Monday, October 3, 2022

Harold Green Inspiration For Ron Burgundy; KPIX Doldrums Less Toxic But Still Crappy at 855 Battery; Goodrich/Cook Synergy?: Stacy Owen/Jess Aguirre at NBC Bay Area Rally The Troops; Raj Mathai/Janelle Wang Chung Tonight; KTVU Eternal Toxic; Fonzi Funk; Ibanez/Haener Magic; Happy Monday

YES, it was long-ago KPIX anchor, Harold Greene, (and San Diego's KGTV), who allowed Will Farrell to follow him around and thus, you have Ron Burgandy.

And now you have...the rest of the story.

*2022 PIX: the new rollout of newish (sort of) anchors in different time slots--chief among them, Juliette Goodrich solo-anchoring at 6 and 7, has found a little more energy and appears steady although the newsroom is just as chaotic as ever. People, especially the producers and editors don't know their role. Can you believe it? What a bizarro. Maybe Lisa White should buy the staff lunch and, oh, I don't know, drinks too. Even a few Subway sandwiches wouldn't cost that much, Lisa, and the end result could be just what you need. In addition to everything else.

*Actually Liz Cook and Goodrich would be a splendid twosome on the desk but yeah, pairing two women, (both white) is against the law in the TV Newsroom code society.

*Scott Warren, you can't hide Ryan Yamamoto, you're stuck with him. Just put him on at noon where nobody will see him.

*Dear Stacy Owen (GM/NBC Bay Area), you and Jess Aguirre may have made it to the Silver Circle, but you guys have issues un your own newsroom. The troops have seemed to indicate (to moi) that they rarely get any decent feedback (if at all), and feel somewhat betrayed. Stace, I do belive a conference/chat is in order to tell the staff you love them all and that life is good, assuming you love 'em all and life is good.

Oh, and don't forget the Subway sandwiches and coffee.

*Life is good for them two: Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang.

Hey Raj, I heard that 9 o'clock "meeting" at the hotel up the street, was quite "informative."

*There's nothing wrong for maintaining cohesive thought and energy. It's not in the handbook but so the hell, what! People are people, especially guys and dolls, so I say as long as no one gets hurt, carry on.

*I keep saying it can't get any more toxic at KTVU but then more and more folks tell me the chatty folks who spend the time across the street at the parking lot condo have a fresh round of more garbage to talk about and it is indeed more gar-bage. The Firm is especially pissed off about how the ratings --at 10 PM specifically--is cratering mightily and how the new guy in charge has more baggage than the United terminal at SFO.

Screw sandwiches, Amber (Eikel) --take the staff to the bar at the Butter Cup and let some steam off. You have zero to lose.

New joke at Fox2: "Mike Mibach is our Ryan Yamamoto."

To which I say, "ouch!"

*ADD KTVU: Joe Fonzi: why bother?

*It's not Fonzi's fault he looks about 77 and it's also bull they're paying him about 12 bucks an hour.

*Mark Ibanez is so relaxed now he told Julie Haener she could take off her high heels and hit him in the face.

*Assuming Julie was at work.

*If I were a shrink, I'd set up an office in Jack London Square and offer discounts to all personnel at Channel 2 because I know I'd be a very rich man.

*Then again, people at PIX are screaming, "what about us"!

*Happy Monday.


  1. Julie Haener's son is currently on the sidelines and it's not clear if and when he'll return this season. Not sure if Haener is more upset by her son's absence from the lineup or that she can no longer use his games as an excuse to miss 4 work days per week.

    What excuse will she come up with now?

    1. She doesn’t need an excuse. She takes as much time off as she wants whenever she feels like it. Amber has convinced herself that ktvu would fall apart without Haener so she lets her get away with anything and Haener takes full advantage.

  2. With Raj Matha in the South Bay, F.P. Santangelo in SF, and Greg Papa in the East Bay, there's no place in the Bay Area women can go without fear of creepiness and sexual harassment.

    1. Dave Fieldhouse is creepy too,kept calling Sir Greg "papa bear".on nbc sunday night post game
      Why do viewers have to put up with people like Fieldhouse and carlos ramierz/rod brooks?

  3. KTVU as 2 white women on (Haener and Holmes) on. Cleavon Little now knows where the white women are hiding.

  4. Harold Greene's co anchor at the time was Jack White...
    Jack was the technical consultant for the movie. Jack passed away last year.

  5. Monday Monday
    Every now and then the Boss needs to buy Lunch for the Crew, just to say “Thank You”.
    Most couples meet at 1. school 2. Work 3. Through a friend. While nearly all companies have a policy about preying on underlings, and discourage office romances, as Johnny Mathis sang “chances are…”
    I am of the mindset that Mr Yamamoto be given some time to strengthen his game. The great Willie Mays did not get a hit in his first 28 at bats in MLB, yet his manager gave him a long leash and encouragement. All of us were apprentices at one time or another, we need to encourage growth, not stifle it. Give Mr Yamamoto time, he will be fine.
    Mr Lieberman I hope your year ahead is filled with joy, laughter, plenty of support, and a ton of respect. You are doing well, THANK YOU.

    1. Mr Yamamoto is not a Hall of Fame All Star outfielder for the Giants. Bad analogy/comparison @4:53pm. Ryan couldn't even carry Mr. Mays jock, bats and glove. Swing 'n a miss!

  6. I keep tuning in to KCBS hoping to find a news station and instead i get Covid reports every 10 minutes sandwiched in between soft features about nonprofits and government agencies. It's as if they took those boring Jefferson Award puff pieces and decided to churn out several every day. Today they had a feature about some do-gooder agency that is supposed to rehabilitate violent murders and rapists, and set them loose on the streets. The dumb reporter didn't ask what the program's recidivism rate is. Meanwhile there's all sorts of real news happening, but no time for that. It's time for another Covid story. The current editors and producers at KCBS have no experience or news judgment. They should be pushing their young reporters to ask important questions. Maybe they don't care? Or maybe they're auditioning for public radio?

  7. Andrea is on the 11PM news for the third week in a row. Guessing based on previous posts, one poster could be right that she got promoted to 11PM which is good and she deserves it as she is a very solid anchor overall. Definitely miles better than Donchey in terms of professionalism.

    Meanwhile, Saturday night, Ryan Yamamoto filled in for Brian Hackney, don’t think he was good at all.

    1. I don't mind Yamamoto but I do look forward to Hackney's weekend shows and am disappointed any time someone else appears.

    2. Hackney is good but stopped his “Good Evening I’m” greeting” and just goes into the “We begin tonight….”. No one else does this except Jules who has her own show on weekdays, but at least greets with a “Hello”. Besides that he’s a great anchor.

  8. Julie Haener is on air more than Joe Fonzi?

    1. I’m pretty sure the janitor is the only person there who’s on air less than Haener.

  9. Glad that KPIX finally got rid of the LT for Jessica Burch. About time!

    1. What are you talking about? Burch was doing the weather from one of the Fleet week navy sites. Sometimes even the main meteorologists had days where they do weather at their usual time albeit from different places.

      Ex. Paul Heggen last November from a Whole Foods in Oakland at his usual hours but returned to the studio for the 11PM newscast. Another case was in June from the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton (he lives in San Ramon/Alamo).

      Ex. Darren Peck did fill in weather last October on a Friday from downtown SF & near Oracle Park but returned to the studio for the 11PM newscast.

    2. Ohh sorry about that, I misread. I now realized you mean get rid of the LT whilst displaying her name.

      Oh for that yes also glad too.

  10. I hate to be harsh, after all the only time I ever anchored a newscast was for a middle-school video-class project, and boy did that go south, but Ryan Yamamoto looks and sounds like some kind of student intern.

  11. KGO just pulled the plug (10:15 am). Went from live broadcast to constant announcement of new radio station starting Monday.. Didn't even give hosts time to say goodbye.
