virginia.

    1. By colleagues, I guess the poster is referring to meteorologists, mainly Darren Peck & Paul Heggen, who she has likely closely worked with. Even Brian Hackney & Mary Lee could help if she has that drive or interest to pursue an AMS.

      She has a YT channel with her resume reel & weather she has done at the other station at KRCR up in Redding as an example.

  15. Maybe Jessica will go to CBS Sacramento for weather anchor seasoning and Julie Watts will come back to KPIX for a temporary duty assignment until Jessica returns.

  16. Johnny Love? I've always thought his bar "Toy Soldier" sounded odd. Must have a deep bench of financial types to pull off another club while The City is still slow.

  17. Dayyyuuum...Burch has killer legs!

  18. Ah, the LT love fest continues. Hope she's getting some mileage out of this. Jess, "Embrace the Suck". Stop giving a shit what other people think. Media is circling the bowl anyway.

  19. Those legs go a long way, smoothing over a lot of rough edges.

  20. While Jessica Burch isn't my cup of tea, I don't understand all the vitriol and visceral reactions to her. Is she really that bad? I would argue she's not. Does she ruffle feathers? I don't know, and I don't think anyone here really knows. Did she buy followers? It sounds like she did, but she's young. She'll outgrow that phase. Is the 'LT' thing annoying? Of course it is, but my guess is it was more of a management decision than hers.
    My point here is I must be missing something because I don't see anything about her that should trigger such harsh commentary.
    And, no, I'm not Jessica.

  21. Jessica does the best she can. She's not that bad although she makes noticeable mistakes on air from time to time but who doesn't. We are all human.

  22. As a reservist she has to do 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a year. Are we sure she wasn't doing her Air Force gig?

  23. I saw one YT video with Jessica Burch earlier this morning. She's a great meteorologist but you can really tell she is inexperienced. When she was showing the Fog Futurecast, she went on in saying "stay tuned with Paul Heggen tonight as he will be able to explain this in more detail". Even Mary Lee, who is obviously experienced never really quoted Paul Heggen in explaining something she did not know how to explain very well. Only if something important was coming up at that hour. Heck, why don't they bring Paul Heggen in one morning after Darren Peck covers for him in one evening?

    Moreover, I'm starting to think if either this year or sometime next year, we will have a new (or perhaps a backup, experienced weekday AM meteorologist) and still keep Jessica Burch. As we're getting closer to the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's), I don't anticipate anyone new will be joining. If at all, likely January or February.

    Paul or Darren should sit with her and probably help brush up some of her skills and help her get AMS certified if she has that interest or drive to. I feel Burch has a lot of potential and will succeed in this station and career one way or another. She has a kind and humbling personality and for the most part can explain many things in detail.
